Chapter 82

'Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...' the little girl lying beside the railing burst into tears, unable to stop sobbing.

Yu Linsheng hurriedly pulled her over: "Why are you crying? Don't cry, don't cry."

Li Anqing glanced at her hand, quite suspicious: "Why, did I scare her?"

Zheng Zhou and Li Yunfeng looked at the little girl crying in Yu Linsheng's arms, then at Li Anqing, nodded hesitantly, and said in unison: "Probably."

Li Anqing: "."

The little girl whimpered and said: "That person is dead."


The three heads stretched out curiously to look downstairs, looking left and right, everything is normal, no one is dead.

Yu Linsheng was also confused, and patted her on the back lightly: "Don't cry, don't cry, who is dead?"

The little girl was very sad, and cried sobbingly: "It's that young lady. When that man died, she died too."

Group of four onlookers: "."

Did not understand.

The little girl pointed to the stage downstairs: "That, that's the one, the person above, that pretty young lady died, and she was still married, so she died."

stage?No one died, it's good.

The corner of Li Yunfeng's mouth twitched, and he beckoned: "Little Er, come here."

Xiao Er immediately came over with a smile: "What do you want, Young Master?"

"Which play did you play just now?"

Xiao Er replied with a smile: "I played "The Butterfly Lovers", but now it's changed, do you want some plays, my lord?"

The four of them suddenly realized: That's how it is!
Zheng Zhou gave a thumbs up: "The younger brothers and sisters are also temperamental."

The little girl was watching seriously just now. Although she didn't understand the lyrics of the babbling, she cried when she saw the people above crying. She cried all the way. She came out from Zuichun Tower and was still crying on Yu Linsheng's shoulder. , crying and asking Yu Linsheng why they died.

Someone who knew nothing about excerpts kept silent tactfully.

Li Yunfeng followed along and smacked his lips: "This broken theater is singing "The Butterfly Lovers". Look at how the child is crying. Yu Linsheng, don't tell me to coax her well."

Yu Linsheng rolled his eyes at him: "Come here if you have the ability."

Li Yunfeng hung the book bag around his neck, rolled up his sleeves and started: "I'll come, I'll come, bring the child."

Li Anqing slapped his hand off: "This girl is afraid of strangers, don't scare her."

Yu Linsheng pulled her up and wiped away her tears: "It's a show, it's not real, don't cry."

"But hiccup, I saw hiccup, that person is dead, hiccup."

Li Yunfeng continued to complain: "Look, look, look, I'm crying and hiccupping, this broken stage, next time I won't reward you."

In the evening, when the lights on the street came on, Li Yunfeng couldn't bear it the first time, he encouraged Li Anqing and Zheng Zhou, bought a bunch of food for the little girl, and took Yu Linsheng to Fanghua Residence.

The little girl held the candy man in one hand and the peanut candy in the other, and was carried in by Yu Linsheng. She looked around curiously. The four of them were regular customers. They gave the bustard money and went to the house they frequented.

The little girl's eyes were still wet. Ti Liu looked around and asked seriously: "These beautiful sisters wear so little, aren't they shy?"

Yu Linsheng was a little guilty, and took the little girl to visit the flower building, but Li Yunfeng figured it out, if Xiao Jiancong found out later, according to his uncle's temper, maybe it would be a verbal education.

Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, Li Yunfeng turned back and smiled and said: "Why are you so shy, younger brothers and sisters can also wear it like this, but you can't wear it out, just show it to Yu Linsheng alone."

 Here, Shizheng wants to apologize to the cuties. Due to overtime work recently, Shizheng can only stay up late every day to code words, but after two days, he will be very sick. The daily 4000+ promised to the cuties may not be fulfilled. But in order not to delay the little cuties from reading the article, Shizheng was changed to 3000+ per day, and after this period of overtime has passed, it will be restored to 4000+ per day. Please forgive me, I am very sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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