I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1119 Anxious to marry a bride, still miss us?

Chapter 1119 Anxious to marry a bride, still miss us?
Cangbei Continent, Shangjing City
Because of the dense protection of the unified people, the flight slowed down. It was originally a one-day journey, but it took three days to arrive.

Yushi and Yuchengdie held the fifth child one by one and the sixth child by the other, riding on somersault clouds, looking at the bustling capital city ahead with lights, they smiled at each other.

"It's finally here!"

Yu Chengdie touched the thick hair of the sixth son, Heize, and whispered: "Fortunately, the two of them like flying somersaulting clouds, otherwise after three days of hard work, they would definitely be bored!"

Yushi chuckled, and explained: "You don't know, when they were four months old, their master made them float in the sky, each with a small somersault cloud. Since then, they have fallen in love with flying."

Yu Chengdie was stunned, and then laughed.

"Xuan Shangxian is so relieved?! He usually takes good care of the children, I really can't think of it!"

Yushi said: "Since the accident happened, he didn't dare. The child remembers quickly and forgets quickly. He completely forgot the somersault cloud in a few days. However, they like flying, which is not a big deal. Change."

Yu Chengdie took a look at Lao Wu, saw that she was sleeping very soundly, and couldn't help laughing.

"As soon as the evening comes, both of them will fall asleep. This habit of going to bed early is really good! The three of my family always liked to stay up late at first, and they would not sleep at all unless they played with the big black dragon until midnight. After a while of practicing exercises during the day, they learned to go to bed early."

Yushi nodded and smiled, and explained: "The fifth and sixth sons don't seem to like the night very much. As long as the night is dark, they will fall asleep one after another."

The two chatted in a low voice, but they didn't realize that the large team had already arrived in the sky above the capital.

At this time, Tong Tong flew over, clasped his hands together and said, "Uncle Grand Master, we have arrived in the capital. It's getting late at night, why don't we find a place to rest first, and then go to Houye's Mansion tomorrow to find Wufeng Xianzun."

Yushi smiled and replied: "Well, you can arrange it. The day after tomorrow is a good day for the big wedding, and the Marquis's mansion must be very busy now. Our group is too eye-catching, so we should find a quiet place to rest first, and we will meet again tomorrow." Go find Brother Wufeng."

Tongtong flew forward with a smile on his face, but within a moment, he shouted loudly: "Who is here?"

Yushi and Yuchengdie were taken aback for a moment, and looked up to the front.The night was dark, and the people who came were still wearing black clothes. It seemed that there were quite a few of them, but they still couldn't tell who they were.

Yushi stretched out his hand cautiously, and made a soundproof and isolation barrier for the fifth child in his arms, and moved to the other side to help the sixth child do the same.

Tong Tong seemed to be chatting with the visitor, and his tone became more enthusiastic and polite.

"So that's it! You have been waiting here for a long time, right? I will lead you to meet Grand Master Uncle right now."

After a while, Tongyi flew over with a dozen black-clothed monks, and saw that they were all dressed in black clothes and black trousers, and they looked familiar.

Unified explained with a smile: "Uncle Grand Master, they are all sent here by the emperor Baili Aofeng to wait for us. He heard that we will arrive in the next two days, so he asked them to wait in mid-air to welcome us."

After speaking, he handed a gold medal in his hand to Yushi.

The monks in black bowed respectfully one by one, and the leader in black said: "Fairy Xuanshi, Your Majesty told us to wait here in advance, and take you all to rest in the palace outside the city. Your Majesty has already made proper arrangements there. There is no shortage of things."

Yushi took the gold medal, and saw the word "wind" faintly flashing on it, and there was still a small amount of spiritual power of Baili Aofeng on it.

From time to time, he sent things to Xuanlin Peak to send messages. Yushi knew the characteristics of his exercises very well, and he could tell them at a glance.

Baili Aofeng did things properly and steadily!

She smiled and said, "It's really hard for you all to wait here for a long time. Please lead the way."

The black-clothed friar stood up, buried his head and flew forward.

Tongtong and a group of disciples gathered around Yushi's somersault cloud, and slowly flew over.

After a while, everyone flew to the palace outside the city.

This palace happened to be the one that Yushi and Master lived in before, she still had a deep memory, hugged the fifth child, and led Yu Chengdie into it.

The leader of the men in black led the unified people down to rest, and let them protect them.

The unified people were also exhausted these days, and under Yushi's persuasion, they retreated one by one to rest.

Baili Aofeng made preparations for the palace in advance, and the people who served him had everything they needed.

Yushi and Yuchengdie were tired from the journey these days, they took turns guarding the two children, and after washing up separately, they both fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Baili Aofeng and Lord Wufeng came to the palace on fast horses.

From far away, Wu Feng shouted loudly: "Xiao Shi'er! Xiao Shi'er!"

Yushi sat up with dazed eyes, saw that the two children were still sleeping soundly, afraid of waking them up by the sound of talking, so she put on her clothes, changed shape and went out in a hurry.

Before she could fully open her eyes, a familiar embrace came over, hugging her with excitement and enthusiasm.

"Little Shi'er! You guys are finally here! I've been waiting so anxiously!"

Yushi smiled, opened his eyes in a daze, and muttered and laughed: "Are you anxious to be the groom's officer? I'm afraid that if we don't come to the wedding, there will be a delay—otherwise, why would you wait so anxiously?"

Wufeng let go of the person in his arms, blamed and stared at her with a smile, and stretched out his hands to pinch her white and tender cheeks.

"Huh! Laughing at Master Zeng as soon as you open your mouth?! I think you are asking for a beating! I still miss you so much!"

Yushi's small mouth was forced to split open, he laughed, and said in a strange tone: "Miss us? No way? If you miss us, why don't you go back to Xuanlin Peak to see us? Not even a letter? It's really unbelievable !"

Uncomfortable "tsk tsk" twice, and continued to add: "The whole set of thoughts is devoted to beauties, and Chaosi is dreaming, how can there be other thoughts for us--that's really nice!"

Wufeng was funny and angry, Jun blushed, as if he was being told, with an aura of anger turning from embarrassment, he rubbed and pressed her pretty face again and again, squeezing her back and forth.

Yushi frowned in pain, and hummed: "If you continue to behave like this... I will tell Master when I come back. Not only that, but I will make trouble in the bridal chamber in two days and I will torment your new wife!"

Wufeng immediately let go, hugged her tightly again, and coaxed: "Xiao Shier is the most obedient! I waited so hard for you to come to see me, I'm just so happy!"

Yushi touched his ravaged face, and snorted coldly: "Don't change the subject. I will save this debt when we make trouble in the bridal chamber, and we will get it back from the bride!"

He let go of her calmly, pretended not to hear, and walked into the house with big strides.

"I haven't seen the fifth and sixth children for a long time. How old are they? I'll go in and have a look at them first!"

(End of this chapter)

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