I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1130 I have to prepare for the wedding!

Chapter 1130 I have to prepare for the wedding!
Ming obediently froze for a moment, and asked, "Half a month? The time seems a bit rushed."

Right now, Xuanshi's best friend has not recovered from the psychedelic avatar technique, and she hasn't attended Wufeng Xianzun's wedding yet, so she will take Guaier back and forth to Xuanlin Peak—it may not be in time.

The old Pluto was in a hurry, and waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry! The father went back and settled him down, and then asked people to start preparing for the wedding. As soon as your people arrive, the wedding can be carried out immediately."

Ming obediently sighed softly, and explained: "Father, what happened to Xuanshi just now, we hurriedly said that we are going to be engaged to get married, and the wedding date is still set so tight, it is not appropriate at all! The two of us are now in Together, the wedding is just a ceremony, don't make it so hasty."

The old Pluto yelled, "Oops!", and said, "Although it is a ceremony, it is very important! You hurry up and finish the marriage, and Father's heart will be more at ease. Otherwise, how can Father leave the underworld with peace of mind—"

"Father, you want to leave the underworld? Where are you going?" Ming obediently raised his eyebrows in surprise, and persuaded him instead: "Your health has not been very good in recent years, so don't run around and stay in Hades' mansion."

The old Pluto dodged his eyes, and hurriedly explained: "I'm not going to run around... I just want to find a quiet place full of spiritual energy, take a good retreat, and recuperate my body."

Ming obediently asked suspiciously: "Father, didn't you say that you should not go out again, and you will stay in Hades' mansion to entertain your grandchildren in the days to come?"

"Oh... I won't be going for a long time. After I've recuperated, I'll have the strength to hold my grandson in the future! Father, being so angry with this villain, his heart aches and hurts, and his internal organs feel uncomfortable. It's better to have the wedding quickly. Take it easy."

Mingguaiguai has been a dutiful son since he was a child, and he respects his old father the most in his heart.Hearing what he said, it was hard for him to refute.

"Since that's the case, let's decide the wedding for now!"

The old Pluto said "Oh!" and said loudly: "No need for temporary, it's settled like this! You go to Xuanshangxian and tell Xuanshang Xian, remember to explain the wedding day carefully. Then go back to the underworld to bring your fiancee to the next engagement, Come back and hold the wedding!"

Ming obediently saw that the old man was excited, and quickly nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Okay! The kids will listen to you!"

The old Pluto pushed him towards the door, waved and said, "Go! Hurry up!"

Ming obediently told him to be careful on the road, and quickly flew away.

Seeing his son's tall figure disappear, the old Pluto turned his head, looked at the person in his arms, and sighed softly.

"Sinister! In order to save you, even Immortal Xuan Shang has been tricked by my teacher... You are really a villain!"

He took his hand, facing his own palm, closed his eyes and poured a spiritual power into him.

The old Hades paled and stopped his hands, a little out of breath, and sighed: "Even if I want to save you... as a teacher, I have more than enough energy now. Slow down your dantian first, and find some elixir for you to eat." Next, wait for me to recover and then help you recuperate... I don't know how long it will take..."

Speaking of this, the old man stretched out his hand anxiously, and slapped the person in his arms twice.Then, while cursing, he put the person in his arms into his sleeve...

After Ming obediently flew out of the forest, he heard the sound transmission of Dasan and Baili Aofeng, he hurriedly followed the sound transmission to find them, and after meeting them, he went straight to the palace outside the capital.

According to their guess, Immortal Xuanshang would take his little apprentice to the palace to pick up the two children.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived in a hurry, they found that only the immeasurable immortal and others were accompanying the child.

When asked, they all shook their heads and said they had no news.

Ming obediently said: "Xuanshi's consciousness is still not clear, Xuanshangxian may find a way to heal her, and come back after she fully recovers."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

"That's good!"

"My good disciple will be fine. With Wuchen here, she will definitely recover soon."

"Fortunately, Immortal Xuan and all of you are back! The little master is finally saved... Huh... It's all my fault, I didn't protect the little master well... I blame myself to death these days!"

Wufeng persuaded Yuchengdie, handed the fifth child to her to hug, turned around and glanced at Mingguaiguai, and asked in a low voice: "What happened to that man in the end?"

Ming obediently looked gloomy, and replied: "He... is dead."

Everyone exchanged glances in surprise, and didn't continue to ask.

Ming obediently explained: "He died by himself. He was afraid that I would use my eyes to find the whereabouts of him and Xuanshi, and he was also afraid that Immortal Xuanshang would detect Xuanshi's spiritual consciousness, so he would exhaust all his spiritual power and use his Psychedelic avatar technique, many fake bodies are created and scattered all over the place."

"This kind of avatar technique consumes a lot of spiritual power, but he still insisted on two avatar techniques, which eventually caused the dantian to be exhausted, and the gods were destroyed. When the king and Xuanshangxian arrived, the father happened to be there. And he ...he is already dead, and his father took him back to the underworld for burial."

It turned out to be the case.

At first, everyone thought that Immortal Xuanshang killed the traitor... Unexpectedly, he died like this.

Although everyone didn't have any affection for this person, they didn't show any happiness when they heard the news of his death.

This person, once falling in love, is so crazy - crazy enough to make people jaw-dropping!

He would rather risk his life to take Xuanshi away, at the cost of his own life, just to buy time to be with her, until the end, even death is not hesitating.

This kind of love makes people afraid when they hear it.

Everyone was quiet, bowed their heads and did not speak, but they all had the same idea.

Suddenly, Lao Liu's voice called out: "Mother... kiss... mother..."

As soon as the sixth child shouted, the fifth child also shouted.

The two of them hadn't seen their mother for many days, and at this moment they heard the name of their mother mentioned by the people around them, but halfway through, everyone stopped talking, and they became anxious.

Finally, the fifth child couldn't help it, "Wow!" burst into tears, and two lines of tears instantly slid down his delicate and lovely face.

When everyone saw it, they were startled, and rushed forward in a hurry, coaxing each other with each sentence.

"Little fairy, don't cry, don't cry. Mother and father will come to pick you up soon!"

"You have to be good, they will come soon, so you can't cry!"

Wufeng hugged the sixth child, coaxing with a smile: "Look! Your brother is so obedient, he didn't even cry—"

"Wow!" With a loud sound, the sixth child also burst into tears.

This place is not a familiar home, there is no fairy grass to play with, and mother is not here, so he should not go on like this anymore, no more...

Wufeng was dumbfounded, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Shua!" Everyone cast very angry and reproachful eyes at him.

Wufeng smiled sarcastically, stuffed the crying child to Mingguaiguai beside him, and shouted——

"I have to get ready for the wedding!"

Then he ran away in a hurry, and everyone behind him laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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