I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1136 I Have Divorced Him, Drive Him Away!

Chapter 1136 I Have Divorced Him, Drive Him Away!
I don't know how much time has passed, and suddenly a very curious clear and pleasant voice came——

"Excuse me, is Baiyun really that beautiful?"

Hearing that familiar voice, the two people on Somersault Cloud were stunned for a moment, and turned their heads to look sideways in unison.

On a cloud of somersaults, there was a handsome and flawless man in a flowing white robe, holding a cute little doll in one hand, and a stunning young woman in the other. She stared at them with a smile on her face, Holding a little doll.

The next moment, both Ren Xiaoyao and Xuan Yao'er stood up and stared at them in surprise.

Yushi gave them a reproachful look, and asked amusedly, "What? How long have you not seen each other? You don't even know your own mother and mother-in-law?!"

Ren Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes with a smile, but he still hasn't opened his mouth——

The person beside him rushed forward, choked up and shouted: "Daddy! Mother!"

Yushi hurriedly pushed the sixth child to the master, and reached out to hug her.

Xuan Yao'er threw herself into her arms, couldn't help it for a while, and burst into tears.The cry was loud, filled with grievance and sadness, sobbing...

Ren Xiaoyao heard her crying so sadly, he blamed himself and felt distressed, and wanted to fly up—two reproachful eyes stared at him fiercely.

The corners of his eyes twitched twice, he sighed helplessly, stood up straight, bowed to them, his movements were standard and respectful, his face was full of humility and apology.

Seeing this, Xuan Wuchen and the little apprentice looked at each other, but did not blame him.

With Ren Xiaoyao's arrogant personality, it is not easy to be able to do this.They have known him for so many years, this is the first time they saw him bowing to someone...

Seeing his daughter crying tears, Xuan Wuchen glanced around and said softly: "It's not convenient to talk here. It's not far from Xuanlin Peak, Boss, come home with us."

When Xuan Yao'er saw his father and mother, he had been suppressing the grievance and sadness in his heart for many days. Once it broke out, he couldn't hold it anymore and buried himself in his mother's arms, crying so much that he had no time to answer his father's proposal.

The fifth child and the sixth child stared wide-eyed curiously, nestled in their father's arms, and turned their big eyes around.

Dad said that he would take them to find the elder sister and elder brother-in-law.

They didn't know any sister or brother-in-law. They looked at the handsome man on another somersault cloud, and then at the crying man in their mother's arms, their little faces wrinkled into balls.


Xuan Wuchen introduced them softly: "Yes, this is your eldest sister. The person over there is your eldest brother-in-law."

The fifth child and the sixth child followed their father's gaze and looked at Ren Xiaoyao curiously.

Seeing them looking at him, the latter forced a flattering smile.

The sixth son had a better pronunciation, and hurriedly followed the tail of his father's words, Nuo Nuo shouted: "Sister...brother-in-law..."

Ren Xiaoyao smiled, and just about to nod——

"No!" The man in Yushi's arms raised his head and shouted loudly: "He is not your brother-in-law! My sister has already divorced him, and I have nothing to do with him anymore! Don't call him brother-in-law!"

retired? !
Yushi and Xuan Wuchen were a little surprised, and the master and apprentice raised their eyebrows at the same time.

When Ren Xiaoyao heard that she finally spoke, he was about to be happy—but when he heard such words, his heartache and pain surged up together, making his handsome and extraordinary face dark and stiff in an instant.

The fifth child and the sixth child were shocked by the sudden yell of the eldest sister, and quickly hid in their father's arms.

Xuan Wuchen patted their fleshy backs lightly, not knowing how to explain such a complicated situation to them, so he could only pat them a few more times.

He turned his head to look at the little apprentice, seeing her stunned, with her little mouth slightly open, he couldn't help but touch her with his elbow.

Yushi finally came to his senses, pulled out a smile, and coaxed his eldest daughter softly: "Boss, don't get excited, go home with your parents."

As soon as Xuan Guaier heard "go home", she couldn't help but choked up again, tears dripping down her face, unable to speak, she just nodded her head vigorously.

Seeing that she was finally willing to go home, Ren Xiaoyao was secretly relieved...

Qingyun faction, Xuan Linfeng

These days, Yushi's family is not around, Qian'er and Xiangyang have been guarding the hut, not daring to leave, cleaning Xuanlin Peak up and down spotlessly.

When they saw the fifth and sixth children, the two hurried over to pick up the children.

"Ke'er is so cute!"

"Little Heng'er is also very good!"

"Auntie will take you to drink rice cereal, okay?"

The two children still remember them, and when they heard that there was something to eat, they were happy to be led by them and walked to the kitchen.

Yushi took her daughter, whose eyes were still red, and walked to the study.

As soon as Ren Xiaoyao saw his lovely wife walking away, he hurriedly stepped forward.

Xuan Shangxian handed the child's supplies to Qian'er, and Apparel also went to the study.

As soon as he walked in, the eldest daughter rushed over, "Plop!" Kneeling in front of him, her hands grabbed the hem of his snow-white clothes, her delicate little face was full of tears.

He looked at her distressedly, and reached out to pull her up—Xuan Yao'er shook his head, choked up and said, "Daddy, I remember you told us that if we don't like our fiancé, we can choose freely and cancel it." Marriage to them, isn't it?"

Xuan Wuchen glanced at Ren Xiaoyao, who was bowing his head on the other side, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Xuan Yao'er tugged at the hem of his clothes, and asked again loudly: "Daddy, isn't it?"

Seeing that she was so persistent, Xuanshangxian could only nod and give a "hmm".

This is what he said to the three sisters.At the same time, he also said this to several sons-in-law one by one.

Xuan Yao'er sniffed, narrowed his eyes and said, "Daddy, I don't like him anymore, and I have left him a divorce letter. Please tell him clearly that I have nothing to do with him, let him Leave, and don't pester me again in the future."

Xuan Wuchen was stunned for a moment, and looked at the little apprentice with shock on his face.

Originally thought that the couple was just having a fight, as long as they help coax their daughter and persuade her, this matter should pass quickly.

Because they all know Ren Xiaoyao's deep affection and extreme doting on the eldest daughter, and believe that as long as he coaxes him a little bit more and explains the misunderstanding clearly, the two will be able to reconcile as before...

I didn't expect it to be so serious!
The master and the apprentice looked at Ren Xiaoyao at the same time again, and saw that he lowered his head, his whole body was tense and tense, as if he was in unbearable pain.

Xuan Wuchen sighed slightly, leaned down, hugged his daughter to get up, and persuaded: "Speak well if you have something to say, don't get too excited."

Xuan Yao'er threw herself into his arms, and burst into tears again.

"Daddy...I'm serious...I'm not excited...I've thought about it for a long time, since he doesn't want me anymore...What's the point of me staying in the Demon Palace...It's better to make a break as soon as possible, so as not to bother each other. Discomfort!"

Xuan Wuchen was stunned for a moment, patted his daughter's head to appease, and looked suspiciously at Ren Xiaoyao——

(End of this chapter)

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