I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1121 Little Shi'er is missing!

Chapter 1121 Little Shi'er is missing!

Suddenly, a pair of big hands hugged her tightly and hugged her tightly.

She immediately swung her palm and hit it back—the man tensed up and took a slap from her!
The next moment, the surrounding scene changed instantly!
She was surprised to find that she and he were in a dense forest!
What's the matter? !
Are these also phantoms? !
The person holding her spat out a mouthful of blood, and moved his big hand holding her.

Yushi only felt that his eyes were dark, and he fell down all of a sudden.

Qinghun's face was livid, he let out a weak breath, and rolled on the grass with his arms around her.

He adjusted his breathing slowly, wrapped his big hands tightly around the delicate body in his arms, and a faint, weird smile overflowed from his mouth.

"Xuanshi... you don't know yet, right? In this world...the only person with the eyes that can penetrate the sky is Pluto. But the person who has the ability to teleport...he is not the only one."

"Take a palm to bring you back by my side... It's worth it... Hehe... Xuanshi, I finally hugged you again. Your body is still so fragrant...so soft..."

After he murmured, he finally couldn't hold it anymore, another stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

The person he held in his arms slowly slipped down and landed on his arm...

In the Xinggong Bieyuan, Wufeng and Baili Aofeng hugged each other, clumsily and cautiously, helping to feed the two little ones.

The two little guys were fed with rice paste all over their faces, their small mouths were babbling and eating, and their two big round eyes looked and looked, very curious!
Wufeng said happily: "It turns out that feeding children is so fun! Look, there are still four teeth in Lao Liu's mouth!"

Baili Aofeng hurriedly lowered his body, leaned over to take a look, and saw that the sixth child really had four small teeth, pink and white, which looked very cute.

He turned around quickly, smiled and coaxed Lao Wu to open his mouth, and fed him a mouthful of sweet porridge.

"I saw it! Little Ke'er has teeth too! It seems that there are also four... Maybe there are more than that!"

He hurriedly spooned another tablespoon of sweet porridge, and moved it close to Lao Wu's small mouth, and the little baby's small mouth immediately opened wide.

"Wow! Our little Ke'er has five teeth! Two on the top, two on the bottom, and a small one growing inside!"

After Wufeng heard it, he looked into Lao Liu's small mouth again, but he closed his mouth, opened his big sparkling eyes, looked at the place different from home, his small face was full of curiosity.

Wufeng coaxed him to open his mouth, but Lao Liu didn't want to eat any more at all, so he turned his head away to avoid the small spoon he sent over.

Wufeng coaxed him patiently, but the sixth child didn't want to eat, and he couldn't see his mother, so he decided to find her.

He twisted a few times in Wufeng's arms, and threw himself on the ground——

Wufeng was afraid that he would fall, so he hugged him tightly in his arms.

The sixth child shook his head and turned his body, and said in a cute voice, "Down...down..."

Wufeng finally understood what he meant, squatted down, and put the little baby on the ground.Lao Liu immediately walked towards the door with small steps.

Seeing his younger brother leaving, the fifth child looked around and found that they were not familiar faces. He knew that his younger brother was going to find his mother.

She also quickly twisted her body, let Baili Aofeng put her down, and walked towards the door with small unsteady steps, her chubby body dangling back and forth, shaking and shaking.

Baili Aofeng was afraid that she would fall, so he hurriedly leaned forward, lowered his tall body to protect the little man's side, and asked softly, "Little Ke'er, where are you going?"

Wufeng smiled and pointed at Lao Liu who had already walked a distance, and shouted excitedly: "Wow! Our Lao Liu walked fast and steadily! It's really good!"

The little man behind heard it, so he didn't leave at all, turned his cute round head, and looked at Wufeng——

Wufeng raised his eyebrows at her, and said: "Look quickly! Your brother is doing well! He is even better than your sister!"

After listening to the fifth child, his mouth was aggrieved, and suddenly he let out a "wow!" and burst into tears.

Both Baili Aofeng and Wufeng were startled by her, they leaned forward and squatted down, coaxing and lying, but the little guy just didn't listen, crying, tears falling down .

The two handsome guys felt very distressed, nervously wiped her tears, held her little hands, and coaxed her non-stop.

After walking a certain distance, the sixth child heard his sister crying behind him, so he quickly turned around to see her, and saw that her sister was crying very sadly, but his father and mother were not there, and it was the two uncles who fed them just now who were coaxing them looking at my sister.

He instinctively felt that he should find his mother quickly, otherwise his sister would still cry.

He walked quickly to the corridor on the other side, and the attendant behind hurriedly stepped forward to report: "Your Majesty, Lord Marquis, the little fairy boy is going that way."

Wufeng saw it, and ran to catch up.

Lao Liu waved his hands, trying to balance his small body, and his two little feet walked very fast.

Wufeng laughed, and whispered: "Our sixth son is still good!"

Thinking of Baili Aofeng still coaxing Lao Wu pitifully, Wufeng felt that the decision to hug Lao Wu from the beginning was really right!

He strode forward and suddenly walked up to Lao Liu, and asked softly, "Xiao Heng'er, where are you going?"

The sixth child is already one year old and can understand some words, although he can speak very little.

"Mother... mother... dear..."

Wufeng smiled, and embraced the little man in his arms.

"Little Heng'er is so good, Grand Master will take you to find your mother."

The sixth child laughed after hearing this, nodded obediently, and pointed with his little hand to the place where he separated from his mother just now.

Wufeng immediately understood what he meant, and while teasing Lao Liu, walked towards Xiao Shi'er's room.

From a distance, he saw that the door of the room was closed tightly, and he couldn't help shouting: "Little Shi'er! Are you in? Are you still sleepy and running back to bed?"

He has lived in Xuanlin Peak for a long time, and he knows that Xiao Shi'er likes to stay in bed.But Xuan Wuchen doted on her very much, and let her go every time, until the sun was high, Wuchen would personally coax her to wake up and have breakfast.

"Hey! Xiao Shi'er! Don't snooze! Xiao Heng'er misses you already, and Xiao Ke'er is still crying to find her mother!"

Although the two were very close, he couldn't just break into the door like this.

Wu Feng saw that it was quiet inside, and there was no response at all, he shook his head and gave a doting smile, and said to the little man in his arms: "If you want your mother to get up, you really have to get your father to do it yourself."

Lao Liu didn't understand what he was talking about, he just followed his words and muttered: "Father...Dad...Dad..."

Wufeng yelled a few more words, until the door was slowly opened, Yu Chengdie yawned, blinked and appeared at the door.

Wufeng asked: "Where is Xiao Shi'er? Is she still sleeping? Wake her up quickly, the fifth and sixth are all looking for a mother."

Yu Chengdie frowned after hearing this, and replied: "Little master, she was woken up by you early in the morning! She's not inside!"

(End of this chapter)

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