Chapter 826
Her voice was a little choked up: "I saw killing people. Although I also killed people, those people were innocent. They also killed children. There are still four unborn children."

Xiao Jian had heard more or less about it, after all, the execution of three pregnant concubines by the Empress Dowager Yan was quite a sensation.

"You only see the surface, so you will naturally feel that they are innocent, but when you know the truth, you know that they deserve death."

Ning Shu looked up at him with tears in her eyes: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jian said in detail: "The child in Wang Wan's belly is the greatest help for the Wang family. If a boy is born, he will definitely be crowned prince. Yunyang has oppressed the Wang family for many years, and the queen mother is wholeheartedly seeking benefits for the Wang family. The relationship with my own children is cold, if there is a prince of royal blood, do you think the queen mother will let Yunyang sit on the throne?"

Ning Shu reacted slowly, Xiao Jiancong waited for her to think clearly: "You mean, the child in Wang Wan's belly was made by the emperor himself?"

Xiao Jiancong nodded: "Yes, Yunyang will not let this child be born, and he will not let any child with the blood of the Wang family be born."

Ning Shu still couldn't figure it out: "But he also has the blood of the Wang family."

Xiao Jiancong wiped away her tears: "He doesn't need the Wang family anymore, the Wang family is his stumbling block, and that bit of family blood is insignificant in front of the throne."

Ning Shu paused: "Then what do you mean by saying that those concubines died without guilt? Since the emperor did it himself, why does the evidence point to them?"

Xiao Jiancong said: "Yunyang's harem has not been released for many years, but within a few days, three concubines are pregnant, don't you find it strange?"

Ning Shu didn't understand: "What's so strange?"

Xiao Jiancong smiled helplessly: "Yunyang has not allowed those concubines to become pregnant for many years, not even Wang Wan, but all of a sudden they have, the timing is so good, it is the time when the decline of the Wang family is revealed .

I can assure you that those who can conceive among the many concubines in the harem are guaranteed by Yunyang and used by Yunyang. This will not only get rid of Wang Wan's child, but also let the world see the true face of the Queen Mother.

By publicizing the mystery of the queen mother killing a pregnant concubine, the reputation of benevolence that the queen mother has managed in front of outsiders for many years has been ruined, and none of this has anything to do with him. "

He talked a lot, and it took Ning Shu a long time to react: "But those concubines are still innocent."

Xiao Jian never went out of her way, and smiled directly: "The discord between Yunyang and the Wang family is not a day or two, and anyone with a little brain knows not to get involved in this muddy water.

Wang Wan is pregnant, whoever is pregnant at this time will definitely not be tolerated by the Wang family, and the queen mother will not let it go, but they still foolishly believed Yunyang's promise to be the first bird, what if they were not greedy? Will be used?That's why it is said that they deserve to die. "

Ning Shu was stunned for a while, and then concluded a sentence: "So you can't trust a man's guarantee?"

This time it was Xiao Jiancong's turn to be dumbfounded, and he pulled her into his arms and hugged her: "That's Yunyang, not me, why are you looking at me saying this?"

She muffled: "But you are also a man."

(End of this chapter)

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