The general has a cute wife

Chapter 746 I have a mother-in-law just one night after I go out

Chapter 746

Tang An looked outside: "It's already time, has the Princess not eaten yet?"

"I'm not full after eating. I'm too embarrassed to eat at their house."

Tang An looked at her with a tangled expression: "For the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, princess, you are ashamed to eat two roasted lamb legs, why are you embarrassed to go to Xiao's mansion?"

Ning Shu blushed, and her eyes were exposed in the crook of her arms: "That's different, I have to make a good impression on my mother-in-law."

Tang An: "."

I just went out for a night and there is a mother-in-law?
The little princess was born with a big appetite, and all the guards who followed him knew that a table full of hot food was soon set up. Ning Shu just took two bites when someone ran in.

"Princess, Lord Hou sent someone to arrest you and go back, and said that he would kill all the people with the word "cong" in Xianyang's name."

Ning Shu yelled, "Ah, grab me."

She dropped her chopsticks and ran away, rushing to the yamen where Xiao Jian worked.

Seeing her running in in a panic, Xiao Jiancong frowned slightly: "What are you doing here?"

Ning Shu ran over and hid behind him and pulled him: "Someone wants to catch me."

Xiao Jian looked outside, but there was no movement, and felt that Ning Shu was playing with him: "Go out, this is the yamen, you can't come in."

"I'm already in, aren't you talking nonsense?"

Xiao Jiancong put down his pen to tease her, but Ning Shu simply hugged him and didn't let go: "It's not a good thing for my father to arrest me, I managed to escape secretly, I don't want to go back."

"Could it be that you can't go back if you rely on me?"

Her eyes were bright: "Maybe."

Xiao Jian wanted to laugh all of a sudden, and his tone was faintly smiling: "I still have to deal with official documents, you go and sit over there, don't make trouble, this is the yamen, no matter how bold your father's people are, they dare not come in Arrests."

She really let go, sat down at the place he pointed, and looked outside quietly, but sitting like this was too boring, and after a while she couldn't sit still, stood up and walked around.

Xiao Jian carefully flipped through the account books, without even raising his head, Ning Shu just looked at him carefully.

He just set up his crown, he was dressed properly in a blue dress, his hair was pulled back, and a jasper hairpin was inserted. When he was not talking, he still had a youthful look. He was holding a pen in his pretty hand and carefully wrote something on the account book. , Ning Shu liked it more and more.

She used to sit across from him, lying on a large pile of account books and watching him carefully, she could still smell the faint fragrance of his body when she was close.

Xiao Jian raised her eyes and looked at her, Ning Shu's ears were hot, and when he was about to say something, he lowered his eyes and continued writing, as if he didn't mind.

Seeing that he had some snacks in hand, Ning Shu rubbed her stomach: She wasn't full, and now she's hungry again.

Xiao Jian seemed to have eyes on the top of her head, and said without even looking at her: "The plum blossom jelly and pea yellow that I bought by chance in the morning, eat it, the water is over there."

Ning Shu smiled embarrassedly: "Then I'll eat it."

Take it over and open it. The crystal clear plum jelly and the yellow-orange pea yellow make you greedy just looking at it.

Just about to take a bite, Xiao Jiancong raised her head too much: "Girl, eat at home, be more elegant, eat slowly, take small bites, I won't compete with you."

She lowered her eyebrows and took a small bite, chewing slowly, feeling awkward and not very used to it, and not refreshing at all.

Xiao Jiancong continued to write her own: "If you are not afraid of choking yourself, just eat it, chew it slowly, and I will feel uncomfortable."

 The story of Yu Linsheng and Wanwan is not over, but if you write the story of the two of them first, the later ones will not be connected, and the holes dug in the front will be filled in here first, and I will write them one by one. Just fill the hole.

  Thank you for your support, cute~~~
(End of this chapter)

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