I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1098 Not as good as Shangxian

Chapter 1098

As soon as the mothers got together, they happily chatted about the interesting things about the babies.

Mo Heijian clasped his fists, and asked Xuan Wuchen respectfully: "Shangxian, there is something about the four seas, I would like to ask your opinion."

What about the world?

Xuan Wuchen frowned slightly, and nodded slightly.

Mo Heijian explained: "Shangxian, many old ministers from the Mohai Kingdom have come to see me these days. They told me about the current situation in the four seas, and asked me to regroup and take back the lost land of the Mohai Kingdom."

The world was originally his dark world, but the rise of the mermaid kingdom later defeated him with tricks.Only then did Four Seas fall into You Yueyingshui's hands.

"They said that ever since Youyueyingshui ruled the world, the creatures on the bottom of the sea haven't lived a peaceful life. The mermaids are brutal and bloodthirsty, and Youyueyingshui is ruled by power. If the creatures on the bottom of the sea make any mistakes, they will be severely punished and felony .”

"The creatures on the bottom of the sea are in great pain. Except for the daily feeding, they dare not go out at will. They live in panic every day, trembling, fearing that if they make a mistake, they will be killed."

"The subordinates of the old ministers were very troubled when they saw that the people at the bottom of the sea were not living well. They got together secretly and tried to find out about me secretly, hoping to meet me."

"I met them on the outskirts of the Qingyun faction. Everyone looked haggard, crying and begging me to restore the country. They said that after the Mermaid Kingdom was severely damaged by Baili Aofeng, the number of people dropped sharply, less than the original three. one-third."

"They also said that now that the Mermaid Kingdom has no Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and no witches, we have a great chance of winning, and within a few days we will be able to drive the Mermaids and Youyue Yingshui out of the world."

Having said that, Mo Heijian glanced embarrassingly at his wife who was having a good chat, and continued with a sigh: "The lives on the bottom of the sea are in ruins, and we are all heartbroken, but I can't get away at all now... Besides, I also promised the little bug, I no longer yearn for the life of an emperor.”

Xuan Wuchen looked at him indifferently, and said: "Since you have already made such a decision, why are you still struggling? Could it be that you can't let go of the high position of hegemony?"

Today's Mo Heijian is no longer the flamboyant, impulsive and violent Prince of Beihai, nor is he the high-spirited Lord of the World of Mohai Kingdom.

He has experienced so many things back and forth, through ups and downs, ups and downs.After the "pain of bereavement", and brushing shoulders with death, her character and thinking have become more mature.

Mo Heijian quickly shook his head, and replied: "No, no matter how high or good the position is, I have already experienced it, and there is nothing I can't bear to see. It's just... the current situation in the world, I feel very heartbroken, and I want to do something for them. something."

Xuan Wuchen held his hands behind his back, looking clear and handsome, but he didn't speak for a while.

Mo Heijian waited anxiously, so he had to take the initiative to explain: "Xuan Shangxian, I asked my father for advice, but he shook his head and said that he was old, and he just wanted to be with my mother and concubine until death, and play with his grandchildren. He has more than enough heart but not enough strength, so don't ask him."

"I have no choice but to come over and discuss with Immortal Xuanshang. Now that the world is in such a situation, can I lead my subordinates to recover their homeland, drive the mermaid tribe out of the bottom of the sea, and restore peace to the world?"

Xuan Wuchen glanced at him, and finally said: "Yes, but we have to wait."

Mo Heijian clasped his fists respectfully, and said, "Please explain in detail, Shangxian."

The handsome man in white robe explained in a low voice: "The lifespan of mermaids is not long, generally only about five to ten years. They are all hatched by swimming in the moon shadow water. She is a female fish and has a strong reproductive ability."

"The Mermaid Kingdom was able to rise rapidly in the four seas a while ago, thanks to the rapid increase in the number of mermaids. But their strength is far inferior to that of the Mohai Kingdom."

"Most of the reason why they were able to destroy the Mohai country was the help of external forces, not their own. But these external forces have all been lost now."

"The number of mermaids has dropped sharply, but Youyue Yingshui has been seriously injured and will not be able to reproduce fish eggs within ten years. Therefore, in the next three years, the number of mermaids in the four seas will gradually decrease, or even perish."

Mo Heikan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said excitedly: "The meaning of the Shangxian is to let me wait patiently for a few years, and then the mermaid clan will perish by themselves without having to chase them away?"

Xuan Wuchen continued calmly: "The world has been in chaos for many years, and now it is oppressed by the mermaid clan. If there is another war, it will only be innocent sea creatures who will suffer."

"The mermaid clan has suffered a great blow this time, and it will definitely be unable to govern the world in the future. Youyueyingshui has not moved for many days, and it is most likely that it is retreating to recuperate."

"Next, the world will settle down, and the creatures on the bottom of the sea will be able to recuperate. If you want to develop your own power, you can take the opportunity to win people's hearts again."

"In a few years, it will be a matter of course. It will not take much manpower, and there will be no more wars. The country will be re-established, and it will once again dominate—"

"No! No!" Mo Heijian shook his head and gave up, explaining: "Shangxian misunderstood, I just hope that the people in the bottom of the sea will no longer be miserable and live a stable and stable life, not because I can become a king."

Xuan Wuchen glanced at him appreciatively, but didn't speak again.

Mo Heijian smiled, cupped his hands and said: "Then I will inform the old ministers now, let them slowly encourage people's livelihood, have hope for the future, and don't pin your hopes on war."

After a pause, he frowned doubtfully and muttered: "However, Youyueyingshui's vicious mermaid must not be kept, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

If she is alive, she can continue to breed mermaids in the future.If the number is too large, it will cause a big storm to harm people.

Xuan Wuchen said: "Her skills are not high, and now she is seriously injured. It is not difficult to kill her. Her main support is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but they are gone now."

Mo Heijian frowned and thought for a while, then explained: "I heard that she hasn't summoned her servants for a long time, so she announced to the outside world that she is recovering from her injuries. Shangxian, do you know where she will go to retreat?"

Take advantage of her injury and kill her.If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to solve You Yueying Shui's secret, there will be endless troubles in the future.

Xuan Wuchen thought for a while, and replied: "Mermaids can only recover from their injuries when they sleep, and they can only sleep in still water when they sleep. You are familiar with the waters of the four seas, so you naturally know where there is still water."

Hearing this, Mo Heijian was overjoyed, cupped his hands and cupped his fists to express his thanks.

At this time, Yushi and Yuchengdie laughed happily from the other side.

They turned around and saw Toner and the old five and the sixth were having a great time.

The sixth child even naughtily climbed onto Toner's body, while the fifth child pulled its beard and smiled mischievously.

Mo Yun and Mo Cang huddled together in the corner, gnawed on the jelly grass, and flicked their tails happily.

Xuan Wuchen whispered: "It's rare for people in the world to see through power and money. It seems that Beihai Mo has really matured."

Mo Heijian laughed loudly, and said pointingly: "Speaking of this, it's not as good as Shangxian."

On Xuanlin Peak, people and dragons gathered together, laughing constantly.

(End of this chapter)

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