I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1123 How can you not miss the person engraved on the soul

Chapter 1123 How can you not miss the person engraved on the soul

On the edge of the wild continent, a handsome and flawless tall man stood in the air with his hands behind his back, his white robe fluttering, dignified and deserted.

His eyes were dim, and he looked at the spirit beasts everywhere not far away, running and frolicking, leaping and flying happily.

I suddenly felt in my heart that if Xiao Shi'er could be by my side at this moment, holding her in front of her, watching such a harmonious and joyful scene together, she would definitely smile.

Little Stone...

I don't know if she will be very tired with two children alone?

Would she stay in the study room until the children were asleep, and she didn't go to remind her that reading for too long would hurt her eyes.

He knows best what she likes to eat and when it is more appropriate to eat.Without her, she might not be able to enjoy herself.

If I wasn't with her at night, she might still kick the quilt...

At this time, a man in a colorful robe flew over and leaned beside him. Seeing his blurred eyes and deep thoughts on his handsome face, he couldn't help but smile evilly and began to tease him.

"Xuan Wuchen, what? Are you thinking about the little guy again?"

Xuan Shangxian glanced at him, and replied softly: "Yes."

Ren Xiaoyao stared in surprise and laughed.

"You—you Xuan Wuchen would admit it?!"

Xuan Wuchen in his memory, how could he talk about such a topic!It seems that he has been deeply poisoned by the little guy, and he is as shameless as her.

Xuanshangxian's face remained normal, and he asked back: "Isn't the Shangxian missing his beloved wife, what's wrong? A person who loves his flesh and blood, how can he not miss and care about him?"

The mocking smile on Ren Xiaoyao's mouth slowly faded, his voice was helpless, and he sighed and murmured: "This devil also misses the little cutie... I haven't seen her for a long time, and I really miss her."

Xuan Wuchen is right, how can a person engraved on his soul not miss or miss it—unless he loses his soul!
So, the two stood together, looking at this vast and fertile continent, squinting and thinking about the love in their hearts.

Ming obediently chatted with Immeasurable Immortal, while flying towards the two of them.

"Xuan Shangxian, big brother, so you are here."

Ren Xiaoyao's face was gloomy, and he looked over at him, full of distress and distress.

Ming obediently froze for a moment, blurted out concern and asked: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

When I met him earlier, he had a wicked smile on his face, a very bright smile, why did he suddenly change his face!
Ren Xiaoyao let out a long sigh, his words were full of helplessness.

"It's just... I miss Yao'er too much."

Ming obediently listened, and instantly understood.

Empathizing with him, he patted him on the shoulder and sighed faintly: "I am also a fallen person in the world, and your mood and discomfort will not be less than yours."

Since I met Xiaonian, I have never been separated for such a long time-two months and twelve days!Busy on weekdays diverted my attention, but I could barely make it through.

But in the dead of night, the longing in my heart was like a knife cutting, torturing myself severely, it was really uncomfortable!

Ren Xiaoyao smiled wryly, his eyes filled with pain, and the corners of his mouth murmured: "You're okay... I haven't seen the cutie for a long time, and then I sent her a letter...she refused to respond."

Ming obediently fell into deep thoughts, didn't hear clearly, after realizing it, he asked: "Brother, what did you say?"

Ren Xiaoyao restrained his expression for a moment, pulled out a forced smile, and said, "It's nothing."

Ming obediently looked at Xuan Wuchen on the other side, and whispered: "Xuan Shangxian must be thinking about Xuanshi's best friend."

Ren Xiaoyao pursed his lips and smiled evilly.

"What should, definitely be!"

Immortal Immeasurable looked around and began to speak, after a long while, no one answered.

Immortal Immeasurable raised his white eyebrows in doubt, and looked over - his old face collapsed in an instant!

"Hey! What are you fussing about in broad daylight! Didn't you hear the old man talking to you?"

The three tall and handsome men shook their heads slowly, without turning their faces away, even reluctant to glance at them.

There are three black lines on the forehead of Immeasurable Immortal, muttering: "I wanted to discuss with you that we should go back—unexpectedly, no one is willing to listen to the old man! If this is the case, then you stay, and I will go back first!"

"Shua!" The next moment, everyone's eyes turned around, with unconcealable surprise.

Ren Xiaoyao happily asked: "Immortal Immortal, are you done with everything?"

Because the scope was too wide, the four of them were divided into two groups to act separately.Because Ren Xiaoyao's formation was really bad, Xuan Wuchen and him were in charge of the southeast.Mingguaiguai and Wuliangxianren are in charge of the Northwest release.

Xuan Wuchen and Ren Xiaoyao worked together in a division of labor, and the other group's formation was of equal strength, so they acted separately.

More than two months have passed, and the mad beasts in the southeast have been completely cleared out.After obediently clearing up the west, only the north of the immeasurable immortals remained unfinished.

Others rechecked, waiting for Xiao Xianweng's final completion.There are really a lot of mad beasts, so it takes a lot of time to drive them out.

At first it was planned for a month, but unexpectedly it took more than double the time.

During this period of time, the four of them were blown by wind and rain, and the wind and rain continued. Occasionally, they even worked day and night, and finally drove out all the mad beasts in the center of the wilderness. On the outskirts of the central area, a dense formation was used to isolate the mad beasts from entering. .

Immortal Wuliang nodded his head, and replied: "Okay! It was all healed yesterday, and I will check it again today, and there is nothing wrong—"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Ren Xiaoyao and Mingguai obediently shouted in unison.

The little fairy shrugged and said, "You didn't even ask!"

Ren Xiaoyao rolled his eyes and snorted, "If you ask me a few more words, you'll be yelling something that the old man can't urge!"

"Haha..." Xiao Xianweng narrowed his eyes with a smile, just about to speak——

"call out--!"

"call out--!"

The two figures flew away!
One person shouted: "Everyone, pack up your things and meet at the entrance."

Another yelled: "No more than a quarter of an hour!"

After a while, both figures disappeared.

The Immeasurable Immortal shook his head and laughed and cursed: "Stinky boy! It's like an arrow to return to your heart!"

As soon as the somersaulting cloud under his feet turned, he wanted to say something to apprentice Leng Ao - the handsome man in white robes in mid-air had long since disappeared.

"Where is the person? He was still here just now!"

Immortal Immeasurable widened his eyes, looked left and right, where there was the cold and tall figure of the apprentice, it turned out that he had already flown away!
"It's been a long time since I saw my good disciples and grandchildren, and I've been thinking so hard... Haha! It's rare to see Wuchen's disciples in a hurry!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Xuan Wuchen and Ren Xiaoyao joined forces to seal up the barrier at the entrance of the wilderness again. After confirming again and again that it was correct, they hurried out.

Immortal Wuliang is small in stature and has small steps, so he was thrown far away by the three long legs.

Xuan Wuchen's skill is the highest, and after walking for half an hour, he can take off——

Suddenly, he saw several messengers docked in the air far away.

His eyes were sharp, and he saw that two of them were sent by the young apprentice.

(End of this chapter)

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