The general has a cute wife

Chapter 919 Masquerade

Chapter 919 Masquerade

They ate, drank, and played for a month. Xiao Jiancong opened dozens of rice and grain stores because of too much money.

The business matters have generally stabilized. Xiao Jian's whole person changed suddenly after receiving a letter from Fengming Mountain. When Ning Shu asked him, he didn't say anything, but just hugged her around several times.

"Shushu, I'm not sad."

"Well, I can see it."

Xiao Jiancong looked at her: "Wait for me a few more months, when everything settles down, we will get married."


Ning Shu was stunned: "But don't you still have filial piety?"

Xiao Jiancong smiled: "I don't want to delay you, you are already 17 years old, if you don't marry again, someone will come and snatch you from me."

Ning Shu laughed: "I'm all yours now, who else will come to rob me, don't worry, I'm not in a hurry, just do your thing slowly."

Xiao Jiancong pressed her forehead: "Why are you not in a hurry? I'm already 24, if I don't get married again, in case you stop robbing me, where should I go and cry?"

Ning Shu didn't understand his love words, and emphasized again: "I said that no one will come to snatch it. I can eat so much, and I beat people every now and then, who would dare to take it except you?"

Xiao Jiancong laughed: "Well, that's right."

Ning Shu was not happy: "Is there someone who talks like that, and is it right?"

She walked away angrily, Xiao Jiancong looked at her with a smile, took two steps and Ning Shu turned to look at him: "Why don't you come after me, I'm angry."

Xiao Jiancong said with a smile: "Apart from eating when you are angry, what else can you do? I will bring you back when you are full and angry."

Now Ning Shu was even angrier, she really ran to have a big meal, and then came back with her chubby belly.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xiao Jian was never busy with business. She still wore a mask and black clothes, and took Xiao Quan to the streets with Ning Shu. Knowing that he wanted to hide his identity, Ning Shu coaxed Xiao Quan to buy it. put on a mask.

Xiao Quan really became a child's mind, and he just hangs out with Ning Shu, and takes food when he sees it, and he has to taste it before he is reconciled, Ning Shu goes with him, and Xiao Jiancong follows them.

Xiao Quan had already taken a lot of things, but he suddenly stopped, staring at the things on the street.

Xiao Jian instantly understood from looking over.

Xiao Quan still remembers the custard.

Ning Shu asked, "Father, do you want to eat that?"

Xiao Quan murmured blankly: "Qing'er, Qing'er."

Xiao Jian bought a pack from the past and put it in his hand: "Qing'er is fine, I will see you soon."

Ning Shu almost cried, but when she saw Xiao Quan holding the custard and was quiet, she followed them.

After walking around with Xiao Quan for a long time, he came back. He was tired and went to bed early.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, someone suddenly came to Qingfeng's house.

Ning Shu was sleeping soundly, and Xiao Wei yelled outside like the sky was falling: "Little princess, little princess, wake up, little princess."

She woke up annoyed, yawned and got up, took the clothes on the bed, and opened the door shaking: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Wei had a serious look on his face: "Master Hou is here, drinking tea with your father-in-law in the front hall."

Ning Shu paused, immediately closed the door and went in to tidy up, and ran to the front hall after tidying herself up.

Ning Zhengxi sat with Xiao Quan, Xiao Quan didn't recognize him, he sat upright, when he didn't speak, he looked fine, and he had a brick face, imperceptibly there was an aura.

(End of this chapter)

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