I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1090 The old 5 is missing!

Chapter 1090 The fifth child is missing!
A moment later, a charming woman flew over, and when she saw the little doll in the barrier, her eyes widened in surprise.

She condensed white light with her hands and pried the barrier, but it didn't move.

She was extremely angry, her blood-red eyes widened, she activated her strong spiritual power, and tried again—but failed again!

She was so angry that her chest bulged instantly, and she wanted to hit it with her head, but suddenly found that there seemed to be a crack at one end of the enchantment, as if it had been gnawed by teeth.

She closed her eyes and activated her skills, and with a powerful blow, she shattered a hole in the barrier.

She smiled triumphantly, sucked a little doll up on somersaulting cloud with her palm, hugged her in her arms, turned around and flew away happily.

In the kitchen, Xuan Wuchen was having lunch with the little apprentice.

Yushi ate the dumplings, his ears twitched slightly, and he murmured suspiciously: "Master, aren't the fifth and sixth sons out there asleep? Are they awake? I heard a noise just now."

Xuan Shangxian replied: "No, they played for a long time, just ate and fell asleep, and they won't wake up for a while. The noise outside was made by Mo Cang and Mo Yun."

"Oh? So it's those two naughty guys!" Yushi smiled, took a cabbage dumpling, and brought it to his mouth.

"Master, this is delicious, give it a try."

Xuan Wuchen ate it in one gulp, finished it elegantly and slowly, and explained: "Master, I put some more shiitake mushrooms in it this time, so it tastes much more fragrant."

"Mmm... delicious!"

Yushi ate with a smile, and praised: "Master's culinary skills are getting more and more exquisite! Even the imperial meals made by Baili Aofeng's special imperial chef are not as good as those made by Master."

The last time I lived in the Xinggong Bieyuan in Shangjing, Baili Aofeng was very enthusiastic and sent people to deliver exquisite food and drink almost every day.

Later, he even sent the royal chef of the palace to specially cook all kinds of delicacies to entertain himself and his master.

Her appetite has long been spoiled by the master, and she only thinks that those things are exquisite and beautiful, but the taste is far inferior to that made by the master.

Xuan Wuchen reached out and rubbed her hair, started to pack the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them.

After a while, he frowned and walked out of the kitchen, striding outside.

Yushi was still burying his head in his mouth, seeing his hurrying pace, he couldn't help muttering and asking, "Master, what's wrong? Is the child awake?"

Xuan Wuchen didn't care about answering her, and quickly flew up——

Seeing that the master was going to take care of the child, Yushi knew that he would definitely be able to fix it, so she buried her head and continued eating.

Suddenly, an angry low curse came from outside!


Yushi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly a bad feeling came to her heart!

Master has always remained calm, how could he be so excited all of a sudden!
The next moment, she jumped and flew out of the hut while spinning.

Before he had time to ask what was going on, the master sent a loud voice transmission: "Little Shier, stay here and take care of the sixth child."

The next moment, the familiar tall and handsome figure disappeared in midair.

Yushi was terrified, and hurried up somersaulting Yunfei, and saw the sixth child sleeping obediently, with a cute little face.

She hurriedly looked at another somersault cloud——


Her heart froze, and her mind went blank for an instant!
God!The fifth child is gone!
No wonder the master suddenly lost control and cursed... It turns out that the fifth child is missing!
Her heart fluttered, her eyes frantically scanned her surroundings—suddenly, a small gap above the barrier caught her attention.

It turned out that the earlier sound was not Mo Cang and Mo Yun at all, but a barrier that someone deliberately broke!
God!How could she be so careless!

At the door of her house, there was a barrier and somersaulting clouds, she and her master never expected such a layer.

Who will be disadvantageous to the fifth child? !Who would be courting death like this!
After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly had no idea.

The Holy Maiden of the Soft Moon is still retreating in the wild land, and even her mount has remained in the wild land.

After You Yueyingshui was seriously injured by their master and apprentice, she is still recovering from her injuries.Her mermaid kingdom can't do anything without the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Could it be someone from the world of demons, demons and humans - probably not at all!

The one who took away is the fifth child...could it be Baili Aofeng's enemy?The other party knew about the relationship between Lao Wu and Baili Aofeng, and came here to seek revenge?

Do not!
Baili Aofeng mainly deals with mortals, and the other party can destroy the enchantment, the skills must be not low - it should not be mortals!
She took a few deep breaths, forcing herself to calm down.Don't panic now, and don't be chaotic.

He stretched out his arms to pick up the sixth child, carefully protected him in his arms, and made a solid barrier for him, and stepped on the wind to fly out of Xuanlin Peak.

Following the master's familiar breath, she quickly flew towards the gate of the Qingyun sect.

From a distance, one could see the chaos at the gate of the Qingyun Sect, many people were shouting, and there were still several dead bodies lying on the ground. It was obvious that they had just experienced a great battle.

Tongtong rushed to the scene anxiously, shouting loudly.

Yushi jumped directly in front of him and asked anxiously, "Tongyi, what happened?"

Tongtong was full of grief, and explained angrily: "Ling Yunzhi and Xiangyang from the Lingshan School came over just now. They lost their minds and went crazy because of the strange magic of the monster. The disciples outside didn't know, and thought they were visitors, so they let them go. Entered the Great Formation of Sealing Mountains."

"As soon as they came in, they started killing without saying a word! Several disciples guarding the gate were killed, and they flew in again, killing a few juniors who were practicing flying!"

"When Master and uncles and I brought people out in a hurry, they flew away in a hurry. After chasing for a long time, they couldn't catch up! I had no choice but to come back, take care of these first, and then go to the Lingshan faction to seek justice!"

Yushi's face was pale, thinking of Xiangyang's obsessive love for the child - it must be her!

She is crazy... Will she hurt Lao Wu?
Seeing the blood stains all around, and seeing that she was still holding the child in her arms, Tong Tong wanted to persuade her to avoid it, but unexpectedly, with a sound of "咻——!", Grand Master Xuanshi flew away.

Remembering that his uncle Taizu also flew there earlier, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to get busy regardless of their master and apprentice.

When Yushi flew out of the outer sea, he saw the master holding the fifth child in one hand from a distance, with a handsome face, flying towards him at a very high speed.

She closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, calming down her chaotic heart.

Xuan Wuchen flew over, put his big arms around her, and comforted her: "Don't worry, the fifth child is not damaged at all, it's fine."

Yushi hurriedly hugged Lao Wu with the other hand, and saw that she was still asleep, with a smile on her lips, sleeping very soundly.

After handing the sixth child to the master and carefully examining the body of the fifth child, she was completely relieved.

"Master, you just told me about Big Brother Ling and Big Sister Xiangyang, did they really do it?"


Yushi frowned, sighed and asked, "Master, what happened to their master and apprentice?"

Xuanshangxian replied: "I caught it for my teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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