I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1151 You are a great hero

Chapter 1151 You are a great hero

demon world, entrance to demon world

A somersault cloud slowly flew over and slowly landed in midair.

Standing in front of the somersault cloud is a tall and handsome man, wearing a light green robe, holding a pretty woman with one hand, and pointing at the dense forest below with the other.

"Xuan Shangxian, Xiao Shitou, the woods in front of him and the rolling mountainous area are all divided by the fourth brother from the mortal world, and now they are developed to live in the little demon."

"The original entrance to the demon world was too small, so I ordered the new entrance to be fixed here, and let the little demon guard it carefully for twelve hours. With the addition of this peripheral area, the scope of the demon world has increased by about one-fifth."

Somersaulting behind the clouds, Xuan Wuchen hugged the fifth child with one hand, and the little apprentice with the other.

Yushi held the sixth child in his arms, and leaned against the master's side.

Looking at the brand-new entrance to the demon world and the little demons coming and going, she couldn't help laughing and praising: "Baili Aofeng is quite generous, you brothers-in-law are mutually beneficial, friendly and harmonious, and have a harmonious relationship. I am also happy!"

Xuan Wuchen nodded in agreement, and said: "This series of actions of yours has broken the old rules of the Six Realms in the past, and it can be regarded as opening a new good situation for the Six Realms."

The six realms have always adhered to the principle of not interfering with each other and each being a realm.We haven't been in contact for many years, and almost never had a close and cooperative relationship.

Junior smiled confidently, bowed and said, "These are all thanks to Little Stone! If it wasn't for her reminder that day, we would never have expected the mutual benefit of cooperation. What's more, we didn't expect that after implementation, the effect would be so good! Haha... ...!"

Xuan San'er smiled at the side, and replied: "Baili Aofeng sent people to the demon world to learn how to grow fresh fruits for a while, and transplanted more than 300 kinds of fresh fruits from the demon world. They said that if there is a good harvest in the coming year, please invite us to go there eat."

Seeing her smiling like a flower, her eyes flickering obsessively, the senior junior said fondly, "Little greedy cat, you only think about eating."

"Isn't it good? Who doesn't have to worry about food?"

"Okay, of course! But only you remember the most!"


The two people here were talking in a low voice, and Xuan Shangxian also talked to the little apprentice in a low voice.

"Xiao Shi'er, I remember you said that you said that the situation of non-cooperation and non-interference in the six realms should be broken, and you also said that you want to create a new situation where the six realms are as close as one family. From my perspective, it's not far away now."

Yushi froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Master, at that time, I was just feeling it for a while, so I just talked about it casually, and I almost forgot it myself!"

Xuan Wuchen said softly: "This is all due to you."

The little apprentice shook his head in disapproval: "Where! It also depends on how many of them get along and are willing to cooperate! I just made a small suggestion, so there is no credit for it."

Xuan Shangxian smiled and whispered: "You gave birth to the daughter, and they got together because of several daughters. It's not your credit, who should it be?"

In fact, the reason why the kings of the four worlds of monsters, ghosts and humans have good friends is also because of Xuan Linfeng's relationship.It is precisely because of the friendship between their kings that all walks of life have opportunities to cooperate, and a new situation is slowly forming.

Yushi giggled, and leaned into his ear and whispered: "Master, according to what you said, the two of us have become the greatest contributors to this new era of harmony!"

Immortal Xuanshang gave a petulant smile, and it was rare for him to be arrogant, and said: "Of course it is!"

Yushi thought about the matter of the world of cultivating immortals, held his hand, and said excitedly: "Master, if the world of cultivating immortals can be stabilized and harmonious in the future, we will find a way to bring in the world of immortals, so that they can form a big alliance and implement the six realms one family. Dear Super League!"

Xuan Shangxian thinks this idea is very good, but he feels that it is not easy to realize this super alliance.The other four worlds are easy to talk about, but the world of immortality and the world of cultivating immortals are different.

Squeezed her little hand underneath, and reminded: "The cultivation of immortals is very loose, and the area covers a wide range. It is not easy to maintain so many people. In addition, the immortal world has always been proud of the plateau, and I want them to come together. It will probably take a lot of work.”

The little apprentice shrugged and said, "As long as you work hard enough, the iron pillar will be ground into a needle! Many things have to be done slowly. When they see the benefits brought by the harmony of the other four realms, they will naturally be jealous. "

"By the way!" Immortal Xuan suddenly remembered something, and asked, "What happened to the exchange conference in the world of cultivating the immortals that you asked Tong Tong to organize?"

The little apprentice said "Oh!", smiled mischievously and muttered: "So Master, you know!"

Even if she didn't tell her, the master's news was very well-informed, and he would know about it soon.

Xuan Shangxian replied: "I know a little bit, but not in detail."

The little apprentice explained: "I asked them to hold a treasure exchange meeting first to test the situation. The world of cultivating immortals is very scattered, and it will take time for the news to spread. I dare not set a too tight date. The first session is scheduled for March next year."

Xuan Shangxian nodded lightly, and asked: "Based on your tone, it seems that you have to continue?"

Yushi answered earnestly: "If the effect is good, it will be done every other quarter. However, I will let Tong Tong and Zi Yuan do it. I guess I will be busy with the big explosives for a long time."

During the conversation, Somersault Yunfei approached the barrier, and came to a mountain depression, below which were green grass jelly.

The fifth and sixth children in their arms were very familiar with the jelly grass, and when they saw it, they shook their bodies and wanted to pounce on it.

"Mother! Grass! Yes!"

"Daddy! Grass... grass!"

He didn't fly in this direction before entering or exiting the demon world, so Yushi was not familiar with this area. Seeing that the entire mountain valley was full of fairy grass, he couldn't help asking: "Senior, where is this place? So many fairy grasses can be planted. Grass!"

The third student's face was slightly restrained, and he answered seriously: "This is the exclusive territory of the Holy Aunt's family. In the entire monster world, only this mountain can grow fairy grass. The members of the Holy Aunt's family have always been proud of it."

"Only this one place? But is there any special reason?" Yushi thought about it carefully, and then said: "Immortal grass needs enough spiritual energy to grow, and this mountain must have sufficient spiritual energy."

Junior replied: "The aura in the demon world is generally good. People from the Shenggu family have sent people here to guard these fairy grasses all year round, and sell them at high prices to seek benefits for the family. I thought about finding a way to stop them, so I asked the master. "

"Master said that there is indeed only this place in the demon world that can grow fairy grass. He also said that this may be related to a disaster that happened many years ago."

Xuan San'er's curiosity was suddenly aroused, and he asked, "What disaster?"

Yushi and Xuanshangxian were also interested, and they all looked at Dasan at the same time.

Junior looked at the green hills below, and replied: "It is said that 10,000+ years ago, because of the slackness of the little demons in charge, a group of monsters flew out of the demon world without permission."

(End of this chapter)

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