The general has a cute wife

Chapter 62 Showing love in front of the prince

Chapter 62 Showing love in front of the prince
Because Yu Linsheng was beaten that day, Xiao Wanqing gave him a fierce meal, which made the high-ranking prince Jiang Yan feel very upset. Later, he heard that Yu Linsheng was seriously injured and passed out, but he was so happy that he was not happy yet. A few days ago, I heard that Yu Linsheng had woken up, and ran to the Yushi Mansion while still in trouble.

This bastard was injured and went to seduce his little cousin if he didn't take good care of it. Uncle Keren and Auntie couldn't bear it.

Jiang Yan packed his things neatly, and immediately came to live in Xiao's mansion under the banner of building a good relationship with his cousin Xiao Jian.

The prince came, but the Xiao family was very busy. They waited on them one by one, drank three cups of tea, ran to the hut twice, and didn't see Xiao Wanqing. Only after asking, did they know that she was studying. ,No time.

Xiao Wanqing was indeed studying, but
In the back garden of the Xiao Mansion, there was a big banyan tree with luxuriant branches and a thick layer of fallen leaves. Yu Linsheng sat on it, holding the book in his hand and explaining it word by word. Listen carefully on your back.

Jiang Yan walked over and saw this scene, and his face turned dark immediately.

Do you two dare to get any closer?

Yu Linsheng, this bastard, this dude, doesn't he know how to avoid suspicion?Don't you know that men and women are not clear about giving and receiving?

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yu Linsheng turned around to look, seeing him, her eyes moved, she put down the book, as if waiting for Jiang Yan to come over.

The little girl hadn't noticed that Jiang Yan was here, she looked at Yu Linsheng strangely: "Why don't you talk about it?"

Jiang Yan changed his expression and came over with a smile: "Qing'er."

The little girl glanced at him, then turned her head in a daze, lay on Yu Linsheng's shoulder and whispered to him: "That day he didn't decide for us, so we ignored him."

Yu Linsheng held back her smile, this little girl is quite vengeful.

Being directly ignored, Jiang Yan couldn't hold back his face anymore, and squatted down cheekily: "Qing'er, what's wrong?"

Still ignored, didn't even look at it, it was Yu Linsheng who spoke.

"See His Royal Highness."

Jiang Yan smiled coldly: "Is General Yu's injury better?"

He was referring to saving Jiang Ze this time, but the little girl thought he was talking about the injury from that night, so she retorted very bluntly.

"You still have the nerve to say that it's all your fault. He hasn't recovered yet, and he has to drink a big bowl of medicine every day."

Yu Linsheng patted her head: "Don't lose your temper."

The little girl snorted, and continued to turn her head and lay on her stomach. Listening to her, Jiang Yan guessed that Yulinsheng was in danger outside the city and almost died. He probably didn't tell Xiao Wanqing, and he had an idea in his heart.

"Qing'er, since he is still injured, how can you still lie on your stomach, stand up quickly."

He's still here, if you two get tired of being so crooked again, he'll leave.

The little girl tilted her head to look at him, then turned to look at Yu Linsheng.

Oh, I'm going, you two are about to kiss, can you stay away?

Jiang Yan wished he could go up and take Xiao Wanqing off Yu Linsheng.

Yu Linsheng smiled: "Lie down, you are not heavy, and I am not tired."

Jiang Yan stared at him, Yu Linsheng, you must have done it on purpose, the lonely king is upset.

The little girl continued to lie on her stomach with peace of mind, and after a while, she raised her head to look at Jiang Yan again, which was very strange.

"Brother Prince, why don't you leave? We still have to study, don't influence us."


Jiang Yan forced a smile: "What book is Qing'er studying? Why don't you invite a gentleman and go back to study in the study in the palace?"

The little girl shook her head decisively: "No, I want Yu Linsheng to teach me."

Yu Linsheng, did you give my Qing'er a potion of ecstasy?
Jiang Yan was very upset, staring at Yu Linsheng who was quietly reading a book and didn't care about them, and asked, "I heard that General Yu was seriously injured outside the city and has been in a coma for several days. I wonder if he is better now?"

 Don't think that Prince Jiang Yan is very serious, that is in front of others, in front of Wanwan he is a sister slave.

(End of this chapter)

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