The general has a cute wife

Chapter 655 You Are My Mother, Others Can't Like You

Chapter 655 You Are My Mother, Others Can't Like You
The nanny at the side said: "Miss Cheng, those clothes are homely. Today is a palace banquet. Your Highnesses are wearing those. They are too shabby and inappropriate."

Cheng Jing put down the food box, led them over, and picked up a few clothes from Xiao Wanqing's pile of clothes.

"The emperor taught His Royal Highness to be frugal. His Royal Highness can still wear these clothes if he likes them. The style is no worse than that of the Shang Yi Bureau, and the materials are also good. What's so shabby or not? Just wearing these few clothes is quite in line with the rules." .”

The nuns didn't dare to speak anymore, Cheng Jing dressed them up, tied their hair, let them eat first, and then sent them to Qinzheng Hall.

After playing in Qinzheng Palace for a while, Yu Linsheng took them to the palace banquet. The two little ones sat next to Yu Linsheng and ate at the same table with him. what people say.

There must be singing and dancing in the palace banquet, and the lead dancer is Xu Wei. She danced Feihe very thoughtfully, dressed in white and danced like a fairy, deliberately kept looking at Yu Linsheng, her eyes flicked eagerly.

They deliberately imitated Xiao Wanqing, put a lotus platform in the lake, and let Xu Wei dance in the light. In order not to let others steal her limelight, even the backup dancer was omitted.

Yu Jinchen wanted to eat crabs, so Yu Linsheng peeled them off for him. On the contrary, Yu Jinxuan watched carefully. After the dance, Xu Wei came down from the lotus platform to pay respects. Yu Linsheng didn't speak, not even asked a question. , Xu Weiliu didn't retreat or retreat, he knelt there awkwardly.

Seeing that the next song and dance was about to start, Xu Wei said boldly, "Your Majesty, my daughter would like to offer a toast to the Emperor."

She spoke so abruptly that everyone looked up at her, but Yu Linsheng still didn't raise her eyes, as if she didn't hear her.

Yu Jinxuan said: "My father doesn't drink alcohol, so you don't have to respect, go down, we still have to watch the dance."

Xu Wei still said: "Your Majesty, my daughter has longed for him for a long time, and my daughter has no other wish but to offer a toast to the Emperor."

Only then did Yu Linsheng look up at her, her tone so calm that she couldn't tell her emotion: "I'm taking care of the child, don't drink, go down."

Before she left, Ning Zhengxi said: "Is this how Master Xu taught his daughter? Hurry up and post it?"

Xu Zhu couldn't help but glared at Xu Wei, and then she backed down unwillingly.

Yu Jinchen lay beside Yu Linsheng's ear and whispered, "Daddy, what is yearning?"

Yu Linsheng struggled for a moment: "It's because she likes Daddy."

The little guy was upset: "You are mother's, others can't like you."

Yu Linsheng dipped some vinegar in the crab roe and fed it to him: "Yes, yes, father is mother's, eat and eat."

He ate obediently, and there was another burst of singing and dancing. After watching for a long time, it became boring. The two cubs lay nestled in his arms, and fell asleep after a while. De'an carefully took a blanket and covered them.

Before the palace banquet was over, Yu Linsheng took them back. De'an brought the hot water in himself, and Yu Linsheng washed their feet and let them sleep well before going to the desk to read the memorial.

De'an carefully presented a letter: "Your Majesty, the memorial just sent by King Ning."

Yu Linsheng took it and read it. It was Ning Shu's letter: "I searched all fourteen counties in Kyushu, but there was no trace."

My heart hurts unexpectedly.

A few days ago, he asked Ming Jiang and Su Puzhen to send out to search for the person, but also said that there was no trace, where would she go?Where can she go?
(End of this chapter)

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