I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1142 You Yueyingshui is Dead

Chapter 1142 You Yueyingshui is Dead
Yu Shi followed behind them step by step—suddenly, a familiar shout came from behind.

"Little Yushi...help!"

Yushi was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly turned around.

Mo Heikan's face was pale, he was clutching his chest, his body and face were covered with blood, and he was flying staggeringly in mid-air.

"Ah! Mo Hei Jian!"

With a tap of her toes, she immediately flew out of the barrier, quickly grabbed the crumbling person, and flew down.

Mo Heijian was panting and holding on, struggling to utter a sentence: "Don't... the little bug knows..."

After finishing speaking, he tilted his body and fell down!

Yushi supported him vigorously, and shouted to the hut: "Master! Come quickly!"

Laying him flat on the jelly grass, she hurriedly gave him his pulse.Seeing that his dantian suffered serious losses, she first added a burst of spiritual power to him.

Hearing the anxious cry of the little apprentice, Xuanshangxian quickly walked out of the hut.

When he saw Mo Heijian covered in blood, Junyi frowned slightly, and after quickly approaching, he diagnosed his pulse without saying a word.

After Yushi put down his hands, he quickly ran into the hut, took out several bottles and cans, and quickly bandaged Mo Heikan's wound.

After Xuan Wuchen took the pulse, he explained in a low voice: "The main reason is trauma. He lost a lot of blood and was overworked, so he fell into a coma. After a while, the teacher will help him recuperate the internal injuries, let him rest for half a day, and then he will wake up."

The two masters and apprentices worked together to quickly heal Mo Heikan's wounds, healed his internal injuries, and made him rest inside the hut.

After cleaning his hands, Xuan Wuchen wiped the water gracefully, and turned around to discuss with his little apprentice: "Little Shier, you go and call Yu Chengdie back. When Mo Heikan wakes up, take him to the back peak to rest."

Yushi shook his head and explained: "Before he passed out just now, he asked me not to tell the caterpillar about his injury. I guess I didn't want her to worry, so I explained it like this."

Xuan Wuchen gave a faint "hmm" and said, "Then let him make up his own mind when he wakes up."

After the fifth and sixth sons finished eating the buns, they ran over out of curiosity.

As soon as they saw Mo Heipan on the somersault cloud, they giggled happily and climbed up the somersault cloud to hug Mo Heipan.

Yushi and Xuanshangxian rushed forward, one by one, and took them away.

"Don't disturb Uncle Mo, he needs to sleep well."

"He's hurt, he's in pain, he'll get better when he sleeps enough, so don't quarrel with him, just go outside and play obediently, understand?"

Seeing that Mo Heikan's body was covered with bandages and there were bloodstains in some places, the two little guys blinked their eyes in fear, nodded and ran outside the house to play.

Yushi and Xuan Wuchen went to the pharmacy and prepared some medicinal powder for nourishing qi and blood, and let Mo Heijian take it.

"By the way, Master, there is one thing I haven't told you! A while ago, sister Xiangyang's complexion was very bad, her body was very weak and cold, and she would faint from time to time. I used some blood from caterpillars, combined with some Qi tonic Let her take the elixir of blood."

Xuan Wuchen nodded appreciatively when he heard the words, and said: "This method is good, it is suitable for people with cold body, and the effect is very fast."

The little apprentice smiled complacently, and said while mixing the medicine: "The effect is amazing! When I went to the master's hall the day before yesterday, I met sister Xiangyang. Now she is full of energy, looks very good, and has a rosy complexion."

After a pause, she happily continued: "Her body has improved now, and the matter of having a child is not far away. Now that she and Brother Ling are only mortal bodies, it will definitely be much easier!"

Xuan Wuchen praised: "Xiao Shi'er's medical skills have become more and more exquisite, and occasionally he can have novel treatment methods, which is worthy of my teacher's praise."

"Hee hee!" The little apprentice hugged the medicine jar and leaned forward, "Bo!" He touched his handsome face and smiled, "Thank you, Master, for your great praise!"

Immortal Xuanshang petted a smile, ground the medicinal materials in his hand, and carefully prepared them.

The little apprentice originally turned to leave, but turned back.

"Master, that's not right! You were the one who praised me, but why did I kiss you instead! Wrong!"

Xuanshangxian didn't wait for her to finish, kissed her cherry lips with warm lips like jade, and said with a smile: "How about this? It must be right?"

The little apprentice groaned coquettishly, then turned around obediently and hurried away.

Two hours later, the sixth child ran into the pharmacy, pulled his mother's white skirt, and said Nuo Nuo: "Mother... Uncle Mo... moved."

Yushi was taken aback for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "Woke up so soon?"

Xuan Wuchen came over, took her with one hand and the younger son with the other, and walked out together.

Before getting close, I heard Lao Wu Nuomuo shouting: "Hug! Ride a horse! Play!"

I saw the fifth child lying on Mo Heikan's shoulders, holding his head with a pair of small hands, and urging and patting him with his fleshy little hands.

Mo Heijian looked at the fifth child, smiled weakly, and murmured: "Okay... When uncle is well, I will take you to ride a horse."

The master and apprentice couldn't laugh or cry, they quickly arrested the fifth child, warned her not to mess around, and then drove them out of the hut.

Immortal Xuanshang stepped forward, and took the pulse carefully.

Mo Heijian said softly: "Thank you... Shangxian. I feel much better."

Xuan Wuchen nodded lightly, mobilized the spiritual power in his dantian, and replenished him with a strong spiritual power.

After Mo Heijian closed his eyes and recuperated, he was no longer so weak and spoke much more smoothly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked Yushi: "You didn't tell Xiao Chongzi about my injury, did you? Don't let her worry. With your help, I will be fine soon."

Yushi gave him a reassuring look, helped him to sit up, and fed him some elixir.

"What's the matter with your body injury? The caterpillar said that you went to the East China Sea and never came back, and you didn't send many letters. By the way, last time you said that you found out about the Queen of the Mermaid Kingdom and assassinated You Yueyingshui. gone?"

Mo Heijian's expression was still not very good, but he smiled happily when he heard the words.

"I have good news for you—You Yueyingshui is dead!"

"The vicious mermaid is dead?! Really?!"

Mo Heijian nodded heavily, and said affirmatively, "Yes, she was killed by my own hands! She is really dead, and she will no longer be a dominator and endanger the world!"

Yushi blinked, unable to react.

Mo Heijian became excited and explained: "The mermaid banshee is very cunning. She was hiding in the trench to recuperate, surrounded by mermaids and scorpions. I planned to wait for the little insects to escort you back from Shangjing before going out. I got the news—the banshee wants to change places again."

"I had no choice but to rush over there, and just happened to meet their team, and the two men fought. There were a lot of kunyu and they were big, so we couldn't take advantage of it, so we pretended to be defeated and fled."

"Later, our team followed them from afar and went around many places. The demon girl was cautious and suspicious, and we followed them very hard from one place to another. It was not until I came back from Mingguai's wedding that it was finally clear. "

Yushi was fascinated by what he heard, and asked curiously, "What's the trick? Tell me quickly and listen."

(End of this chapter)

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