Chapter 822
Jiang Yan nodded: "Cousin, when will Qing'er come back?"

Xiao Jiancong frowned, thinking: "When Yu Linsheng comes back, she will come back naturally."

Jiang Yan looked up at him: "Can't you bring Qing'er back? Qingzhou is bitterly cold, she has been suffering for more than a year."

Xiao Jian took a shallow sip before laughing: "Yu Linsheng won't let her suffer, just don't worry."

Jiang Yan was silent, and drank half a pot of wine by himself, a little drunk: "There are still two months, and I am weak. The queen mother is going to choose a princess for me, but I don't want to choose someone else."

When he said this, Xiao Jian understood from then on, it seemed that Mrs. Xiao was right in insisting that Xiao Wanqing go to Qingzhou with Yu Linsheng, and she was right in not taking her back no matter how much she thought about it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jiancong is simply unworthy of his own mother.

Jiang Yan propped one hand on the table, still drinking: "Cousin, help me find a way, I don't want to marry someone else, I don't want to at all."

Xiao Jiancong took a bite: "You are a prince, so you will definitely not be the daughter of a small family. There are many noble girls in Xianyang. You can always choose one who is pleasing to the eye. It's not because of her."

Jiang Yan fell silent, took a big gulp of wine and poured it down, Xiao Jian got up from eating and asked someone to send him back, and then he went back home.

A few days later, there was an imperial decree to select the crown prince for the crown prince. This matter fell on Xiao Quan, and it was said that it was Xiao Nuan who suggested it.

When the family was having dinner, Mrs. Xiao even teased: "Let your father choose the princess, I'm afraid you won't be able to choose a good-looking one."

Xiao Jian nodded fiercely while chewing the vegetables in his mouth. Anyway, Xiao Quan always valued character the most, and Jiang Yan just likes beauties, so his eyes are different.

Xiao Quan took a slow bite of the food and said, "I couldn't choose a good look, but I chose you?"

Mrs. Xiao laughed: "That was an accident, mainly because I look good and have good conduct."

"Well, that's the truth."

Xiao Jiancong: "."

Can he still have a good meal?
However, just as their mother and son guessed, Xiao Quan put all his heart and soul into it. First, he sent painters to draw pictures of young girls from various families who were of the right age, and then he picked out those crooked melons and dates, and called the rest to the government office, and he let him do it. I wrote an answer sheet on the spot, and then ticked half of it.

The rest of Xiao Quan stared at their words and deeds for a month before he managed to keep ten people out, and their looks were passable.

The remaining ten people did not know what Xiao Quan said. Jiang Yan finally chose Li Xuehua, the daughter of Li Taifu who was not very outstanding in appearance but dignified.

Li Xuehua is Li Anqing's younger sister, who just turned 15 this year, and Jiang Yan's age is also suitable. The queen values ​​her family's background and is very satisfied.

After the candidate is selected, Jiang Yuan will decree to bestow the marriage, and then there will be the crown prince's weak crown ceremony.

The day before the grand ceremony, Jiang Yan took Xiao Jian out, pulled him and said, "Cousin, is Qing'er really not coming back?"

Why is this man so stubborn.

In order to interrupt his thoughts, Xiao Jian never spoke politely: "You were the one who told the emperor personally about letting Qing'er marry Yu Linsheng. It's been more than two years, do you think it's still too late to regret it? ? Do you think Yu Linsheng will divorce Qinger? Do you think the queen will refuse Li Xuehua to offend Mrs. Li in order to fulfill you? Do you think you can persuade the emperor to withdraw the marriage offer?"

(End of this chapter)

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