The general has a cute wife

Chapter 972 The events of the year

Chapter 972 The events of the year
Ning Shu and Xiao Jian have seen each other several times, Yun Weiyang didn't say anything, the ministers of Yan Kingdom became more and more impatient, if Yunyang really couldn't wake up, then they would be guilty ministers when they go back.

Ning Shu was very calm, and said while eating chestnuts: "Why do you think the emperor is still awake? Could it be that the medicine used is not good, or the imperial doctor's medical skills are too sloppy? It didn't hurt the vitals."

Xiao Jian could see it clearly: "Shu Shu, we have to be prepared, if the emperor can't wake up, the responsibility is all on you and me."

Ning Shu was stunned: "What's our business? It's not us who are responsible for safety, and I even rescued him."

Xiao Jiancong gently tapped her on the head: "Little fool, the emperor is not awake, and no one who comes to Qin can escape."

Ning Shu was stunned, and immediately jumped out: "No, then I have to ask the imperial doctor to guard it quickly, nothing will happen, my two fathers are still in Yan Country."

She dragged the gray-bearded old doctor to Yunyang's bed, and stood there holding the snack box, for fear that Yunyang would kick his legs accidentally.

Yun Weiyang has been sitting by the bed, and has been holding Yunyang's hand, she didn't speak for several days, taking advantage of the time when the old doctor was dozing off, the two of them whispered a few words.

What Yun Weiyang opened first seemed to be pure confiding: "Shushu, didn't you ask me that time why you hate those men?"

Ning Shu is very understanding: "Auntie, I know you don't want to bring up those things, so you should stop."

Yun Weiyang tugged at the corner of her mouth and shook her head slightly: "It's okay, if I don't tell you today, maybe I won't tell anyone else in the future."

Ning Shu thought for a while, raised her hand and slashed the old doctor's back on the neck, knocking him out, and making him lie on the table.

"It will be bad if the old man wakes up, it's better to faint."

Only then did Yun Weiyang speak slowly: "When she gave birth to me, she had dystocia, which almost killed her, and I was a girl born in February, and if I was unknown, it would bring disaster to the country.

When I was young, I was by your mother’s side. Later, when your mother got married, I went to be raised by the late Emperor. When I was 11 years old, she took me back and made me drink medicine every day. I wanted to make her happy. Got her to like me so never asked what kind of pills that were.

The second year I was there, I still remember that day, February [-]th, my birthday, she cooked longevity noodles for me, I ate it happily, and when I woke up, I was on the same bed.

Black curtains, dark stone room, dim candlelight, all under me is pure white, and there are many, many blue fleshy insects crawling on my body.

I was so frightened that I cried, but I was the only voice in the room, I couldn't move, and in the end my voice became hoarse from crying.

Those worms sucked blood from my body for two months, and every day an old man poured me a bottle of very strange stuff.

I was so scared that I was numb, watching those worms swallowing my blood, watching those old men standing in the room looking at my naked body, listening to their swear words.

I know what I might be going through, but I can't change anything.

Every day is suffering, and every tired and sleepy time is the worst time.

There is always a person in the darkness, outlining my body in the distance. I feel dirty and disgusting, but I can't hide.

It was a light rainy day, I heard the sound of rainwater dripping down the wall and dripping on the stone slabs, and smelled the smell of rainwater.

(End of this chapter)

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