I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1079 Can only eat 2 bowls for 2 raw?

Chapter 1079 You can only eat two bowls if you give birth to two?

When the first rays of sunlight shone in in the morning, Xuan Wuchen opened his eyes.

The next moment, he looked at the person beside him.

After resting, her complexion improved a lot. Although she was still a little pale, she was no longer so weak, and her thin lips also regained some color.

The corners of his mouth rose in joy, and he pressed a kiss on her forehead lightly.He got up and helped her change the cotton cloth on her lower body, and washed her with warm water.

After doing this, he started to take care of himself.

Looking outside, I didn't hear the crying of the baby, only the daughters and sons-in-law woke up one after another, swarming and frolicking.

The daughters laughed and fought to hug their younger brothers and sisters, while the sons-in-law clamored loudly to bet on what the husband and wife would name their children.

"...Xuan Shangxian will definitely not take it by himself. When Xuanshi gave birth to quadruplets last time, he said that she gave birth to the baby through hard work, so she should let her take it."

"Not necessarily! Last time she took it, this time it's his turn to be the father!"

"Certainly not. Immortal Xuan Shang loves her best friend so much, and listens to her everything. This time, Xuan Shi will definitely take it!"

"If it was chosen by the little guy, it would be difficult to guess. She has always been weird, she has a lot of ghost ideas, and her thinking is even more peculiar! When she asked the three of them to name each of us with a character, this devil thought it was good. novel!"

"I think so too!"

"Then if we deduce it in this way, the baby girl should be named Ao'er or Feng'er."

The next moment, everyone booed.

"It's so ugly!"

"It doesn't sound good!"

"It's definitely impossible—her brother's name is Xuan Liangfeng, and her name is Feng'er. Isn't that a mess? Who knows who will call whom!"

"Neither! Immortal Xuanshang and the others usually call him the eldest, the second, and the third, and they don't even call them by their first names."

"That's the reason! Because their names are too similar to ours, so they shy away from shouting like that."

"According to this, they should not take it like this again."

Baili Aofeng smiled, and interjected, "It's better not to be like this. If it's called Ao'er or Feng'er, I'll find it a mouthful."

The next moment, the other three sons-in-law said in unison: "No way!"

Baili Aofeng laughed loudly.


Xuan Wuchen put down the jade dew in his hand, looked at the empty bottle, couldn't help being slightly stunned, and smiled again.

Since he formed the alchemy, he seldom eats.But after the little apprentice came to him, his habit gradually changed.

From eating a little with her at the beginning, to now eating three meals with her, even eating and drinking in the morning and evening.

After she established her foundation, he restricted her from eating and drinking too much.It's just that she kept yelling that life would be boring if she didn't eat and drink, and she would lose too many good things.

Later, I had no choice but to cook for her again.But I don't know when he started to eat with her, until now he eats and drinks a lot every day.

In fact, his little Shi'er changed him more than this!Too many, too many for him to count...

Now, she worked hard to give birth to two children for him, expanded the family members, and expanded their family again.

In the past, he was always alone and alone.

Later, there was a chubby little apprentice in his arms.

Later, the little apprentice grew up and had four children with him.The children have grown up, and there are more sons-in-law.

Now, there are two more children by his side, more people, and a bigger family...

In the past, even if he had an open mind, he would never have thought that he would have such a life!
Too many surprises and too much joy made him overwhelmed and enjoyed it.

He couldn't help but chuckle——

Suddenly, a soft voice came from the bed: "Master, what are you laughing about alone? Have you been laughing for a long time?"

Xuan Wuchen raised his eyebrows in surprise, he was immersed in his thoughts, and he didn't know when she would wake up.

He quickly put down the bottle of Yulu, walked towards her with big strides, approached her with a smile and asked, "When did you wake up? How do you feel? But there is still something uncomfortable?"

Yushi narrowed his eyes, lazily stretched his waist, moved his body, and replied: "I still have a little pain in the lower abdomen, but it is much better than yesterday. Everything else is fine, except for one thing that is very bad."

Hearing this, Xuan Wuchen quickly stretched out his hand to take her pulse, he took one side and then quickly the other, he was relieved until he was sure that she was fine.

"It's okay, the lower abdomen will recover in a few days. Your breath is a little weak, but your body is in good shape and you recover quickly."

The little apprentice shook his head and muttered, "I'm really not good..."

Xuan Wuchen caressed her cheek caressingly, and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Tell me quickly."

Yushi chuckled lightly, and said coquettishly, "I'm hungry! I'm so hungry!"

Immortal Xuanshang gave her a spoiled look, and said, "I'm going to serve you some porridge immediately, as a teacher."

As soon as the words were spoken, he Apparated out.In the blink of an eye, he came back again, holding a small white porcelain bowl in his hand.

Yushi's little face instantly collapsed.

"Master, I'm really hungry—I can definitely eat two cows! Please believe me."

Xuan Wuchen glared at her angrily, and coaxed softly: "After you just gave birth, you have to eat lightly for the past two days. Yesterday, the maid in charge of the kitchen made bird's nest porridge for the past few days. When the teacher passed by, this was just cooked. Come, let the teacher feed you."

Yushi was so hungry, he didn't care about it, and quickly opened his mouth to drink.

Seeing that she was drinking quickly, Xuan Shangxian also quickened her movements.

But the little apprentice still disliked him for being too slow, so he simply swept away the spoon, picked up the bowl, and drank it up with a few gulps.

She licked the corner of her mouth and said, "Three more bowls!"


Xuan Shangxian petted and chuckled, went out and brought in another bowl.

Yushi pursed her lips, and muttered, "Only two bowls?! I wanted four bowls - no way, I only gave birth to two, so I can only drink two bowls?"

Xuanshangxian couldn't laugh or cry: What kind of logic is this?

"You gave birth to four last time, and my teacher didn't let you drink four bowls at once! You are too hungry to eat too much at once. After half an hour, my teacher will bring you another drink."

The little apprentice narrowed his eyes with a smile, took the porridge, and drank it wheezingly.He took the handkerchief handed over by Master and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, I finally have some strength. Master, hurry up and bring the two children here. I didn't look carefully yesterday! Go, go!"

Xuan Wuchen didn't dare to disobey her, so he hurried out.

In a short time, three daughters and several sons-in-law, plus Brother Wufeng and Immortal Immortal, everyone swarmed in and filled the room instantly.

Xuan Yao'er hugged his younger sister, Xuan San'er hugged his younger brother, and came forward with a smile.

As soon as Yushi saw the child, he couldn't help but think of the scene before the delivery, and tears welled up in his eyes as if he couldn't control it.

(End of this chapter)

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