My girlfriend is Fairy Chang'e

Chapter 119 Splendid Blade Skill

Chapter 119 Splendid Blade Skill
Shi Fan sat down and guided the inner qi to travel through the meridians for a week, and suddenly the cold air came out, and he felt refreshed.Since entering the second level of dragon veins, his energy is much stronger than before, and he doesn't need to sleep as much as ordinary people.

Looking at Nalan Xiangxue, this girl did not know when she turned around, but she was sleeping soundly, her holy and delicate appearance was extremely charming, even though Sleeping Beauty was asleep, it still made people's hearts flutter.

"Hehe, you can believe that too!" Shi Fan crossed the red line and lifted up her quilt, took a look at her graceful and exquisite figure curled up in an S shape, and after admiring enough, he put the quilt back on, "Small sample, bro. You don’t even know when you’re asleep, and you’re still playing cautiously.”

Shi Fan stroked her hair from time to time, and patted her exquisite buttocks from time to time, and closed his eyes to sleep when he had had enough fun.


The next day, the rain passed and the sky cleared. Elizabeth was no longer in the living room, but ran to the plane tree again.

Shi Fan got up very early and went to the morning market. He specially bought preserved eggs, vegetables, lean meat, and peeled skin. He was going to make preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and fried fish-flavored shredded pork. Don’t all women like fish? Fragrant pork shreds?Besides, didn't the Jade Emperor eat the Northeast Lapi?Let's also make a Northeast Lapi, which is the same as the Jade Emperor's. You can't touch your wife for nothing yesterday, so it's compensation.

When he came back, he saw that there were pigeons for sale, so he bought two more pigeons specially, which can be regarded as improving the food for Stressed Sandra and Elizabeth.

Back in the yard, Shi Fan threw a pigeon to the mangy dog. The pressure was so strong that the movement was unprecedentedly vigorous. The pigeon was caught by it before it could run away, and it slid into the kennel wagging its tail.

"Huh!" Shi Fan threw the pigeon into the sky, and the pigeon flew away quickly, but before it flew far, Elizabeth rushed up like the wind and lightning, stretched out one claw, and walked in the air After a while, he caught the pigeon, and the pigeon was completely penetrated by its sharp claws. It drew a beautiful arc in the air and returned to the plane tree to eat.

Looking at its majestic appearance, Shi Fan is also thinking about when he has time to ride it out for a trip, or it would be good to be a dark man.

Entering the room, Nalan Xiangxue was washing up, and she was surprised when she saw him coming in, "You want to cook?"

"We can't go out to eat all the time, I'll let you taste my cooking today." Shi Fan said, turned and went into the kitchen.

"You really want to cook?" Nalan Xiangxue opened her mouth wide, how could she believe it, don't forget, this guy overcooked the food last time, it was Yang Tingting who came, so the two of them had dinner.

Just because she didn't believe it, she brushed her teeth and ran to the kitchen door to peek.

Hearing the sound of "dangdang" coming from the kitchen, when Nalan Xiangxue looked in, this guy had already cut up the cool skin and put it on the plate.

What shocked Nalan Xiangxue even more was that the bright knife light was spinning around on Shi Fan's palm, as if he was juggling, but he couldn't cut his hand.

Seeing that Shi Fan slapped the table, a cucumber went up in the air, "Swipe!" A knife flashed, and the tiny cucumber shreds fell neatly on the plate.

This is not the most awesome thing, the most awesome thing is that while the knife is sweeping the cucumber, he is still cutting the meat with the kitchen knife in the other hand.

This is the highest state of the God of Cookery, one mind and two tasks, in fact, without the God of Cookery, Shi Fan can already do one mind and two tasks, because Chang'e's music score is enough.In fact, Nalan Xiangxue hasn't counted them yet. If she counted them, those shredded cucumbers would be exactly 360.

"You're really good at playing with knives. It's amazing. It's even better than those knights on TV." Nalan Xiangxue couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

"Swipe!" There was another knife light, and a carrot turned into shreds and fell on the plate. In less than ten seconds, a cucumber and a carrot were cut, and the flashing knife light was like juggling.
Looking down, Nalan Xiangxue was dizzy, and the meat was cut into strips, not sticky or sticky, which is not easy for ordinary people, because meat is not easy to cut, and sometimes it is very difficult to cut it with a knife. It's hard to cut through, but Shi Fan is already at the second level of the Dragon Vein, and he can break a tree with one punch, so naturally there is no such problem.

Nalan Xiangxue was completely dumbfounded. I'm afraid the country's top chef is no more than that. I'm afraid she can't do it. Because of the shock, she put her toothbrush in her mouth and forgot to take it out. Is this Shi Fan who can't cook? ?Where is the master chef.

"Daughter-in-law, don't just look at it, come and smash the garlic for me." Shi Fan said.

"Oh!" Nalan Xiangxue responded subconsciously, and hastily put down her toothbrush to pound the garlic, because she was so shocked that she even ignored Shi Fan's address.

After she finished pounding the garlic, she looked again, damn it, Shi Fan's fish-flavored pork shreds had already come out of the pan, it was fragrant and oily, the color and taste were excellent, and it was so mouth-watering that Nalan Xiangxue swallowed it involuntarily. Foaming at the mouth, and the preserved egg porridge over there has also been cooked in the pot.

"Crack, crack!" Shi Fan poured the garlic on the plate, and mixed it with other seasonings that had already been prepared. Under Nalan Xiangxue's shocked eyes, another dish was ready.It was the same time Nalan Xiangxue pounded the garlic, and Shi Fan's two dishes were already out of the pan, and he also cooked thin porridge with preserved eggs.

Of course, it has something to do with Nalan Xiangxue's seldom doing housework, and it takes a little longer to chop and pound garlic. You must know that the cooking time can't be shortened at will, or it won't be cooked.

Realizing that the food was ready, Nalan Xiangxue hurriedly went to do her makeup. She hadn't combed her hair yet. Combing her hair is an inevitable daily homework. As a beauty, she would never be lazy.

When Nalan Xiangxue came out with her hair in a bun, two bowls of porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, and two dishes with excellent color, color and taste were already placed on the table.

"..." Nalan Xiangxue stared at her beautiful eyes, opened her small mouth slightly, and remained silent for a long time.

"Honey, don't be in a daze and come over to eat. Let me tell you, cooking is a woman's job. You have to learn it in the future. I cook occasionally, you know?"

"You're the bitch!" Nalan Xiangxue pouted and was about to sit down when a voice shouted from outside: "Oh, it's a coincidence that I didn't have breakfast, so let's solve it together."

"Bang!" Liu Donger's speed was extremely fast, before Shi Fan could react, Liu Donger's round buttocks had already hit Shi Fan's chair, taking up the space, and then she picked up the spoon and took a sip of porridge, "Wow , It smells so good, Xiangxue, did you make it?"

Nalan Xiangxue shook her head numbly, Liu Dong'er looked at Shi Fan with her mouth open in surprise, "You did it?"

"Didn't I do what you did? I told you Assistant Liu, you will be my concubine after eating my meal, you know that?"

"Be your concubine? Go and live your spring and autumn dream!" Liu Dong'er took another bite of the dish and put it in her mouth, "Wow, it's delicious. I've never eaten such a delicious fish-flavored shredded pork. Here we go, let’s take a break!"

 There will be a fourth update at 8:[-] p.m. Brothers and sisters, help share and help!
(End of this chapter)

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