Chapter 663
Ning Shu went into the room and drank water before suppressing her anger, looked around and asked, "Where's Jiang Yan?"

Xiao Wanqing smiled: "He's gone, he got out with great difficulty, I don't want to drag him in again."

Ning Shu sighed: "He is also pitiful, the prince of a country has become a wild hunter."

Xiao Wanqing said: "This may be the best. For the Jiang family, it is the best for him to save his life and live in peace and stability."

Ning Shu said with a guilty conscience: "By the way, that, I wrote a letter back, which made the emperor vomit blood. My father almost scolded me to death in the letter. Now the emperor is recuperating, and the prince is in charge of the country."

Xiao Wanqing was startled: "Xiao Xuan is only three years old, he supervises the country?"

"He is the prince, and his name is justified."

Xiao Wanqing calmed down and thought about it: "Maybe Xu Zhu has already made a move, so he will push the boat along with the current. Xiao Xuan supervises the country, and Xu Zhu's vigilance will be relaxed."

Ning Shu felt puzzled: "I can't figure this out. If you think it is, then what should we do?"

Xiao Wanqing said loudly: "We will go out and negotiate with barbarians."

Ning Shu laughed: "This is good, exciting, I like it."

They quietly went to find Yu Jinyang and Yu Jinyuan, and they were still pleasantly surprised when they saw Xiao Wanqing.

"Little aunt, you came to Qingzhou, we thought you were."

Ning Shu slapped the table with a slap: "Stop talking nonsense, talk about business."

The scene of greetings that should have filled with tears was frightened by her slap. Yu Jinyang and Yu Jinyuan had never seen such a fierce woman in their life, so they were really speechless.

Xiao Wanqing said: "I have two things to ask of you, one, send us out of customs, and two, tell us where the barbarian king's tent is."

Yu Jinyang asked: "Little aunt, what are you going to do when you go out to the barbarians' tent?"

"You should know the news about Xianyang. Xu Zhu colluded with the Hu people. I can't let them cooperate with the outside world. Therefore, I will go out to negotiate with the Hu people."

Yu Jinyuan was very worried: "Little aunt, this is a big deal, what are you talking about as a woman?"

Ning Shu was upset: "What's wrong with women? Do you look down on women?"

Yu Jinyuan dared not speak.

Xiao Wanqing said: "At this time, do you think there are other candidates besides me?"

Yu Jinyang was worried: "But it's not safe outside the customs."

"I know, you just need to keep Qingzhou well. We will be back in about a month. With Princess Ning here, what are you worried about?"

They looked at Ning Shu, still worried: "Then we will go with you too."

Xiao Wanqing reprimanded slightly: "Nonsense, you are gone, who will accompany your father to defend the city? Could it be that the barbarian took advantage of the loophole?"

"Then you go, we don't worry about it."

"Don't worry, the barbarians don't dare to do anything to us. I promise, as long as the barbarians can't bring down Qingzhou, we will be fine."

They were silent for a long time, and after discussing in a low voice for a while, they asked, "Then do you need anything?"

Xiao Wanqing said, "I want three Hidden Swords, three fast horses, and one Exit Token."

"Okay, so when are you leaving?"

"Leave tomorrow."

They agreed, and Xiao Wanqing asked them again: "Don't spread the news about me, no one can say it."

"We know, little aunt, you have to be careful, we will meet you outside the customs in a month's time."


Before leaving, Xiao Wanqing sent a message to Ming Jiang and the others. There were only four words: wait for the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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