Chapter 651 Yu Linsheng, that bastard
The two little ones held her hand and jumped up and down: "Auntie, do you know when my mother will come back?"

Cheng Jing paused before laughing: "It's coming soon, I'll be back in a few days."

"When my mother comes back, I will tell her that I am reading every day, and we are obedient."

They went to the open space of the imperial garden, Yu Jinxuan picked up a wooden stick and wrote to Cheng Jing: "Auntie, I can write the names of my father and mother, I will write it for you."

He wrote it stroke by stroke, and it was really correct, but it was crooked and ugly.

The serving mother immediately boasted: "Your Highness is really smart."

Cheng Jing smiled: "It's smart, walk early when you talk, and you can be eloquent when you are young."

Yu Jinchen looked for a sense of existence by himself: "Auntie, I'm smart too."

Cheng Jing couldn't laugh or cry: "You are all smart, you are all smart, how can the emperor and his wife's children not be smart?"

Thinking of this, Cheng Jing's nose got sore and she almost cried.

The life in the small mountain village is very pleasant.

Xiao Wanqing likes this kind of mountain forest life very much. She cooks and eats every day, and chats with the gossiping women in the village, and she can learn a lot of news from them.

Sometimes I follow them to dig weeds in the mountains, and I can learn a few herbs, and even follow her daughter-in-law who is about the same age to see people weaving.

She also learned to drink, and other village women would ask her to drink some wine, and she herself would save a little money from time to time, hiding from Jiang Yan and quietly going to buy some wine.

Jiang Yan didn't stop her when he found out, and even fried a small plate of peanuts for her and put them on the table: "Drinking too much alcohol will hurt your health, and eating a few peanuts will make you dumb."

She lay on the table and shook her head, already a little drunk: "Tell me, why is this person so strange? I'm fine during the day, but at night, I feel very uncomfortable. I feel lonely. Why is it so strange?" Poor."

Jiang Yan took the small wine jar from her hand: "It's not pitiful, it's not pitiful, don't drink it, it will make you uncomfortable if you drink too much."

She sobbed and cried: "Let me tell you, I know it's fake, but even if I know it's fake, I still feel sad. I think my child, Yu Linsheng, that bastard, stinky man, how dare he Give me and Li Shu, he's a big liar, he doesn't want me anymore."

She said nonsense, Jiang Yan didn't persuade her too much, went to fetch hot water, wiped her face, carried her to sleep, Xiao Xiong came and nestled beside her, Xiao Wanqing was in a daze Hugged him, thinking it was her child.

Jiang Yan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her, pulled the quilt for her, turned off the light and went to sleep on his own floor.

On the second day, Xiao Wanqing had a severe headache, she had no strength, and her nose was running. Jiang Yan came in with a bowl of ginger soup.

"Drink it soon, and you'll be fine if you sweat."

She sat on the bed wrapped in a quilt: "Did it rain last night? Why is it so cold? It's only July."

"It's raining. There was lightning and thunder last night. You kicked the quilt while you slept. I even covered you with the quilt several times."

After drinking ginger soup, she fell asleep again: "I want to sleep for a while."

Jiang Yan also covered her with his quilt, carried the bear out, and let her fall asleep by herself.

While cooking, the aunt who was familiar with Xiao Wanqing came in: "Wang Shan, where's your wife? We're going to dig wild vegetables, it's time to go."

Jiang Yan wiped his hands and stood up: "She is not feeling well today, so I won't go, please trouble my aunt."

(End of this chapter)

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