I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1134 How can a teacher not understand style!

Chapter 1134 How can a teacher not understand style!
Yushi finally couldn't bear it anymore, hooked the arm of the man beside him, and asked in a low voice: "Master, do you have something to hide from me?"

Xuan Wuchen raised his eyebrows slightly, turned to petting and chuckled, pulled his arm away from her hand, hugged her into his arms, and whispered: "I can't hide my teacher's concerns from Xiao Shi'er."

Although he wanted to speak lightly, Yushi was still sensitive to the worry in his eyes.

"Master, what happened? I think you seem to be waiting for something these two days—who are you waiting for?"

Xuan Wuchen knew that he couldn't hide it from his young apprentice, so he had no choice but to tell the truth.

"I'm waiting for Ren Xiaoyao's message as a teacher."

Uncle Ren? !

Yushi said: "I heard from Ghost Honey that after you came out of the Wild Continent, you parted ways. I asked him why Uncle Ren didn't come to Brother Wufeng's wedding, and he faltered and said to let me ask you."

Xuan Wuchen sighed softly, and told the little apprentice about the boss and Ren Xiaoyao one by one.

"My teacher saw that he was hesitating, he seemed to have something to hide, and I was worried about you, so I didn't continue to ask. I just asked him to find the boss quickly, and then come to join us."

Yushi was very surprised, remembering that in the letters sent to her by the boss in the past year, there was always a faint resentment...

Xuan Wuchen continued: "He has been away for many days, but there has been no news. I can't help but feel a little worried. I sent him a letter the day before yesterday, but he didn't reply. The teacher postponed our departure date. I just want to wait for his reply."

Yushi bit her lower lip lightly, her delicate brows knit into a ball.

"Has the boss returned to Xuanlin Peak? Did you ask him to go to Xuanlin Peak to look for it first?"

If the child has a problem, the first thing to do is to go back to her natal family for comfort.

Yushi couldn't help but blame herself, she and the master were not at home, and the child didn't even find anyone to talk to and cry when he went back.

As a father, Xuan Shangxian was also in the same mood as her, and replied in a low voice: "The first place he looked for was Xuan Linfeng. No news came, which proves that the boss has never returned home."

Yushi felt uncomfortable when he heard it, and was anxious and worried.

"What happened between Uncle Ren and Boss? The problem must be very serious, otherwise Boss would not have left the Demon Realm privately. Probably because he was afraid that Uncle Ren would find out, so he didn't even want to go back to his mother's house!"

Daddy Xuan sighed and said: "Boss is sensitive, when encountering problems, he often finds a place to hide and prevents others from finding him. Ren Xiaoyao was really angry with her this time, she was looking for a place to hide so that he would not find him, so naturally she would not choose to go home .”

Yushi glared at him angrily, and cursed in a low voice: "Why didn't you tell me about such a serious matter earlier!"

Xuanshangxian smiled apologetically, and explained: "We came here to attend the wedding of Master Wufeng, and sent everyone away one after another. The teacher originally thought that Ren Xiaoyao could bring the boss here quickly, but we waited and waited, and there was no news. .”

The little apprentice snorted coldly, and scolded coquettishly: "Yes! Don't tell me until I can't wait until I ask! If I don't ask, are you still planning to hide it from me?"

"No! No!" Xuanshangxian coaxed in a low voice: "I plan to tell you now as a teacher, and then I will go out with you to look for it."

Yushi took his hand, moved his steps, and said angrily: "Forget it! I won't be angry with you now! Let Baili Aofeng and Shizu help take care of Lao Wu and them, and you and I will go out and help find them!"

Uncle Ren couldn't be found for several days, presumably the boss is hiding very well.If they don't help to find him, the boss may be in danger after a long time.

Xuan Wuchen hugged the little apprentice and shouted: "Little Shi'er! Wait a minute!"

"Can't wait!"

"Little Shi'er, Ren Xiaoyao sent a message and flew here."

Yushi stopped and looked behind - only to see a message flying slowly, entering the sight of the two of them.

Yushi tiptoed, and anxiously flew forward, and hastily opened it to look.

Xuan Wuchen turned around, came to her side, and asked in a low voice: "How? Did you find it?"

The little apprentice said "Hey!", handed the letter to him, and said, "He said he found it, but the boss hid himself and refused to see him, and refused to pay attention to him. He coaxed and persuaded him, but the boss just refused." Follow him back to Xuanlin Peak."

"Where did the boss hide?"

"Uh... Uncle Ren said, it was in a brothel in the Cangnan Continent."

Xuan Wuchen frowned handsomely and asked, "Why did she hide in such a place?"

The little apprentice shrugged, and replied, "I don't know about that! I guess it has something to do with Uncle Ren."

Xuan Shangxian was even more puzzled, and frowned curiously: "It has something to do with Ren Xiaoyao? Could it be that he took the boss to some messy places?"

Yushi thought for a while and guessed: "These couples quarrel and are awkward, and they often go to the place where they met for the first time. Firstly, it may be due to their feelings, and secondly, it may be because of the memory of the past. Occasionally, they will go to the place where they met for the first time. place……"

Before the little apprentice finished speaking, Xuan Shangxian frowned even tighter, and snorted coldly: "Is there something wrong with Ren Xiaoyao's brain, take the boss to such a place to make love!"

When Yushi heard that her daughter was safe and sound, the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.Hearing what Master said, he giggled.

"Master, you are wrong! Just because you don't understand customs, it doesn't mean that your sons-in-law don't understand like you! Uncle Ren may think that this is ingenious and unique! In fact, think about it, this idea is quite strange. Yes! Hehe, it's romantic enough!"

Hearing what the little apprentice said, Xuan Wuchen felt it was funny and angry, pinched her cheek with his big hand, and scolded with a smile: "I don't know how to be a teacher? Is the idea of ​​a teacher not unique enough?"

The little apprentice covered his face and muttered, "I'm not wrong!"

Xuanshangxian became even more angry, and simply bowed his head, and kissed her small mouth tightly, so as not to let her talk nonsense.

It wasn't until the person in his arms was out of breath that he took the time to let go of her and raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

"It doesn't matter if you know how to behave as a teacher. Knowing this is enough. Ren Xiaoyao knows how to behave, but he can't even coax his own wife back home. As a teacher, you can be subdued with just this."

The little apprentice's pretty face instantly turned red, and he gave him a coquettish look, unable to refute.

Immortal Xuanshang was even more proud, and leaned over to her ear.

"The most powerful thing about being a teacher is that you have six babies in two."

The little apprentice was shy and funny at the same time.

A man is a good face, she just said that he doesn't know how to be charming, and accidentally made him compare with his sons-in-law.He became anxious all of a sudden, and pinched his face again and again.

Jiao glared at him, quickly changed the subject, and asked: "Master, what should I do now? Take the fifth and sixth home, and go to coax the boss, okay?"

Xuan Shangxian finally came down seriously, nodded and said: "This arrangement is very good, we will set off immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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