I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1125 It is urgent to save someone and find someone

Chapter 1125 It is urgent to save someone and find someone

Ming obediently nodded and answered yes, and leaned forward to help open it.

Xuan Wuchen opened the one on the far side, and as soon as he opened it, Jun's face darkened instantly.

"damn it!"

He stretched out his hand to pinch the letter, and yelled and cursed!

Ren Xiaoyao and Ming obediently next to him were startled and looked at him with disbelief!

God!Is this person still Xuan Wuchen?Where is his calm look that has remained unchanged for thousands of years? !

Ren Xiaoyao ignored his sadness and annoyance all of a sudden, and blurted out, "What's the matter? You're so excited—is it about the little guy?"

The person in this world who can restrain Xuan Wuchen's heart the most, the only person who can make him look so crazy, is his favorite little apprentice, no one else.

Ming obediently turned pale, and asked nervously and worriedly: "What's the matter? Xuanshi's best friend, is she okay?"

Xuanshangxian's reaction like this is probably not a good thing.

When he thought that his best friend might have an accident, Shangxian was not by her side, and his elder brother and himself were not here... He suddenly became terribly worried!

Xuan Wuchen was extremely angry, his chest was bulging, and the message in his hand had already been turned into powder and scattered in the wind, but the anger in his eyes was accumulating and fermenting one by one!
He persuaded himself to be calm, he closed his eyes and searched for the little apprentice's spiritual sense without caring about answering the inquiries of the two of them.

This time, there was no accident, just like last time, there was still interference, but this time he could vaguely sense that the little apprentice was in the Cangbei Continent!

He was so impatient, he said coldly: "Master Wufeng got married, Xiao Shi'er took his elders and elders out to the capital, and was kidnapped by the man who should have cut him to pieces!"

Ren Xiaoyao and Ming obediently were stunned, their faces were as pale as ever!
The person who can make Xuanshangxian speak like this - must be Qinghun!

Only a lunatic like him would dare to go mad again and again to kidnap Xuanshi's best friend!

Ming obediently staggered and almost fell——

Ren Xiaoyao was beside him, startled, grabbed him with his big hand, and picked him up.

"My dear boy, hold on tight!"

Ming obediently took a deep breath, and asked in a trembling voice: "Shangxian... When did this happen? Can you sense the mysterious stone?"

Xuan Wuchen said coldly: "Three days ago, it was sent by Baili Aofeng. He was sending people to look for it, and he went to the underworld to ask the old Pluto for help. Xiaoshi'er is in Cangbei Continent, it seems to be in the deep mountains , still not sure."

Ming obediently put on a cold face, and said slowly: "This time, even the Immortal Da Luo can't save him... I'm the first one who can't spare him!"

The immeasurable immortal had small arms and legs, and after walking for a while, he was thrown far away. He ran and ran, and finally turned into a somersault cloud at a place where he could cast a little spell, and flew out slowly.

Seeing three tall men who were eager to meet their sweetheart standing in the air from a distance, he teased loudly: "Yo! I still remember that the old man didn't come out! I thought you must have all flown home to pamper your wife! Haha... "

No one responded, all of them had cold faces, covered with frost.

Immeasurable Immortal was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise, "You... what's wrong?"

Xuan Wuchen looked at him, and it was rare for him to speak quickly: "Master, Xiao Shi'er was taken away by the traitor last time. The disciple rushed to rescue her now. You go to the capital quickly, and Master Wufeng Take good care of fifth and sixth children."

"Ah?!" Immortal Wuliang was stunned and nodded hurriedly.At this time, what the apprentice arranges is what it is.

"Go and save! If you need help, send a message!"

Xuan Wuchen nodded, flicked his large sleeves, and a huge somersault cloud flew out, and everyone flew up immediately.

"Hoo-!" With a sound, somersaulting cloud flew away at a high speed.

Ren Xiaoyao's heart was in a mess, and he said anxiously: "Then... My dear brother, you can accompany Xuan Wuchen to save the little guy. I will go to Xuanlin Peak first to see if the little princess is there. After you find her , take her there to join you immediately."

Ming answered obediently, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Brother, you don't have to worry, my sister-in-law's skills are at the level of forming alchemy, so self-protection is still no problem. Coax him well, and explain clearly if you have any misunderstandings." .”

With a gloomy face, Ren Xiaoyao nodded slowly, but did not answer.

If coaxing her could solve the problem, he would have coaxed her long ago.He was worried about far more than this...

She must be very sad, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

Xuan Wuchen glanced over, and said in a low voice: "We can solve the matter of Xiao Shi'er quickly. After finding the boss, bring her to see us immediately. You must come too."

In the confusion of his thoughts, he suddenly remembered what Xiao Shi'er said before going out.She said that Uncle Ren and Boss are like glue, how could it be possible to go to the underworld by himself, why does it feel weird.

At that time, he was reluctant to part with her, and he didn't have the time to deal with other things, and he didn't think about it.Thinking about it now, the conflict between the two of them probably started early in the morning.

He has been friends with Ren Xiaoyao for many years, and he knew that he was hiding something from his expression.No matter what, find Xiao Shier first, and then find a way to help them solve it.

Little Stone...

The most important thing now is to find her immediately and bring her back safely.

When Ren Xiaoyao heard what he said, he didn't dare to say anything, so he nodded and answered.He sighed inwardly, now that things have come to this point, his secret - he probably can't hide it anymore.

Now, he only hopes that the little cutie is safe and sound, and that she can give him a chance to explain clearly to her...

Ming obediently stood between the two of them, seeing that they were worried about their loved ones, his heart was churning.

He had begged Xuanshangxian once, but he had no shame in begging again.

He and he have also cut off their robes and are no longer brothers.After not seeing each other for a whole year, when they met again, they were already strangers.

He will let him know that he is obediently a man who keeps his word.

At the bottom of Qingyun School, he had clearly told him that if he hurt Xuanshi again, he would be the first person to spare him!

This time, there is no need for Xuan Shangxian to take action, he will directly take his life!

Since he was already insane, why would he keep such a scourge!
The somersault cloud quickly flew away from the barrier around the wilderness, and soon came to the sky above the Cangbei Forest.

Ming obediently closed his eyes, a white light flashed, his handsome brows were furrowed, and he searched carefully again.

Xuan Wuchen asked quietly: "How is it? Are there many phantoms blocking it?"

Ming obediently opened his eyes, and frowned in embarrassment: "He has practiced psychedelia, and he can emit many phantoms with his breath. He expected in the morning that I would use my eyes to find him, so he scattered phantoms and scattered them everywhere. I can't pinpoint where he is."

Ren Xiaoyao asked doubtfully: "This is the mortal world, and it's also the place where your eyes are most powerful. Even you can't locate it—that's going to be difficult. Why don't you give the little guy Xuanshi a try and see where she is?" where."

(End of this chapter)

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