I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1153 Brother-in-law, hug!

Chapter 1153 Brother-in-law, hug!
demon world, demon temple
A tall and handsome man hurriedly walked over, his light green robe fluttering, his body imposing.

The two maids stepped forward lightly and saluted respectfully, "Greetings to the demon god."

Junior smiled and asked, "Where are the master and the old concubine?"

The maid replied: "Your Excellency, they are walking in the back garden."

The junior walked quickly and changed shape, and came to the side of the garden in an instant.

From a distance, he saw his mother supporting the master, the two talking and laughing, walking slowly among the flowers.

He couldn't help laughing.

The relationship between master and mother is really good, just like before.Master is still the same as before, he loves his mother dearly, and listens to her in everything.

Although Master's legs are now inconvenient, Mother still treats him so tenderly and considerately. Besides touching Mother, Master is also obedient to her.

Master once said that a woman is married to be pampered, and pampering her means thinking of her in everything, thinking of her no matter what you do, that's right.

Although the master's words are a bit like a joke, he understands that although the words are simple, it is very difficult to implement them.

He is going to marry a wife now, and he can finally marry his little princess!
He should bear in mind the words of his master and learn from him well.He is confident that his relationship with Little Greedy Cat will be as good as that between Master and Mother in the future.

With sharp eyes, Moluo suddenly saw the figure of the junior, and shouted with a smile: "San'er! San'er!"

Then, he turned his head and grabbed his beloved wife's arm, happily said: "My concubine! Look! Our third son is back!"

Princess Jingxin looked over in surprise and laughed happily.

Junior turned around and came in front of them, and asked about the situation in the demon world these days.

Princess Jingxin replied: "Everything is fine, nothing serious. San'er, why did you go so long? Was there a delay on the way?"

Junior smiled and replied: "There is no delay, it is because Xuanlin Peak's hut was destroyed by Fairy Xuanshi, and we helped rebuild it, so the date is later than originally scheduled."

"Ah? How did you destroy it?"

"Is it serious? No one is injured, right?"

Junior replied: "It's okay. Immortal Xuan said that Xiaoshi was carrying some explosives, so it broke. He likes to rebuild by hand, without using spells, so it takes a lot of time."

Moro said: "It's fine as long as it's okay. It doesn't matter if it takes time, anyway, if you have time to prepare for the wedding, it's fine."

When the senior junior heard about the wedding, he immediately burst into smiles.

"Mother, how is the wedding going?"

Princess Jingxin dodged her eyes a few times, and replied with a smile: "My mother is doing business, you can rest assured. After a while, wash and change into clean robes, and we will hold a banquet to wash the dust for Xuanshangxian and his family."

"By the way, the groom's gown will be ready tomorrow. You can try it. After you try it, you can wait to be the groom with peace of mind. My mother will arrange everything else for you."

Seeing her dodging appearance, Moluo's face was slightly gloomy, and he didn't say anything.

Junior smiled happily, supported Princess Jingxin's arm, and said: "It is naturally the best to do things personally."

The corners of Princess Jingxin's eyes twitched, the corners of her mouth tugged, and she smiled unnaturally.

The junior was immersed in joy and didn't notice it at all.

"By the way, the Condensation Hall is very spacious. I plan to let Xuanshangxian's family and the eldest brother, second brother, and fourth younger brother live there. They are distinguished, and they are all a family. It's better to live together."

"Other distinguished guests, you can arrange some at the other end of the Ningxiang Hall, and some at the west hall of the Demon God Temple. In addition, some holy flowers should be added to the layout of the new house. The little greedy cat likes it. It can be seen and Eat it as dessert..."

Princess Jingxin couldn't help nodding, and said with a smile: "Okay...ok...ok! Mother will arrange it later."

The junior urged: "Mother, the eldest brother and the eldest sister-in-law will probably arrive first, and I will go to greet them in person, and I will leave the arrangements for the Ninglu Hall to you. By the way, you will return to the holy lady." The old uncle of the family said—”

"What!?" Princess Jingxin turned pale with fright, grabbed her son's arm with both hands, and said in a panic: "What are you telling him to do! Your marriage has nothing to do with old uncle! San'er, don't—" —”

The junior was stunned, and interrupted her with a smile: "Mother, what's the matter with you? I just want you to send someone over to say something, and ask them to present two bundles of fresh fairy grass, so that my sister-in-law and brother-in-law can play .”

Moluo glanced at Aifei, and squeezed forward, separating their mother and child.

"So it was for the little fairy and the little fairy boy to play with! How old are they? Are they all cute?"

Junior helped him to walk forward, and replied with a smile: "They are all very cute! My sister-in-law is very similar to my sisters. Brother-in-law Liang Feng looks very much like Immortal Xuanshang, and the youngest brother-in-law is exactly the same as Little Shitou, cute Impossible! Immortal Xuanshang dotes on him on weekdays..."

While listening, Moro walked forward, smiling and adding a sentence or two from time to time.After walking for a while, he turned his head and sneaked a glance at his beloved wife behind him.

I saw her eyes were dull, her face was pale and she was standing among the flowers, her face was full of helplessness.

Moro couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

Your Excellency the Demon God is about to get married, and the entire demon world is buzzing with excitement.People from the Demon God Temple came in and out, busy inside and out, and dressed up and down the Demon God Temple beautifully.

The junior was so busy welcoming VIPs and entertaining guests that he was so busy that no one was seen all day long.

Apart from trying on dresses and exquisite accessories, Xuan San'er spent the rest of her time playing with her younger siblings in the Condensation Hall.

"Third sister! Third sister!"

Xuan Yao'er shouted happily, and ran quickly to the Condensation Hall.

Ren Xiaoyao gave a charming smile, and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her by the waist.

The little cutie was startled, and scolded coquettishly: "Husband, what are you doing? This is outside, please put me down quickly."

Ren Xiaoyao's slender eyebrows and eyes were smiling, and he murmured: "You were complaining about your waist ache earlier, and now you are still running to see your sister, why don't you - let me fly with you in my husband's arms."

With a flash of white light under his feet, he came to the inner hall of the Condensation Hall in an instant.

The little cutie blushed, shyly urging: "Hurry up and put it down! Brothers and sisters will see it later, it will be bad!"

Ren Xiaoyao really liked her shy look, and said softly: "What's wrong? Huh? It's your husband, and it's only natural for a husband to hug his wife."

The little cutie was so ashamed that she was so angry, she lightly thumped his chest, and cursed: "What nonsense are you talking! Little brothers and sisters don't understand this! I'm so ashamed! Let me down!"

Ren Xiaoyao was finally satisfied and put down the little princess, and said with a smile: "So what if they see it, the big deal is not to hug you for husband, but to hug them instead, it's all over, right?"

Xuan Yao'er ignored him, looked left and right to find his brother and sister.

Suddenly, two small heads emerged from the big tree at the front door, giggling.



(End of this chapter)

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