I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1117 He came to kidnap people by force, what should I do?

Chapter 1117 He came to kidnap people by force, what should I do?
Qingyun School, Xuanlin Peak Houfeng

When Mo Heijian returned home, it was already evening, and after the three children finished practicing and ate fish, they were called to sleep by Yu Chengdie.The room for the two of them was quiet.

Mo Heijian stepped lightly, looked left and right and couldn't find his wife, thinking that she might be in the next room.Very tired, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

When Yu Chengdie came over, she heard the sound of snoring as soon as she entered the door, she gave him a reproachful look, and stepped forward to help him cover the quilt——suddenly, a big hole in his sleeve attracted her attention.

She squinted her eyes and took a closer look, only to find that it was a trace of a fight!
Earlier, the two played with the fifth and sixth children, but he disappeared as soon as they turned around.

She waited for him at the front for a long time, until the little master told her to go home to see a few children, and she realized that he had been away for more than an hour.

Fearing that the child would not have anything to eat after practicing, she hurried home to prepare dinner, and really didn't care to wait for him.

Where did he go?Still fighting with people?

Worried that he would be injured, she quickly lifted the quilt and examined his whole body carefully.

Fortunately, there was no smell of blood, and there was no sign of pulling limbs, and there was no sign of injury—she was relieved.

Pulled by her impatience, the person on the bed woke up in a daze, before opening his eyes, smelling his wife's familiar scent, he grabbed her with his big hand and hugged her into his arms.

Yu Chengdie accidentally fell on his chest, and beat his strong chest a few times in reproach, and asked softly: "Where have you been? In the blink of an eye, you are gone! I am sorry for a while." wait!"

Mo Heijian hugged his delicate body with his big arms, moved his hands up and down, followed by kissing with his big mouth, and mumbled in response: "I saw something abnormal on the surface of the sea, so I went down to have a look."

Yu Chengdie was taken aback, stretched out his hand to push away his big mouth, and asked, "What's abnormal, tell me quickly."

Mo Heijian's enthusiasm was interrupted, and he pursed his lips in embarrassment. He was very unwilling, but he didn't dare to hide anything, so he hurriedly explained the matter carefully.

"...After an hour, I found that I could move, so I followed the direction he left, and found a long distance. But that guy was very cautious, and he didn't leave any breath or signs. I couldn't find it at all. "

"What happened later? Can't find it?"

"I still couldn't find it in the end. I saw that it was getting late, and it was even more difficult to find someone under the dark sea, so I had to fly home."

Yu Chengdie's face darkened when he heard this, and he said angrily: "That guy's brain is really wrong! Just like a donkey!"

Mo Heijian sighed, and explained: "He is quite straightforward at first, but he has a very paranoid personality. He only looks for his own opinion and doesn't listen to persuasion."

"I originally thought that everyone had a friendship and tried to persuade him. Unexpectedly, after talking for a long time, I thought I could persuade him-but he kept shaking his head, but he couldn't persuade him at all!"

"I'm so angry, how can Xuan Linfeng allow him to mess around! I want to test his details and show my position to him, so I fight him! His strength is good, but I lost in the end..."

Yu Chengdie was still not at ease, and asked, "Is it not injured? What about internal injuries?"

Mo Heijian shook his head, and replied: "I'm fine. However, he said that he would not give up on Xiao Yushi, and he would take her away while Immortal Xuan is away."

"He's a bastard!" Yu Chengdie couldn't help yelling: "If he dares to mess around, I'll bite him to death!"

Although she is married, her mission of protecting the little master has never changed!If that guy dares to harm the little master again, she must fight him desperately!
Mo Heikan pressed her shoulders with his big hands, and comforted her: "Little Chongzi, don't be angry. According to his paranoid personality, he will definitely come again. What we have to do now is to strengthen Xuan Linfeng's defense work .”

Yu Chengdie nodded quickly, and said nervously: "Yes! Especially since Immortal Xuanshang is not here for a while, we should help!"

Mo Heijian explained with a smile: "Actually, Immortal Xuanshang should have expected it early on. When he left, he strengthened the barriers and formations inside and outside Xuanlin Peak. Even our husband and wife need little jade stones to go there. Unravel—this is the best proof."

"That's it!" Yu Chengdie sighed and added: "Last time, because the little master was going to have a baby, so many people came inside and out, and Xuanshangxian also missed it for a while, so that bastard took advantage of the loophole. Xuanshangxian Don't leak anything, and definitely won't give him any more chances."

Mo Heijian seemed to think of something, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "However, I heard his tone...it seemed that he was very confident that he could take Xiaoyushi away...that's why I was worried and chased after him again. I looked for it, but unfortunately I couldn’t find it.”

"So what if you find it?" Yu Chengdie stared at him angrily, and scolded him coquettishly: "Aren't you unable to beat him?! Save yourself!"

Mo Heijian chuckled, not daring to refute.

Yu Chengdie thought for a while, then stood up abruptly——

"No! I'd better go to the forward and tell the little master in advance, so that she can take precautions."

She wanted to rush out, but Mo Heikan hugged her back with his big arms.

"Little Chongzi, don't be impulsive. It's dark outside now, and we had to ask Xiao Yushi to untie the barrier for us in the past. This is even worse, lest people hiding in the dark will take advantage of it."

Mo Heijian pinched her pretty face, and continued: "Besides, it's late at night, and the old five and the sixth are going to bed early again, and Xiao Yushi must have taken them to sleep. You go now, wake them up, let's wait a while It also made Xiao Yushi restless in sleep."

Yu Chengdie suddenly nodded, and muttered: "That makes sense. Then I'll go there early tomorrow morning. Alas...Xuan Shangxian is not here, and the two people helping Xuanlin Peak are weak women who don't know how to practice. I worry about it when I think about it.”

Mo Hei smiled, and said angrily, "You forgot? There is still a master in Xuanlin Peak!"

The person in his arms blinked and asked doubtfully, "What? Expert? Who? Don't tell me it's you!"

Mo Heijian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and explained: "Of course it's Xiao Yushi herself! Her kung fu has already reached the stage of ascension, she is quick and smart, and she can definitely beat that green soul."

When Yu Chengdie heard this, Gao Xuan's heart finally became more stable.

"However, I'm still a little worried. That bastard has evil intentions. I'm not afraid of [-] yuan, but I'm afraid that if he cheats, the little master will be in danger!"

Mo Heijian shook his head, and whispered: "It's not dangerous... He loves Xiao Yushi so much, and it's because he loves her so much that he wants to take her away. He won't do Xiao Yushi any harm. We don't have to worry about that." .”

When Yu Chengdie heard it, her face turned red with anger, she stepped forward, grabbed one of his big ears, and scolded softly: "I said, why is your brain so dull! Is this what I'm afraid of? I'm afraid Yes... yes... yes..."

(End of this chapter)

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