I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1155 He wants to marry a side concubine without telling himself? !

Chapter 1155 He wants to marry a side concubine without telling himself? !

Xuan San'er flew to the front of the Demon God's Temple, and after a steady pause, he walked up the long marble stairs with a smile on his face.

Seeing the big red happy characters plastered all around, and her eyes full of festive colors, she couldn't help but smile shyly.

"Meet the Three Fairies!"

"Greetings to the Three Fairies!"

The maids and guards who were busy decorating the front hall saw her and saluted her happily.

Xuan San'er waved them to stand up and continue walking up.

From behind came the low voices of the maids talking.

"Today and tomorrow we call it Fairy, but the day after tomorrow, we have to call Wangfei instead."

"Isn't it? Our Lord Demon God can't wait..."

Xuan San'er was thin-skinned, blushed pretty, and couldn't help but quicken her pace.

Suddenly, a burning pain came from the back of his left hand, and he opened the sleeve—the back of his hand was already swollen, and even his fingers were also swollen.

Just now she was angry for a moment, but she hit it with all her strength, her hand couldn't stand the toss, and suddenly it became red and swollen like this.

I wanted to go to the side hall of Moro and the princess, but I thought it was better to go to the pharmacy in the back hall first, get some medicine to wipe it, otherwise if the swelling continues under this condition, it will probably become a bigger pig's trotter later.

She walked quickly to the pharmacy, and when she approached, she found that the surroundings were a little too quiet.

Taking a closer look, the guards and the maids in each aisle are not there, and it is quiet near the pharmacy, no one is there.

It is estimated that the front hall and the west hall are too busy, and manpower has been deployed to help.

She had been to the pharmacy once, and she was quite familiar with the surroundings. She opened the door and searched for the medicine applied on the inside.

Just as she was searching carefully, two low female voices sounded from the medicine cabinet behind.

"Miss Yun'er, are you awake?"

"Hmm... It's so annoying! This place is hot and stuffy, and the room smells like medicine, and the bed is so hard and small, it makes my back ache from sleeping on it! I hate it!"

Xuan San'er was slightly stunned—how could there be someone hiding in the pharmacy!
The last time he accidentally scratched his arm in the third year of practice, he thought it was a small wound, and it was midnight, so he didn't ask his servants to come to the demon doctor.

She wanted to bandage him, but seeing that the wound was red and swollen, and the elixir on her body was used up, she wanted to go out to find medicine for him.

Junior hurriedly stopped her, saying that there was a spare pharmacy behind the demon temple.He came with her, took the medicine, bandaged the wound and left together.

At that time there was only one guard guarding the pharmacy, why there are other people inside today.

"Miss Yun'er, please bear with me. Tomorrow night is the wedding, and it's almost dusk now. As long as we get through tomorrow, we won't have to stay here wronged."

"Okay...for the sake of the demon god cousin, I will endure it a little longer."

Xuan San'er stared in surprise—it was the niece of Princess Jingxin!

This woman is called Hu Yun'er, and she is the eldest daughter of the Holy Aunt's family.

Xuan San'er was no stranger to her, because she would come to the Demon God's Temple to look for Princess Jingxin from time to time, and she would always bring some snacks made by herself for her third cousin to eat.

Every time the junior accepted it politely, he turned around and gave it to himself to eat.Thanks to Miss Yun'er, she ate a lot of delicious snacks.

But, why would she hide in the pharmacy with the maid?

Xuan San'er was very surprised, and wanted to go up to say hello——

"Aunt Wangfei doesn't know how to arrange it. Isn't there still a lot of rooms in the side hall? Just arrange one for me, isn't it all right? I have to hide for three or four days in such a crappy place, and I have to hold me back Can't be bad!"

"Miss Yun'er, please bear with me. The day after tomorrow will be your big day, and when you become a side concubine, Your Excellency the Demon God will definitely arrange a separate palace for you, so that you can live comfortably and happily."

"That's natural..."

Xuan San'er's face was pale, and his eyes widened in confusion.

Concubine? !The day after tomorrow is also her big day?What's the meaning? !

At this time, the people inside sensed her aura and murmured: "It seems that someone is coming outside, you go and send them away."


The maid came out with her head poking around, and saw that the door was half open, but there was no one there.

She walked back and reported in a low voice: "Miss, someone may have come to fetch the medicine, and they have already taken it back."

Hu Yun'er stared at her, and said: "Won't you close the door tightly? I don't know if that person listened to what we said just now! In case something bad happens..."

The maid hurriedly knelt down and replied, "Miss, no! We all talk in whispers, and as soon as the little monster outside approaches the medicine cabinet, we can sniff it out immediately."

Hu Yun'er nodded slowly, then sighed, supported her forehead, and said coquettishly: "If it wasn't for Aunt Jingxin's preference for that third fairy, why would I need to be so angry!"

"If she asks her junior cousin to marry me, I will be the princess that Mingmei is marrying now. I am happy to be a bride at home, why hide here and sneak around! Sigh...!"

The maid smiled flatteringly, and coaxed: "Miss, with your beauty and intelligence, you and Your Excellency the Demon God are definitely a match made in heaven. Princess Jingxin and the old patriarch both like you very much, and let you take the position of side concubine temporarily. When you give birth to an heir, the mother must be as valuable as the son, as honorable as a concubine."

Hu Yun'er smiled coquettishly, her red lips moved, and she smiled triumphantly.

"However, cousin Yaoshen seems to like that third fairy quite a bit, and their engagement has been going on for many years."

The maid hurriedly said: "Where is that! Our Lord Demon God treats Miss better! As soon as Miss falls ill, he immediately sends a demon doctor over. Whatever Miss Miss wants, he will give. Love miss."

Hu Yuner giggled...

Xuan San'er, who was invisible outside, had dull eyes, and slowly flew out the door.In a trance, she didn't know where she was flying.

It wasn't until the invisibility talisman on her body failed that she realized that she had flown to the entrance of the demon world.

The sound of festive drums came from a distance, and she couldn't help but look up.

A large group of little demons surrounded the junior and Princess Jingxin, smiling and greeting the guests, the guests came and went in an endless stream.

She stared blankly at Junior, and saw that he was still dressed in a light green robe, tall and handsome, with a happy smile in his eyes.

He is very happy very happy...

Does he know about this?Did he hide it from himself, and at the same time as marrying himself, he also married his side concubine?
Is he afraid that he will not, so he deliberately hides it from himself, is it like this?

Do not!
She should trust him, she should give him a chance to explain, and ask the whole story clearly.

My mother said that the most important thing between husband and wife is trust.Although she only has a marriage contract with him and hasn't really married yet, she should still trust him.

She took a breath, and was about to call him via voice transmission——

Suddenly, an exclamation came from behind: "Third Fairy, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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