Chapter 55
Yu Linsheng got off the horse and greeted with a blank expression: "My Highness."

Seeing his reluctance and reluctance, Jiang Ze felt very relieved, so what if he has backbone and arrogance?It's not here yet, huh!
Yu Linjing said: "There are a lot of things to do today, we can't delay any longer, it's time to go, Your Highness."

Jiang Ze glanced at Yu Linsheng, very proud: "Let's go."

Yu Linsheng got on the horse, followed them, and hurried to the place where the bandits were troubled.

With injuries on his body, Yu Linsheng fell behind a little bit due to the unbearable bumps. On the way, Yu Linze quietly fell behind and threw something, Yu Linsheng caught it and saw it was a small porcelain bottle.

"Injured both internally and externally but not taking medicine to rest, hurting the essence."

Yu Linsheng looked at him, but Yu Linze didn't intend to continue talking to him, so he urged the horse to catch up, poured out the medicine in the bottle and ate it, and Yu Linsheng also rushed up.

In an hour, I arrived on a sandy slope, and at the bottom was an avenue, with some sparse weeds on both sides. When the strong wind blew, the sky was full of yellow sand and dust, covering people's sight.

Yu Linsheng looked around carefully, the terrain here is wide open, and horse robbery is the best place to ambush, with yellow sand, who can see the surroundings clearly, stabbing people in the back, even finding no place to hide, Those who walk on this road are no different from prey that has nowhere to escape.

Jiang Ze glanced slightly: "Go, look around."

Immediately, three people galloped downhill to look at it. Yu Linsheng drove his horse along the slope, wanting to take a closer look at the terrain. Yu Linjing and Yu Linze stood by Jiang Ze's side, and the others also dispersed. .

Looking at the surrounding terrain, Yu Linsheng smacked his lips. He wanted to see which hero the bandit leader was. Such an inconvenient terrain could be robbed, master.

Just as he was thinking about it, there were a few screams down the slope, and he rushed back to see that the person who had just descended the slope to check was nailed to his leg by a hidden arrow that flew out from somewhere, piercing through one leg, spreading blood, and the others immediately became vigilant.

Yu Linsheng got off his horse and walked down the slope, but he didn't intend to help that person. He looked at the position of the hidden arrow and estimated the general direction. The individual is dead, so there is no need to care about it.

Jiang Ze's complexion was very bad: "What's going on? Didn't one of the many people find out that the other party had an ambush?"

Yu Linjing said: "Your Highness, this is not an ambush, it's a mechanism. People have tampered with that road. I'm afraid they just touched the mechanism and were shot by the hidden arrows that have already been secured."

Jiang Ze's complexion was even worse, he gritted his teeth and cursed, turned his horse and left, and the others immediately followed.

Yu Linsheng was still supporting the injured man: "Can I still ride a horse?"

The man was in severe pain, his lips turned white, but he still nodded: "Your subordinate is fine, thank you, Third Young Master."

After breaking the body of the arrow, he managed to stop the bleeding for him, and helped him onto the horse. Yu Linsheng got on the horse after that, and chased Jiang Ze with him leisurely.

"I didn't hurt my bones, but after I go back, I still have to adjust it carefully."


"Although I didn't see it just now, but looking at the traces on the ground, you must have narrowly dodged the deadly arrow in the back, so you accidentally injured your leg, right?"

The man was slightly surprised: "Yes, the first arrow was shot when we were unprepared, and the subordinates were also unprepared."

Yu Linsheng smiled at him, her clear eyes seemed to see through him: "You are prepared, otherwise, you will not be able to hide, your kung fu is not weak."

 Shizheng used to be good at plotting texts, but now I love to try different styles. Everything written is plotting. I always have to ask someone to help me see where I need to change, so the speed will be very slow, but the code words of Shizheng Don't worry about the speedy ones, if you say happy, you are happy, and even the tricks are happy for him.

  If you see a cutie, please bookmark it. The municipal government now collects 97. If you want to break the [-] mark today, this wish should not be too much. I love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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