The general has a cute wife

Chapter 989 Heal Yun Weiyang

Chapter 989 Heal Yun Weiyang

After running for a long time, everyone was hungry, so the attendants found Linzi to stop to rest, Zhang Jingan asked them to boil some pheasant soup to replenish Ning Shu's body, the child cried out of hunger, but Ning Shu hadn't woken up and had no milk.

It was the midwife who was thoughtful, and prepared a bamboo tube of goat milk early in the morning, which was boiled and fed to the child. After enough rest, she continued on her way to Youzhou.

After Ning Zhengxi received a letter from Fei Ge, and learned that Yunyang helped Jiang Yan arrest people in order to save Yun Weiyang, hurt his in-laws and son-in-law, and his daughter gave birth prematurely and almost killed both mother and child, he immediately asked Lu Li to take people to pick them up .

Yun Yang didn't have the energy to hunt them down, but he seized Xiao Jian from all the stores under his name, searched his bank, and cut off his source of military expenses to support Ning Zhengxi.

When Lu Li received them, it was already June [-]th, and Ning Shu was still awake. Zhang Jing'an could only show her carefully when she arrived in Youzhou. The child was also very weak. After taking care of the nursing mother, let the nursing mother drink the medicine every day, and turn it into milk for the child to drink.

Ning Shu didn't know whether she was alive or dead, and Ning Zhengxi was furious, so he rebelled directly.

When the news of his rebellion came, Yunyang had just received the news. Jiang Lin caught Yun Weiyang and asked for a marriage. Yunyang naturally refused, but he didn't expect Jiang Lin to kill Yun Weiyang.

He locked himself in the Weiyang Palace, ignoring the government affairs, thinking about every bit of his relationship with her, and he was exhausted.

There was no movement from Yunyang, and Xiao Jian only found out that Yun Weiyang was killed after asking someone to inquire.

But they didn't hit all the rocks, but they kept Ning Shu tight first. She hadn't woken up yet. Zhang Jing'an said that her preterm birth had ruined her foundation, and she needed to use good medicinal materials to take care of her. Xiao Jiancong asked him to make a list. , Let people go to the pharmacy in Qin State to get medicine.

In July, two messages came from the attendants:
First, Xiao Wanqing gave birth to a child in shock, and the mother and child were safe.

Second, Yun Weiyang was not dead, but was released by Jiang Lin's Jingyun, and now he is hiding in Qin State, unable to speak because he lost his tongue, and Jiang Lin had his ten fingers broken, so he cannot return to Yan State.

Xiao Jian watched the two messages for a long time before replying: cure Yun Weiyang.

Not because of Yunyang, but because Yun Weiyang is kind to Ning Shu, he should repay her.

Ning Shu woke up in mid-July. She fell into a coma for almost a month, and she lost a lot of weight. Ning Zhengxi lay beside her bed crying, and she went to pray to the Buddha for the first time, saying that she was very grateful to the Buddha. Bless Ning Shu well.

The child was named Xiao Yu, which was obtained by Ning Zhengxi and Xiao Quan. It was one month old, but much smaller than ordinary children. Zhang Jingan said it was due to premature birth.

Because Ning Shu was weak, Ning Zhengxi still let her take care of her, Xiao Quan was fine, and went around with Zhang Jingan and the nurse around their mother and child every day, and Xiao Jian used all the shops to raise food, grass and military pay for Ning Zhengxi .

Yunyang counterattacked at the end of July, and the offensive was ferocious. Yan's army of tigers and wolves was not in vain, and they met Ning Zhengxi's border army, and the two sides were evenly matched.

After fighting fiercely for half a month, the outcome was hard to tell. Ning Shu made up her mind to take people around to Qingzhou from outside the customs, enter Xianyang, send Xiao Quan back, and borrow 20 troops from Yu Linsheng, and lead the army from Qinzhou to Xianyang. Yan border attack.

In the winter moon, Ning Shu's soldiers approached the city of Luoyang, Yunyang abandoned the city and fled, and King Qin's army was completely wiped out.

In the twelfth lunar month, Yu Jinyang and Yu Jinyuan intercepted Jiang Yan's reinforcements to Yunyang, Yunyang was defeated, and went to Chenzhou to regroup, Ning Zhengxi's army came under pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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