Chapter 688

We just met at that time, but every time Su Puzhen slipped out to play, she would take her and dress up as a boy to fight and get into trouble with us. She had been with Su Puzhen for ten years and watched him grow from a boy to a teenager.

Later, her family members came to redeem her from the house. Su Puzhen used her power as the son of the Su family to find her father a position in the army, and then made an engagement herself. The dowry money was pooled by all of us. Help him carry to the girl's house.

However, his family disagreed, disliked the girl's low birth, and couldn't bear Su Puzhen's own liking, so he just let go and took a concubine, and the main wife wanted to marry a high-ranking girl, so as to help him enter the court.

When we had an accident in the desert, there was no news. The girl knelt outside the temple and cried, hurt her eyes and hurt her legs. She only asked the Buddha to bless Su Puzhen to be well. Later, when Su Puzhen went back, her mother hated her even more and said nothing. Let a blind and lame girl in and force him to marry another.

Su Puzhen had a big quarrel with her family, and agreed to help Jiang Ze. She saved their marriage, and treated the girl's parents as filial piety as her own. The girl's parents died early, and he even wore mourning for them. , The wedding of the two of them was postponed, and what happened later. "

Xiao Wanqing's nose was sore: "That girl, what's her name?"

Yu Linsheng smiled: "Jiumei, that's what Su Puzhen called her. She belongs to her daughter's family, and her parents didn't give her a name."

Xiao Wanqing wiped away tears: "It's heartbreaking to hear."

Yu Linsheng rubbed against her: "Do you still remember that grandpa left not long after I married you?"

Xiao Wanqing nodded: "What's wrong?"

"Su Puzhen later found out that Jiumei's parents left before her wedding date. It's not without reason. Someone deliberately delayed the wedding date. I married you in Merlin, and it was Su Puzhen who reminded me not to be plotted against."

"Then Su Puzhen has tracked down the murderer?"

Yu Linsheng smiled wryly: "I found out, it's not like I can't wait for revenge."

She understood, so she stopped asking, and leaned against his arms in silence.

The next day, Yu Linsheng got up, and Xiao Wanqing also got up, adjusted his clothes, and hugged his waist: "I want to eat rouge goose breast. There is an old man in the third alley in the south of the city. His home is delicious." .”

Yu Linsheng went to pinch the tip of her nose: "I remember what I ate so clearly, remember to drink the medicine obediently, I will be right back, don't go out to have a wind, just stay in the room."

He took a big fur and put it on him: "I know, she looks like an old woman."

Yu Linsheng patted her head lightly and went out. After a while, a servant girl brought chicken shredded porridge. After eating for a while, she brought medicine again. After drinking the medicine, it was still Father Luo who came to take the pulse.

"Yes, this medicine works well, and the cough has decreased in the past few days."

Xiao Wanqing asked, "Father, how long will I have to take the medicine?"

"It's almost enough to drink three more, change it to a medicinal diet, but still can't blow the wind."

Xiao Wanqing said: "Father, can you give me some warming and tonic medicine to nourish the blood and nourish the body?"

Father Luo raised his eyes to look at her: "Who drinks it? The emperor drinks it?"

She nodded: "He works too hard, he often sweats at night, and his hands and feet are always cold. He didn't do it before."

Father Luo put away his things: "Then when he comes back, I'll show him. The medicine is three-point poisonous, so be careful."

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  A raging fire burned her love and superiority, she lost her internal strength, her family, and all her aura.That supreme position covered all his tenderness... Two years later, with her profound internal strength and seductive figure, she appeared like this, but the person beside her was no longer him! "I want very little, your post!" The position that originally belonged to her was offered by him with both hands, but she walked between him and him like this... "You are for the world, for the people, for the great Zhou, for the sake of Yuwen, for yourself, you only forget your A Ke, you don’t need to love me, but you shouldn’t destroy my family!” “At the beginning, I betrayed you, took you away, hurt you , I am here today. If you want this life, this person, you can take it. If you don’t want it, I will follow you all my life. If you change your mind at any time, I will give you this life at any time.” “Ke Ke, I don't want you to love me, as long as you allow me to be by your side...


(End of this chapter)

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