The general has a cute wife

Chapter 912 The Xiao Family Was Copied

Chapter 912 The Xiao Family Was Copied
The imperial army said: "The emperor told the queen mother to take a look at them before sending them to the barracks. Please remind the Wang family that the last forgiveness has been used. If you dare to disregard the national law in the future, he will punish them severely."

After finishing speaking, the forbidden army went in and dragged them all out. What happened just now was undoubtedly a shame to the women who had not left the cabinet. They were so frightened that they all stayed still, unable to even say a word of forgiveness.

When Yun Weiyang woke up, the incident had already passed for three days, Yunyang ordered that no one should mention this matter again, and even warned the imperial physician not to tell her the truth, for this reason Yun Weiyang only knew that she was murdered, nothing else .

Yunyang came over to feed her the medicine after the morning, but she was not afraid of hardship, so she drank it obediently.

"Brother Huang, has Shu Shu come in to see me?"

Yunyang smiled slightly: "I've seen it, I come here every day, and I'm afraid I will come today."

She was a little embarrassed: "Brother Huang, do you know something?"

What she meant was that Yunyang found out about her menstrual affairs and felt embarrassed.

Yunyang smiled: "I don't have a good memory, just don't worry."

She didn't speak, she had a distrustful look on his face, it just so happened that Ning Shu came, and Yunyang didn't stay in their way, and left the Weiyang Palace to go to the imperial study to review the papers.

He dealt a cruel blow to Wang Wan and the young ladies of the Wang family, causing everyone in the Wang family to be in danger again. Within a few days, news came that Wang Wan and the others had died of the humiliation.

The Wang family didn't even dare to hold a funeral, and each house paid for it and found someone to deal with it quietly, and they didn't dare to bury them in their own cemetery, saying that if they were humiliated, they would disturb the peace of their ancestors, so they only found a secret place quietly buried.

With such a ruthless warning, the Wang family quieted down, even the queen mother. If they didn't make trouble, no one would dare to cause trouble for Yunyang, after all, he is not easy to mess with when he is ruthless.

In the blink of an eye, at the beginning of February, two major events occurred in Xianyang.

One is that Jiang Run, the war god of the Qin Kingdom, was suddenly killed in his own courtyard. The fire burned all night without catching the murderer. For this, Jiang Chun was reprimanded in class.

The second is that Jiang Yuan bestowed marriages on Long Jinwei Yu Linsheng and Princess Wuding’s Palace Princess Jiang Jinyun on the Flower God Festival, linking the two families with military power in General Yu’s Palace and Wuding Palace, and the power of the third prince Jiang Ze increased. .

First, Jiang Yan was seriously injured, then Jiang Run was killed, and Jiang Chun was severely criticized, but Jiang Ze profited.

Xiao Jiancong felt extremely uneasy, thought for many days, and wrote to Fengming Mountain, asking them to send someone to pick Xiao Wanqing up and leave.

Jiang Yuan's ability to agree to the marriage shows that he doesn't care much about Xiao Nuan and Jiang Yan's attitude anymore, otherwise he wouldn't let Xiao Nuan's niece Xiao Wanqing and the royal princess serve her husband together.

After the letter was sent out, Xiao Jiancong sent another letter specifically, telling Ning Shu to be vigilant about his property in the country of Yan, and also sent letters to the trustworthy storekeepers everywhere, asking them to pay attention to the change, and arranged trustworthy attendants to go to various places to check Out of traitors.

After a while of calm, on March [-]th, many officers and soldiers broke into the house suddenly, which made everyone in the Xiao residence panic. The servant who delivered the decree said:

The prince Jiang Yan intends to rebel, Xiao Jiancong and Li Su assist the tyrant and put him on death row.

Officers and soldiers suppressed them, and Xiao Jiancong hurriedly shouted: "Zi Ran Taoyao, it is my father's order to protect Madam's collection of poems and drawings."

(End of this chapter)

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