Chapter 896

The news of Mrs. Xiao's death spread all over Xianyang early in the morning of the second day. Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that the people who were still doing well during the Dragon Boat Festival would disappear all of a sudden.

When Jiang Yuan heard the news, he immediately exempted from court, changed into casual clothes and came to Xiao's mansion in a hurry.

Mrs. Xiao hadn't been coffined yet, so Xiao Quan sat in front of the bed blankly, still holding her hand, dazed and lifeless.

Ning Shu wet the letter paper and told Ning Zhengxi that Mrs. Xiao was dead.

Ning Zhengxi knew that Mrs. Xiao regarded Ning Shu as her own daughter, and Ning Shu would write letters from time to time saying that Mrs. Xiao made something delicious for her again, so Ning Zhengxi agreed to the marriage with confidence.

But he didn't want his mother and mother to disappear suddenly. Ning Zhengxi took off the battle armor he wore all the time, asked someone to find him a plain white dress, asked Tang An and the others to burn paper money and incense candles in the direction of Xianyang, and bowed down by himself. After a while.

Xiao Wei said: "Master Hou, the princess said that he will stay in Xianyang to guard the spirit for three months."

Ning Zhengxi was quite sensible at this time: "She can be regarded as the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family, and she should be filial."

He figured it out, so he didn't urge him, and even specially wrote a letter to persuade Xiao Quan to mourn.

Full of sorrow, three months passed by, Yu Linsheng took Xiao Wanqing to Qingzhou, Ning Shu stayed with them.

Mrs. Xiao is gone, Xiao Quan is insane, Xiao Jian has been drunk all day long and sees no one, all the big and small things in Xiao's house suddenly fell on Ning Shu.

She had never studied housekeeping, so she didn't know what to do. It was Ziran and Taoyao who helped her and told her how Mrs. Xiao managed the housekeeping.

Jiang Yan was plotted by Jiang Ze several times, and he was a little annoyed. Li Xuehua took advantage of Jiang Yan's visit to her room and recommended his brother Li Anqing to Jiang Yan, but it seemed that Jiang Yan was not interested. , and did not pay too much attention to Li Anqing.

Seeing that Jiang Yan suffered so many losses, Xiao Nuan also became anxious, and would talk to Mian Xiang when she was upset.

"When Mu Li died, the father and son seemed to have lost their souls. What's the big deal if they valued a woman so much?"

Mianxiang was also anxious: "Madam, the prince has been plotted against by King Ji and King Ying several times, you have to think of a way quickly, uncle Guo is abolished now, isn't there still Young Master Xiao, please hurry up Some help the prince to come up with an idea."

Xiao Nuan thought for a long time before saying: "Isn't there still Taifu Li? Tell the prince, go to the Taifu's mansion more, and leave the Xiao family alone. You have to think about which is more important."


Xiao Nuan sat down and asked again: "I heard that the one who is taking care of the Xiao family is the girl brought back by Xiao Jian?"

Mian Xiang nodded: "Yes, the Xiao family has already given the dowry, Mr. Xiao and her lived in the outer house, but she is guarding the spirit as the young wife of the Xiao family, and now she is in charge of the Xiao family's affairs .”

Xiao Nuansi pondered for a while: "According to this, she is also my niece and daughter-in-law. Go and announce her to the palace. I want to see how the person she Mu Li likes can compare to this palace." Up."

Mianxiang complied with Xuan Yi's decree.

When they arrived at the Xiao Mansion, the white banners and white tents were still hanging and hadn't been taken down, even the mourning hall was still set up in the main hall, and the joss sticks and paper money were still burning, as if the funeral had not yet taken place.

Mian Xiang picked up the shelf and said, "Madam Xiao has been buried for more than three months, why are these still there?"

(End of this chapter)

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