The general has a cute wife

Chapter 867 Bai Han Hurts Ning Shu

Chapter 867 Bai Han Hurts Ning Shu

Mrs. Xiao said: "Go to bed after eating, rest, and don't get tired."

"Well, the boy knows."

He just took two bites when Tao Yao came in: "My lord, the emperor announces you to enter the palace."

Xiao Jian hurriedly put down the bowl: "Okay, I'll go and change my clothes and I'll leave right away."

Mrs. Xiao was in a hurry: "I just took two bites and left again."

Xiao Jian changed his clothes, wiped his face casually and left, and entered the palace, Jiang Yuan roasted his hands in front of the earth dragon.

"The corruption case in Leshui Town was handled well. Let me give you another case. Liangzhou is a good place. Those local officials are very rich and actively pay taxes, but someone sued the imperial court, saying that those places Official corruption.

Those people in Liangzhou have shady dealings with many ministers in the DPRK. Their relationship is intricate. Others may find nothing if they go to investigate. You should go. As usual, just cut off the siblings. As for the changes in the court, I have my own opinions. "

"Yes, the minister leads the order."

Jiang Yuan walked over and looked at him: "It's New Year's Eve, I didn't want to send you out at this time, but it's only at this time that some things are easy to see, you can control yourself, kill what should be killed, don't have to report to me I don't want to be hurt by those people."

"Yes, I understand."

He went back and sat down: "Go back and stay with your parents for two days before leaving. This time, I will send secret guards to protect you."

The hidden guards were all mobilized, and Xiao Jiancong understood that the crime was more serious than good.

When I went home and talked to them, Mrs. Xiao became unhappy: "It's not like you are the censor in the imperial court, what do the others do for food? Let you go for lifeless cases, and let them handle those small cases." Go, why not let them go and leave you alone?"

Xiao Jian never knew that she was very upset, so she could only coax her: "Mom, it's not that dangerous."

Mrs. Xiao didn't believe it: "Then tell me, which time the emperor asked you to handle a case that was not dangerous. You were obviously a civil servant, but you made it more dangerous than a general. If I knew it, I might as well send you to learn martial arts and go to the battlefield. At least You don’t have to worry about it all the time.”

Xiao Quan said: "Don't listen to your mother, if you eat this bowl of rice, you must be worthy of this bowl. The emperor values ​​you so much. Be careful and find more people to protect you."

"The boy knows."

After staying at home for two days, Xiao Jian set off under the banner of going to Qingzhou to visit her sister, followed the bodyguard team of Fuluzhuang to escort the silver on the way, and went to Liangzhou to deliver the silver under the name of Mu Anyu, the owner of Fuluzhuang.

Ning Shu knew that he was going to Liangzhou, so she ran away when she saw the right opportunity, but on the way, she was surrounded by Bai Han, who was waiting for a rabbit.

Bai Han's people came up to fight without saying a word, and Ning Shu immediately followed suit. Her kung fu is not weak, and she has been taught by Ning Zhengxi for so long, so she is still very confident in dealing with a few small soldiers.

Seeing that they didn't catch her, Bai Han drew his knife and struck her himself. Ning Shu was wounded after a few strokes with him.

Fortunately, Lu Li and the others found Ning Shu running away and chased after them. Bai Han tried to catch Ning Shu but was stopped.

Ning Shu was rescued by Lu Li and injured a lot of places. Ning Zhengxi was furious at that time, and directly ordered a team of cavalry to chase after Bai Han. He was stunned by Bai Han who had simply come to arrest people. Not only did he lose more than a dozen warriors, but he was shot in the shoulder by an arrow from Ning Zhengxi.

(End of this chapter)

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