I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1174 Our Family Will Be Consummated

Chapter 1174 Our family will be happy

After thinking obediently, Ming replied coldly, "It's the Hu Yun'er that you want to cheat and let her marry the junior."

"Ah?!" Moro turned pale with fright and exclaimed, "How could it be her?!"

Ming obediently replied in a cold voice: "It's her."

Moluo retorted: "She...she...we have already agreed to let her be San'er's side concubine, let her come in together on the wedding night, she doesn't have to do that!"

Ming obediently couldn't help rolling her eyes, and snorted coldly: "You agree with her to be a side concubine, but her heart is more than just wanting to be a side concubine!"

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the person on the bed.

"That Hu Yun'er heard that Princess Jingxin said that my third sister-in-law did not agree with the junior's concubine and concubine. She became anxious when she heard that, and asked a little fox spirit from the Demon Temple to help her find out the whereabouts of the third sister-in-law. The third sister-in-law was cast into a coma by you, and she and her maid Xiao Mo killed the third sister-in-law."

Moro was dumbfounded—Ming obediently told what happened and the people involved one by one, proving that he was not lying.

"But... but... Dasan has already killed her and avenged the Third Fairy, right?"

Ming obediently nodded slowly.

Suddenly, the person on the bed moved and opened his eyes weakly.

Moluo noticed it immediately, rushed forward, supported Princess Jingxin, and asked worriedly: "Aifei, how are you doing? You finally woke up! I'm so worried!"

Princess Jingxin's eyes were dull, and she snuggled into Moluo's arms without saying a word.

Seeing her like this, Moro shook her, but she still didn't respond.

He became frightened, stretched out his hand and patted her face, calling: "Aifei! Aifei! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

At first he thought that when she woke up, he should breathe a sigh of relief - but he didn't expect her to look like this, which was more terrifying than when she was in a coma, so he hurriedly shouted outside: "Come on! Let the demon doctors come here quickly! Hurry up! "

Suddenly, Princess Jingxin, who had been expressionless all this time, took his hand, shook her head and said coldly: "No need, I'm fine."

Moluo's face was full of discomfort, and he said anxiously: "You...you are already like this, and you still say it's okay?! How about I get some elixir for you, and I'll get it now!"

Princess Jingxin held him back and shook her head slightly.

"No, I'm just... heartbroken."

Moluo thought she was worried about the junior, so he comforted him: "My dear brother said that he was going to avenge the third fairy and kill the murderer. Did you hear that just now?"

Princess Jingxin nodded slowly, and said: "Before I woke up, I heard that the murderer of the three fairies was Hu Yun'er. We asked people from the Shenggu family to search, but we refused to say that there was no clue at all."

Speaking of this, she suddenly laughed, wryly smiling again and again.

"It can be seen that these are their tricks! They can kill and escape in the Demon God's Temple, but they cannot be captured—unless there are their troops in the Demon God's Temple, and they cooperate with each other, otherwise how can it be possible!"

"At first, I thought...they at least took my aunt seriously, but I didn't expect that they would never change their nature. People who are available to the family are good chess players. After using them, just throw them away."

"I have experienced it once, but I always think about the family relationship, how they are also my natal family. But they just want to use me, time and time again... I am already willing to help Hu Yun'er get the position of side concubine, But they're still greedy enough."

She turned her head lightly, looked into Moluo's eyes, and said: "Although I agree on the surface, my heart is not a hazy bronze mirror. I don't know. If that vicious girl entangles San'er, there will be troubles in the future." .”

Speaking of this, the tears in her eyes dripped down, and she continued, choking with sobs: "I...would rather let my own son hate hatred, bear the pain and anger and agree to her to be a side concubine...in the end, I still set myself on fire."

Moluo put his arms around her shoulders and comforted her slowly: "My concubine, I understand the pain in your heart. You come from the family of the holy aunt, which is worse than my wolf family. How can I not understand the pain in your heart? .”

"During my time as a demon god, in order to fear that the power would fall to the side, I courted their big families many times. I didn't dare to marry any family on the grounds of my skills and my body. Until the end, I could only marry Jing Xian...how helpless she is!"

Princess Jingxin wiped away her tears slowly, met Moluo's eyes, and said coldly: "Moluo, such things can't always be allowed to evolve, otherwise it will only harm more people."

"San'er is right. Things that have a long history are not necessarily good. Although the old system and the old family are good, they have long hindered the development of the demon world. Since they are not suitable for the future world, we must change them."

Moluo sighed deeply, and said helplessly, "The problem is that they refuse to change, which is why there are so many incidents."

Princess Jingxin's face was gloomy, she glanced outside, and said: "Then according to what San'er said, they won't change—then we have to help them change."

Moluo was taken aback, and blurted out in surprise, "Aifei...what do you mean?"

Princess Jingxin stood up slowly, and said: "At this point, we should not continue to stand on the side of the major families. Your wolf family will have given up on you when you were not a demon god."

"I shouldn't blindly cater to the old uncles of the Holy Aunt's family. They are vicious and hateful, even our third fairy... I have long regarded that child as my family... But they are so mad, I have already It's too chilling for them. No... I'm giving up on them."

Moluo listened, thought for a moment quietly, took her hand, and nodded heavily.

"Okay! I listen to you everything. This time, I should listen to you."

After a pause, he glanced outside and asked: "Aifei, I think the most important thing now is to find San'er back and let him come back to preside over the overall situation. We will follow behind. What does Aifei think?"

Princess Jingxin nodded calmly, walked towards Ming obediently, and said respectfully, "Her Majesty Pluto please help me, and get San'er back quickly. Concubine Shen and Moluo are begging you!"

Ming obediently listened to their conversation just now, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at the husband and wife lightly.

"Princess, please, now that you have figured it out, this king has the confidence to call the third brother back. In fact, the king has always known the whereabouts of the third brother, but seeing that your thoughts are still undecided, the king wants to turn a blind eye and close it." one eye."

Princess Jingxin and Moluo looked at each other with a smile, and asked in surprise, "Really? Where is San'er now?"

Ming obediently smiled and replied: "He and his third sister-in-law Bai Tiandi are married, and now they are drinking wedding wine with their elder brother and fourth younger brother in Ninglu Hall to celebrate!"

"Ah?! The third fairy...she...she didn't die?!"

Ming obediently smiled triumphantly, patted his chest proudly, and said: "Our Xuan Linfeng family will always be perfect!"

(End of this chapter)

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