Chapter 1113
Yu Chengdie glanced at her hand, saw Xiangyang's face was livid again, and asked concerned: "Sister Xiangyang, are you sick? Why is your face so bad?"

Qian'er on the side said worriedly: "Yes! I see that your energy is not very good these days, so let you take a good rest. Fairy Xuanshi has already said, let you sleep more and rest more, little baby is enough with us. "

Xiangyang shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm not so weak! Lying in bed all day will only make my spirit worse. I can come out to see the two babies, talk and do things with you. It will be better."

Qian'er skillfully applied the medicine and bandaged her wound, and quickly wrapped up her wound, explaining carefully: "I can't go into the water for a few days, and the wound is quite deep. I'll go and apply more medicine for you later."

Xiangyang thanked him and started chatting with Yu Chengdie.

Yu Chengdie asked about her body again, and Qian'er interjected: "Sister Xiangyang is not in good health, and Fairy Xuanshi said that she was poisoned by the extremely cold snake venom before, even if it was cured, her body is still very cold .”

Xiangyang waved his hand with a smile, and said, "I have taken the medicine prescribed by Fairy Xuanshi, and it has obviously improved. In fact, part of the reason for my body's coldness is due to practicing the Lingshan School. I haven't practiced it yet. Now, a lot of problems have emerged.”

Yu Chengdie sighed, took her hand, and spat on it.

"It will get better sooner."

Xiangyang was taken aback, then smiled, and said gratefully: "I can get the dragon's blood from your Cangbei Shenlong, and my wound will be fine in a while. Thank you! Thank you!"

She has been walking in the world of cultivating immortals for many years, so she naturally understands the cherishment and preciousness of Cangbei Shenlong and Dragon's Blood Water.

With her saliva, her wounds can stop bleeding and heal quickly, several times faster than normal wounds.

Yu Chengdie held her hand, smiled and said: "You're welcome, it's a trivial matter! You are so familiar with the little master, we are also friends!"

Xiangyang smiled happily, said goodbye, and walked out of the kitchen—but after walking two steps away, he fainted on the ground!

Qian'er and Yu Chengdie were terrified, and hurried forward to help her, took her back to the room, and helped her to sleep on the bed.

Mo Heijian was holding the two children in his arms, seeing such a big commotion here, he thought it was better to ask someone to take a pulse, so he hurried to call Yushi out.

Yushi came rushing over, taking his pulse and asking what happened before and after, frowning exquisitely, and explained: "Sister Xiangyang's body is too cold, and her qi and blood are also very poor."

Qian'er was very anxious, and sighed worriedly: "I didn't drink less of this medicine, but why is the progress so slow! Fairy Xuanshi, can you think of a faster and more effective method?"

A faster and more efficient way? !
Yushi sighed, and muttered in a low voice: "Her body was already forming alchemy, but suddenly she lost her skills, and she became weak. She was also poisoned by the cold snake venom before, so she was even weaker. This is not a modern day. Society—if you get injections or infusions, it may be faster."

Qian'er didn't have any skills, and Yushi just murmured, not knowing what she was talking about.But Yu Chengdie behind him heard it.

"Injections and infusions?! Little master, what are they all about... Can needles be given? What kind of infusion?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Yushi's mind, his eyes froze, and he looked at Yu Chengdie on the side in surprise.

Yu Chengdie was stunned, staring and muttering: "Little master, why are you looking at me like this—the eyes are weird!"

Yushi stepped forward, grabbed her hand and asked, "Caterpillar, how is your health recently? Have you made up for the loss from laying dragon eggs before?"

Although Yu Chengdie was a little puzzled by her question, she didn't hold back at all, explaining: "It's all gone. These days, the big black dragon and the concubine mother give me tonic from time to time, and I've gained a lot of weight!"

Yushi chuckled, patted the back of her hand, and looked at Mo Hei, who was holding the two babies behind her head, discussing and asking, "Can you borrow some dragon's blood water and a small bowl of blood from your beloved wife?"

When Mo Heijian heard the blood, he couldn't calm down all of a sudden, raised his eyebrows suspiciously, and asked nervously, "I still want blood? A bowl...will it hurt me?"

Yushi answered earnestly: "The caterpillar is in good health, a small bowl of blood is fine. Because sister Xiangyang's body is too weak and very cold."

"The caterpillar is the Cangbei Shenlong, and its body is full of yang energy. If you can mix her blood with a few qi-invigorating elixir, and feed it to sister Xiangyang. Within a few days, you will definitely recover quickly."

After hearing this, Yu Chengdie replied without hesitation, "Of course! As long as I can save people and help others, let alone a bowl of blood, I'm willing too!"

Although Mo Heijian felt sorry for his wife, seeing that Xiangyang's face was ashen and looked very weak, he felt pity in his heart and nodded accordingly.

Seeing that the husband and wife agreed, Yushi hurriedly went to get the utensils to collect blood.

Yu Chengdie whispered to the side: "Little master, I am very strong now, if it is really helpful to Miss Xiangyang, you can take more."

"Hehe..." Yushi smiled and replied: "Then I will thank you for her first, I am not welcome!"

Mo Heijian was anxious at the back, his bushy brows were tightly frowned, and he hurried forward and coaxed: "Little insect, don't make up your mind, your body loses a lot of blood, and it's easy to get weak and sick."

Then he turned to Yushi to persuade him: "If you need more, take them separately, so as not to hurt your body. Don't think that if the little bug agrees, it's really rude—it's all blood!"

Yushi and Yuchengdie looked at each other and laughed.

"Got it—it's all blood!"

Mo Hei Jianjun blushed slightly, turned around to tease the child, but his eyes still peeked behind him from time to time.

After Yushi took blood, he hurried to the pharmacy.

Qian'er stayed in the room to take care of Xiangyang, while Mo Heijian and his wife hugged the five and six children and played on the fairy grass outside the house.

Mo Hei glanced at Yu Chengdie's arm, and asked in a low voice, "Little bug, does it still hurt?"

Yucheng Diejiao glared at him, smiled sweetly at the corner of her mouth, deliberately said "Ouch!", and softly shouted: "It hurts a bit!"

Before Mo Heijian tensed up, he quickly opened his sleeves and checked carefully, seeing that the wound had already been covered with medicine to stop the bleeding, and the bandage was very proper, so he finally felt relieved.

He let go of her hand, gave her a reproachful look, and scolded with a smile: "Deliberately tricking me into feeling sorry for you—be careful I don't fall for it!"

Yu Chengdie smiled slyly, and said with a smile: "Really? Then who came over and pulled my arm to look at it immediately? The person who was taken in - who is it?"

Mo Hei snorted softly, smiled and turned away his face——suddenly, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the distant sea, his thick and thick brows frowned.

Yu Chengdie played hide-and-seek with the fifth and sixth children, she got into the fairy grass, the little baby came forward to pick the fairy grass, and then laughed.Although the game is simple, they have a lot of fun.

But when she climbed out of the jelly grass, she found that Mo Hei was gone!
(End of this chapter)

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