I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1107 Return the money to you, she will keep it for me!

Chapter 1107 Return the money to you, she will keep it for me!

After this farewell, I don't know when I will see her again.Maybe this will be the last time, just like she said, it's time to say goodbye.

So, he wants to bless her.

Although he couldn't get her and her love, he still hoped that she could live well and live happily.

Listening to his words of blessing, Lian'er finally couldn't bear it anymore, choked up and began to cry.

Her heart hurts so much, she really wants to rush up, throw herself into his arms, tell him her true feelings, tell him everything...

But she can't!

She can't do this...

Seeing her crying, Wufeng was heartbroken, tears flashed in his eyes, he turned around quickly, stretched his feet with difficulty and tried to walk away——

"What are you doing here in a daze! Hurry up and leave!" The silent attendant along the way spoke at this moment.

The lead attendant in Tsing Yi stretched out his hand and pushed hard, Lian'er accidentally threw her to the ground.


The attendant stared angrily, and shouted: "Dling along the way, and have an affair with a big man, don't forget - you were bought by our master to serve him. If the master finds out that you are not loyal to him, you Just wait to be beaten to death with random sticks!"

Turning around without wind, seeing Lian'er fell to the ground with a painful expression on his face, he rushed forward and hugged her up.

Lian'er groaned in pain, barely stood up straight, her hands and feet were numb and aching, but she didn't dare to lean on Wufeng's body, and hurriedly dodged.

"Young Master Feng...you go back quickly!"

Wu Feng thought about what the attendant in Tsing Yi said just now, and his heart was full of doubts.Just about to ask——but saw that her hand was swollen with blood, and blood was already overflowing.

"Lian'er, you're hurt!"

He leaned forward with distress, took her little hand, and seeing fine sand and dust on it, he quickly leaned over and gently blew it away, as if caring.

Lian'er felt that his big warm hand was tightly wrapping her hand, and saw his caring and considerate movements, her heart skipped a beat.

Mr. Feng, this is enough...

Wufeng took out the handkerchief in his sleeve and hurriedly wrapped her hand.

The attendant in Tsing Yi yelled again: "What the hell are you doing! You can't think we are all blind! You kid! Get out of here!"

Wufeng let go of Lian'er's hand, turned around with a cold face, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

After a pause, he looked at Lian Er and asked, "What kind of people do you like? These people are his servants?"

Lian'er didn't dare to look into his eyes, she shook her head timidly, and persuaded: "Young Master Feng, you should go back quickly!"

Wufeng didn't move, and asked in a cold voice: "You tell me clearly, who ransomed you? Where are you going now? Who is the other party? You can tell me one by one now."

These people are vicious, and they say that their master bought her, and they want to beat her to death...

no!He can't leave now, he wants to make sure she is well.If the person who ransoms her has unclear intentions or is even against her, he cannot let her go.

He could return the ransom money to that person, even ten times more.Then let her live the life she likes and find her true lover again.

Lian'er didn't dare to answer at all, but shook her head anxiously to persuade: "Young Master Feng, don't ask, it's none of your business... You should leave quickly! Hurry up!"

Wufeng shook his head, and said resolutely: "Impossible. If that person is really your beloved and sincerely treats you well, then I... have no choice but to bless you. But that person is obviously not a good person, and you haven't passed the door yet. His servants treat you like this, how can you have a good life after following him."

When Lian Er heard that he was unwilling to leave, she was afraid that he would know the truth of the matter. She was anxious and cried, and begged: "No! I beg you to leave me alone... I am not worthy of you. Please do it now. Let's go! Please."

Wufeng comforted in a low voice: "Lian'er, don't be afraid, tell me the real situation first. How much do you know about your beloved, and whether he is a villain, do you really know? Just now they said they would To beat you to death with sticks - such a person is not a good person."

Lian'er's face was pale, she didn't dare to answer a word, she just told her to leave quickly.Wufeng sees that things have clues, so he is not willing to leave.

The attendant in Tsing Yi took a step forward, pulled Lian Er fiercely, and cursed loudly: "You are such a lowly woman! Those who come from a brothel are cheap! How dare you say that you are not a prostitute! You are so close to a man at will, let our master How can I believe that you are still innocent!"

Lian'er was dragged to the side, endured the pain, and begged: "Please let go... I'll go with you now, right away."

When Wu Feng saw them making a move, he ran forward quickly, wanting to pull Lian Er back—the servant in Tsing Yi would not let go, and shouted loudly: "What do you want, kid! This woman was bought by our master to be an eighteen-bedroom concubine of!"

Wufeng was obviously surprised, stared at Lian'er, and asked in surprise, "What?!"

She explained in the letter that she was in love with a man who would redeem her and take her away from the place of fireworks.

But the truth of the matter is—she is going to be your concubine!Or eighteen concubines...

Lian'er's face was full of tears, and she didn't dare to meet his gaze.She didn't ask Wufeng to leave again, but just begged the attendant to take her away quickly.

"No!" Wufeng jumped forward, blocked their way, and shouted: "You are not allowed to take her away! How much money did your master spend to redeem her—I am willing to pay him back ten times .She—you can't take her away."

When Lian'er heard this, she became very anxious and screamed, "No! You can't mess around anymore! You don't have any money! Don't worry about my affairs, you should leave! You must leave!"

Wufeng shook his head resolutely, looked at her and said, "Lian'er, my affection for you... Although I can't get your response, I still hope you live well and live happily."

"Your so-called lover already has so many concubines, and they are beaten to death with sticks when they speak and keep silent. How can such a person give you happiness!"

He reached into his bosom, took out a huge silver bill, and asked in a cold voice, "How much did your master spend to redeem her? Tell me quickly!"

The attendant in Tsing Yi replied: "The redemption is not much, only 100 taels is enough. It's just that this woman asked for 500 taels of silver. I heard that she was using the money to save some concubine... Anyway, it cost my master 600 taels of silver. "

Wufeng raised the banknote up, and said loudly: "This is a banknote of 3000 taels, take it to your master. She, leave it to me!"

The attendant in Tsing Yi frowned and looked at the banknote in his hand, and asked with a sneer, "How could you take out such a big banknote? Could it be a lie?"

Lian'er was dumbfounded and could only stare at him blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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