Chapter 876

Xiao Nuan couldn't figure out why he asked such a question, so she could only answer: "Jian Cong was born only in the third year of marriage, indeed it has been 24 years."

Jiang Yuan looked at the top of the tent: "I remember that at that time, I had not yet ascended the throne, and you had just entered the palace. When Jian Cong was born, your sister-in-law collapsed."

Xiao Nuan was very suspicious, why did Jiang Yuan remember it so clearly, and she believed in the speculation in her heart more and more.

"Your Majesty remembers well. My concubine's sister-in-law had a blood collapse at that time, and she also had a blood collapse when she gave birth to Qing'er. She was not in good health, so my concubine brought Qing'er into the palace to raise her."

Jiang Yuan responded, as if he didn't want to say any more, he closed his eyes and fell asleep without knowing when, Xiao Nuan's heart was turbulent, and naturally he didn't sleep all night.

After New Year's Eve, the corruption case in Liangzhou was almost over. After experiencing more than a dozen large-scale assassinations and countless small disturbances, Xiao Jiancong packed a large pile of evidence files and confessions and sent them back to Xianyang. Jiang Yuan, afraid that Jiang Yuan would pretend to be stupid and continue to oppress himself, made it clear that he was injured and wanted to take leave to rest.

After sending the things back, Xiao Jian began to wonder who was the expert who saved his life every time when he was about to die. The hidden guard Jiang Yuan gave him was too cowardly, not as good as the expensive servant he hired himself. Could it be that his parents hired a master to protect him secretly?

Xiao Jian thought it was possible, and after resting for a few days, he swayed back in the carriage. Ning Zhengxi watched him get out of Liangzhou safely, so he waved his whip and left.

During the Lantern Festival, Yunyang ordered Ning Zhengxi and the others to send a lot of New Year's rewards, including a lot of wine, water and meat. Yun Weiyang knew that Ning Shu liked to eat, and also got news that she secretly went to Youzhou to let I prepared a lot of snacks and snacks that she liked and asked them to send them to her.

When Yunyang came to Weiyang Palace in his free time, he watched her go through each box to check the snacks, which was extraordinarily meticulous.

"There are too few pea yellows. Let the imperial dining room make another four or five boxes. There are also pork shredded cakes. Make a dozen boxes and freeze them with ice cubes."

After the maid went, Yunyang couldn't help teasing: "It's the first time I've seen you care so much about people in so many years, why don't you care about me."

Yun Weiyang laughed: "The emperor has so many beauties who care about him, when did you miss a bite of delicious food?"

Yunyang nodded: "This is true."

When she came to get something, Yunyang saw the young Luanfeng bracelet on her wrist, and his expression changed: "Didn't this bracelet break?"

Yun Weiyang exposed the bracelet and said: "Shushu gave it to me, she said she broke mine and made me another one, and made me have to wear it."

Yunyang went to knock on the bracelet: "You are really eccentric, you hide the one I gave you or not, but you wear the one given to you by your eldest niece, and you still tell me so directly."

"I have to keep the things that the emperor sent, but they are all good things. It would be a pity if they are broken."

Yunyang smiled: "What's the matter, there are some in the treasury, as long as you like it, you can pick it up, and if it's broken, it's broken. Is it possible that I will be reluctant to give you these things?"

She thought about it for a while before saying: "Brother Huang, if you are really willing, give me more snowflake beef jerky that was waxed a few years ago, so that I can send it to Shushu, she likes to eat that."

Yunyang smiled helplessly: "It's hard to ask me for something, but I still give it to your eldest niece, okay, sure."

(End of this chapter)

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