I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1138 I would rather not have children, as long as you

Chapter 1138 I would rather not have children, as long as you

Ren Xiaoyao pressed her hard with both hands, and shouted excitedly: "I have a compelling reason to avoid you! I am more painful and uncomfortable than you! But I don't want you to be hurt...I don't want your life to be in danger!"

"How could I not want you! How could I not want you! Every time you tell me that you are going to give birth to a baby just like me, my heart hurts and hurts! Every time I let you drink contraceptives, my My heart can't bear the pain!"

"Ever since I saw you smell the medicine and vomit... I don't want to make out with you anymore... I don't want you to be so uncomfortable! I asked the magic doctor, and they said that taking the contraceptive pill will also damage the body. Listen At this point, I dare not get close to you."

The person in his arms was stunned, let him hug him tightly, and didn't respond for a long while.On the other side, Xuan Wuchen and the little apprentice hanging around his neck were also stunned.

Ren Xiaoyao leaned on the shoulder of the person in his arms, choked up and explained: "It's not that I don't want you, I'm just afraid of the curse of the family... If it is true, I will lose you... I would rather not have any children, I only want you ! All I need is you!"

Xuan Yao'er murmured in confusion: "What spell? What does it mean? That dark potion is a contraceptive? Why did you do that?"

Ren Xiaoyao still refused to let go of her, hugged her tightly, and sighed: "I can no longer hide the matter. It is said... people who have been exposed to the curse will suffer bad luck, but I can't lose you... I believe I will definitely find a solution in the future, definitely!"

He slowly stretched out his hand, patted her little head pitifully, and asked in a low voice: "Do you remember Bai Jasmine who kidnapped you before? She told you that she is my senior sister, do you remember?"

The person in his arms nodded slightly.

Ren Xiaoyao replied: "Originally she committed a capital crime, and Elder Min wanted her to be sentenced to death, but before she died, she clamored to see her husband, saying that Jiao Er had told her a big secret of the Ren family and threatened her with this secret." Elder Min will not kill her."

"I promised my husband in public that as long as she told the secret, I agreed not to kill her, but to imprison her for life. She said that when her husband was practicing with the old devil, Jiaoer stayed at the Ren family's old house because she was greedy for fun. Entered a secret room by mistake."

"Jiao'er found a copy of the Ren family's ancestor's will in that secret room. There is one thing explained in it, so that future generations must remember it and find a way to solve a big problem."

"It is said that a long, long time ago, an ancestor of our Ren family married a woman with a very high cultivation level, and the two loved each other. Later, the woman became pregnant, but she was very troubled, and discussed with the ancestor to have the child in her stomach aborted. But the ancestors have always refused, telling her to give birth to the child."

"The woman later explained to her ancestors that she came from the Wu clan in ancient times. People in the family had offended the high-ranking people of the Wu clan and were given a very vicious spell. If the offspring give birth to a boy, the curse will continue .If the baby is a girl, the spell cannot be passed on, but the mother will collapse and die."

"She said that if a boy is born, this spell will be brought into Ren's family and passed on from generation to generation. If a girl is born, the girl will live, but she will die. The ancestors did not believe it, saying that the ancient The witch clan of the era has long since disappeared, and these are all lies."

"Later, the woman gave birth to a boy for the ancestors. The ancestors were very happy and forgot about the spell. Until the boy grew up, married a wife and gave birth to a baby girl, the wife died of blood, and the ancestors were very sad. Fear."

"The next generation, and the next generation, as long as a girl is born, the mother will die. The ancestors repented and searched for many ways, but to no avail."

"Later, he died with regret. He left his last words, hoping that future generations can find a way to unravel this spell, and don't let this bad luck haunt our Ren family."

"However, the ancestor was also selfish. He was afraid that the Ren family would have no descendants, so he didn't disclose this secret to all descendants. He only left his last words in the secret room."

"Jiao'er was very scared when she found out, and she wanted to tell me—but she had the same selfishness as her ancestors. She was afraid that I would love and pity my wife in the future, and the Ren family would have no descendants, so she didn't dare to tell me."

"Bai Jasmine is very close to her, and even spread rumors that she is my fiancée. Jiao Er secretly told her this, telling her not to marry me, lest she give birth to a daughter and lose her life."

"Because our mother died after giving birth to her. Bai Moli also knew about this. Although she was suspicious, she was also afraid."

Ren Xiaoyao took a deep breath and murmured: "When I knew it, I had already attached my heart to you. I don't change my original intention, I still want to marry you."

"But I'm afraid... I'm afraid that this spell will continue on my body and kill you... So I've been making you drink contraceptive decoction after marriage."

"I dare not tell you, I lied to you that it was a tonic, and I always coaxed you to drink it. Until later, you said that you wanted to have a child for me... I knew in my heart that you loved children, but I didn't dare to conceive you, in my heart It's very heartbreaking."

"Later, you always said that the medicine was too bad to drink, and you even vomited when you smelled it. I feel sorry for you, and I don't want you to be so uncomfortable, so I seldom go to the bedroom to accompany you. The magic doctor said, I drank too much contraceptive soup, If it hurts your body, I won't dare to go to the palace anymore."

"You found out and came to question me, but I didn't dare to tell you the truth. I just tried to avoid you and avoid you. Later, I was afraid that I couldn't control myself, so I simply left the Demon Palace and Demon Realm and ran around."

"After I went to the underworld, I saw that my good brother and my second sister are very close, and I couldn't help but think of you again... But I can't help it, I'm afraid that this spell will really work..."

"I sent you a letter, but you didn't even reply later. I knew you were angry and blamed me. I wanted to go back and find you to accompany you. Unexpectedly, your father asked me to go to the Wilderness Continent with my good brother to help, so we followed went."

"I went there for more than two full months. After my husband came out, I received a letter from Elder Min, only to find out that you ran away from home, and there was no news."

"I almost died of anxiety. I ran away from Xuanlin Peak and found that you hadn't returned to your mother's house at all. When I was flying in the Cangnan Continent, I finally sensed your breath and found you...but I have already broken your heart...I Very helpless……"

He buried his head on her shoulder and murmured: "Little cutie, don't divorce me... don't leave me, okay? I don't want to break the engagement, you are mine, and you will always be my wife, Ren Xiaoyao! "

The person in his arms burst into tears, sobbing and crying, and finally stretched out his hand slowly, hugging his waist.

Ren Xiaoyao was very surprised by her movements, he wrapped his arms around her tightly and hugged her tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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