I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1171 Will spoil you and love you for a lifetime

Chapter 1171 I Will Spoil You and Love You Forever
Junior sighed, and said, "But I never expected that mother and master would choose to stand with the big families in the end, colluding with them secretly, and attacking you while I was preparing for the wedding. Marry with them and divide me from the new forces."

Xuan San'er couldn't help but marvel: "It turns out that there are so many inside stories buried in it..."

On the surface, he was only asked to marry multiple concubines, but secretly, there were conflicts of interests, not innocent at all!

Thinking of Moluo and Princess Jingxin, she asked cautiously: "Your master and mother, one belongs to the wolf family, and the other belongs to the holy aunt's family, right? Have you ever attacked their family?"

Junior's face was gloomy, his eyes were full of helplessness, and he nodded without hiding anything from her.

Xuan San'er snuggled into his arms, put his hand around his neck, and asked in a low voice, "Then what are you going to do now?"

The handsome man kissed her hair intimately, and replied: "I just want to be with you. As for the affairs of the demon world, since Master and Mother can't trust me, then I don't want to worry about it. Anyway, I think very clearly, you are the one It's what I care about the most."

Suddenly thought of something, he pulled a little distance away from her, met her big eyes, and asked cautiously: "Little San'er, if I am no longer the demon god, the master of the demon world, and my status is no longer superior, I am not in the slightest. No power, you...will you still be with me?"

After hearing this, Xuan San'er immediately widened his eyes and stared at him blankly.

The junior smiled apologetically, and explained: "When I proposed marriage to Xuanshangxian, I was already a demon god in the demon world. I promised him that as long as you like me, I will protect you for the rest of your life and give you rich clothes and good food." , love you, pet you and take pity on you."

After a pause, he sighed and continued: "However, if I am not the demon god or the master of the demon world in the end, I may not be able to give you rich clothes and a noble status..."

Xuan San'er glanced at him with a half-smile, interrupted him and asked: "I don't want to ask other questions, I just ask you, without those noble identities, would you still protect me for the rest of your life, love me, spoil me, and take pity on me?"

Junior nodded immediately, and repeated a few more times like a promise, and said like an oath: "As long as my junior is alive, I will protect you, love you and pamper you for the rest of my life! The promise I made with Immortal Xuan, I will always Keep it in your heart and never forget it.”

Xuan San'er stared at him reproachfully, and said with a smile: "It's not enough to keep it in your heart, nor is it enough to never forget it. I want you—a man who promises to keep his promise. Can you do it?"

The handsome man smiled instantly, his brows and eyes were full of joy, and he couldn't help nodding.

"I can! I can! I really can!"

After hearing this, Xuan San'er threw herself into his arms.

"Actually... I didn't have a good impression of you when I was young. Most of the time I heard other people's words, I always thought that monsters were scary and hateful. Later, when I grew up, you came to me and treated me so well..."

"At first, I was wary of you, and I didn't know what kind of attitude I should use to get along with you. You are like a big brother, who loves me and takes care of me very much."

"After being with you day and night for a period of time, I found that as long as I don't see you for a while, my heart feels empty. Seeing you smile at me, I can't help being happy. Seeing you busy with government affairs, I want to help you. "

"I also found that every time you hold my hand, I can't help but blush and shy. But I can't do it with other people, even if that person is a man. When you hold me, My heart beats wildly..."

"From then on, I knew in my heart that you were different. Until the three-headed monsters came to the demon world, you sacrificed yourself to save me. I was moved and felt very lucky to choose you. "

"During this time, you were busy with the affairs of the demon world, and I was by your side, almost inseparable. The more I know about you, the better you treat me, and my heart will attach to you little by little."

The person in his arms spoke in a low voice, and the junior felt his heart and mouth - all senses seemed to be smeared with honey, so sweet that he seemed to forget to breathe.

Xuan San'er shyly leaned against him, and continued to murmur: "Daddy said that if we grow up and don't like our fiancé, then we can dissolve the engagement on our own. However, he reminded us that he and mother chose us for us. The people here are all one-in-a-million talents, let us cherish them."

"I... cherish the relationship between us very much, so you seldom say sweet words, but I have always been very clear about your heart for me. As your affection for me grows stronger, I will do the same for you. "

"Do you know, when I heard that Hu Yun'er said that he wanted to marry you as his side concubine, I was stunned and stunned, I didn't know how to react."

"However, I instinctively believed at the time that you would never do anything wrong to me. I should believe in you and trust you. Facts have proved that you are worthy of my deep trust."

"I heard from my mother that true love is very specific and does not tolerate the slightest flaws of other people. This is how I feel. I don't want to share the person I love with anyone, because I can't accept it. "

"Later, your mother also told me that you would marry me as a concubine, but you are a demon god, so it is impossible for you to have only me as a concubine. She said that you would definitely take concubines, saying that sooner or later I would Accept that fact."

"I was very excited after hearing it. I couldn't accept it, and I couldn't accept it. I made it very clear to her that if I want to share you with other women, then I would rather break off my engagement with you."

Junior bit her lower lip, closed her eyes and murmured: "No... I only want you, and I don't want anyone except Xuan San'er. In this life, you will be the only one, and there will never be any other women. "

Xuan San'er smiled shyly, rubbed his neck, and said: "Since you and I are connected, why would I care about other things! The person I like is you, not your identity."

Junior hugged her tightly, and with excitement and joy, said: "Little Greedy Cat, even if I can't be a demon god, I can still treat you well. Master promised me that I'm welcome back to Xiaoling Mountain anytime."

"Even if I can't be a demon god, I can still find the fairy fruit you like to eat. I used to be in the fairyland for more than 1 years, and I know a lot of people and places. I will take you to play one by one and find what you like to eat For you to eat."

The person in his arms giggled, and murmured: "It's okay not to mention the food, but I feel hungry when I talk about it."

Junior smiled mysteriously, let go of her body, took out a storage bag from her arms, and took out two holy flowers, which were crystal clear and exuded bursts of fragrance.

Xuan San'er's eyes lit up immediately, and he exclaimed: "Isn't this a holy flower? You went to the forbidden area to pick it?"

(End of this chapter)

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