I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1144 I will take you out to play as a teacher

Chapter 1144 I will take you out to play as a teacher
Mo Heijian was able to move around freely after two days of recuperating in the hut.

Yu Chengdie happened to come over to chat with Xiao Yushi, and when he saw him covered in straps, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"You damn big black dragon! How did you get hurt like this? How long have you been here? No wonder I suddenly sensed your breath two days ago, but I couldn't find you at the door of the house! So you deliberately avoided me!"

Mo Heijian quickly coaxed him, and Yushi also helped him say a lot of good things, and finally helped him stabilize Yu Chengdie.

"Little master, he can go now, and I'm sorry to keep bothering you and Immortal Xuan. How about this, I'll help him back to Houfeng, and I'll take care of him."

Yushi agreed, and said: "I changed his medicine just now, the wound healed very quickly, and it will heal in a short time. Don't stretch the wound, and don't touch the water. Bring him over in two days to change the medicine again."

Yu Chengdie couldn't stop nodding, helped Mo Heikan, and went back to Houfeng.

As soon as they came out of the barrier, the three little dragons immediately smelled their father's scent, and immediately flew out, rubbing against Mo Hei happily.

Mo Heijian laughed loudly, stretched out his hand reluctantly, touched this one, and touched the other.

Yu Chengdie was afraid that they would get to her husband's wound, so she waved them away.

Standing in the vanguard, Yushi couldn't help laughing when he saw that Toner had grown a lot bigger and looked cuter.

Seeing the toner, she couldn't help but think of the fourth child.

Normally, he loves fans the most.That little guy also likes to be close to him the most. I heard from Yu Chengdie that Xiao Fen'er is actively practicing martial arts, and she just wants to become a villain for the fourth brother to hug!

I haven't seen my fourth child for two years. As a mother, I miss her very much.

When Xuan Wuchen stepped out of the door, he saw the little apprentice looking at the sky with blurred eyes.

"Little Shi'er, what's wrong?"

Yushi turned his head, looked at the handsome face that was very similar to the fourth child, sighed, stepped forward and put his arms around his neck, and murmured: "Master, I miss the fourth child."

The corner of Xuan Wuchen's mouth raised slightly, he patted her beautiful back, and said: "When he leaves the customs, he will go home immediately."

Among several children, only he is most like himself.Not only in looks, but also in personality.

Although he is young, he loves to practice, learns the exercises well, and is calm and self-restraining. He is really exactly the same as himself when he was young.

Yushi leaned against his chest and murmured: "I know...but I don't know when he will be able to leave the customs. The fifth and sixth sons are both so old, and I haven't seen him as a real brother yet!"

Xuan Wuchen smiled fondly, and said: "Before he went to retreat, the teacher asked him to go home within five years, and he agreed at that time. The fourth child is a responsible child. If you do what you say, if you do it again Wait two or three years longer."

Two or three years? !

Yushi's exquisite brows were tightly frowned, and he muttered: "It will take so long! At least the boss, the second, and the third have still sent letters. When he really retreated, he didn't even send a single letter. Alas... Er Xing Qianli is worried! "

Xuan Wuchen kissed the top of her hair with pity, and murmured: "Don't worry, the fourth child will come home safely."

Suddenly, there was a sound from the enchantment behind him!
The two master and apprentice turned around, and saw a letter with a familiar Xuanguang docked outside the barrier.

"Master, which one do you think it is?"

"The third one."

Yushi squinted her eyes and thought for a while, then snorted, "I can't quite figure it out. The three sisters send letters from time to time, and I can't guess which one it is."

She beckoned, pinched the letter in her hand, opened it gently, and immediately smiled.

"Master, you really guessed right!"

Xuan Wuchen approached with a funny face, and said: "As a teacher, let's guess again, the junior will bring the third to come to hire, and invite us to go to the demon world to attend their wedding, right?"

Holding the letter in his hands, the little apprentice said, "Wow!" and laughed.

"There's no need to guess! The juniors have already arranged to come here, and many people know about it! You still need to guess!"

Immortal Xuanshang hugged her in his arms, buried her head on her neck, and kissed her wantonly a few times, the little apprentice couldn't help begging for mercy.

"Ouch! Master, you are so annoying! Don't come! Don't come!"

Xuan Wuchen stopped his movements with a smile, but he was still reluctant to let go of her. He rested his chin on her shoulder and said, "Go to the study with me, Master, and prepare a dowry for the third child. Stay at home these days, you Are you bored too? As a teacher, I will take you to the demon world for a while, okay?"

"Of course! Come to the wedding of the third child!"

"Hush!" Xuan Wuchen punished and bit her white jade-like earlobe lightly, and murmured: "You can't say that, the third child will be sad later."

"That's right! To put it another way, let's go to the wedding of the third child and have fun!"

"Hmm... Now I'll go back to the room with Teacher Wei..."

Yushi heard his emotional tone all of a sudden, and immediately understood, shyly pushed him away, and said coquettishly, "Don't! I still have things to do!"

The man in the white robe was not willing to listen, he embraced it with his big hands, and ran towards the room in a change of form.

"Master! There is something wrong with him! I have made a small explosive bag, and I want to find a big stone to test it!"

"Okay... I will accompany you later as a teacher."


A charming room.Later, later, later, until late at night, the little apprentice fell asleep in a daze, and whispered before going to bed: "Tomorrow...you will accompany me...you promised."

The man hugging her closed his eyes, smiled contentedly, and agreed: "Okay."

Early the next morning, the third child and the third child arrived at Xuanlin Peak.From a distance, I saw Dad playing with the fifth and sixth children, throwing small spirit stones.

The third child was very happy. He jumped up and greeted his father, and then turned around to play with his younger siblings.

The third child was never short of snacks and fresh fruits. He took out several pieces of soft candy and several fresh fruits from the storage bag, and coaxed his younger siblings to eat together.

The fifth child and the sixth child fell in love with this cute and delicious sister all of a sudden, and they circled around her.

"Call me Third Sister, I'll give you sweets."

"elder sister……"


The third child immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile, and took out a lot of snacks.The fifth child and the sixth child narrowed their eyes with a smile, and kept calling for their sister.

Junior saluted Xuan Wuchen respectfully and chatted about each other's current situation.

"My mother and master are both in good health, and from time to time they urge us to hurry up and get married. A while ago, because the demon world expanded and recruited so many monsters, I have a lot of things to do, and I can't spare time."

The junior looked at his beloved, smiled and continued: "The matter has finally come to an end, I don't think it can be delayed any longer, and the fifth day of next month is set as the wedding date, hurry up and make an appointment, and invite you and Xiao Shitou to go there together attend a wedding."

Xuan Wuchen was about to answer——

"Boom!" There was a huge explosion in the hut!
(End of this chapter)

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