I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1178 Our first time, naturally Zhang Yi

Chapter 1178 Our first time, naturally we have to remember

Xuan Shangxian shook his head, supported her tender white chin, met her eyes, and replied affectionately: "Master, I don't want Xiao Shi'er to have regrets in her life. As long as we are in love, it is not too late to propose marriage. "

Yushi smiled shyly, and murmured: "So that's the case, then I'll tell you. Modern people propose flowers and diamond rings, but there are also some people who have whimsical ideas and change their minds to make the proposal more romantic."

"The teacher understands flowers, but what is this diamond ring? Where should I find it for the teacher?"

"Diamond ring... It's actually a ring, a very precious and dazzling gemstone ring. Because it is very hard, it means that each other's minds are firm and love will last forever."

Xuan Wuchen took it down seriously, and asked again: "Then how do I ask for it?"

Yushi rolled her big eyes and replied, "Master, this...you may not be able to do it. Uh...even if you want to do it, I'm embarrassed to let you do it!"

Xuan Shangxian raised his eyebrows suspiciously, and asked, "What do you mean? What do you need to do?"

The little apprentice scratched his head, not daring to speak.

A certain master pinched her chin so that she could only meet his eyes, and insisted on speaking: "Little Shi'er, don't hide anything. Say what you have, don't worry, as a teacher, you can do it."

The little apprentice whispered: "The suitor...will half kneel on the ground, begging the woman to accept him. If the woman agrees, the man will put the ring on her right ring finger, and the two will kiss sweetly in the end."

She had never experienced these things in her previous life, only seen them in TV movies.However, the general situation should be like this, almost inseparable.

The flower ring is easy to handle, but the master needs to kneel down... She has a bad feeling.

He is the master, but he kneels down to her apprentice... Hehe, it doesn't seem very good!

Xuan Wuchen let out an "oh", and became pensive, his face slightly restrained.

She chuckled, touched his handsome and flawless face, and said, "It's okay! I told you earlier, it doesn't matter if you propose or not—"

"No!" Xuan Wuchen interrupted her shaking his head, explaining: "The teacher just thought that this kind of marriage proposal ceremony respects the woman very much, guessing that in the place where Xiao Shi'er lived before, the status of women should be quite high."

Yushi nodded and replied, "It's okay! Women's abilities are not inferior to men's, and women can hold up half the sky. Besides, those who really love and love their wives will naturally respect her sincerely."

Xuan Wuchen nodded approvingly, and replied with a smile: "I understand, Master."

The little apprentice's eyes were attracted by other places, and he still added softly: "When I find a suitable ring for the teacher and prepare many flowers, I will propose to Xiao Shi'er."

The little apprentice let out an "oh" and ran away.

Immortal Xuanshang thought silently, thinking about what kind of flowers to look for, what kind of ring, and where to propose...

The little apprentice suddenly said "Ah!" and started to cast the spell.

"Master! Come here! There seems to be a sulfur mine here!"

Xuan Wuchen heard it, and hurriedly walked over.

"Little Shi'er, you mean—like the sulfur mine that Mo Wen sent people to discover in the Cangnan Continent last time?"

Yushi was busy casting spells and digging holes, and shouted: "That's right! However, he tossed all the sulfur away last time. Sulfur can burn and increase the weight of explosives. Master, look quickly! The mountain here is yellowish brown. There are not many trees, and it is very similar to the appearance of the outer mountain that we went to dig the sulfur mine last time."

Xuan Wuchen thought about it, nodded and replied: "It's really similar." As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly started to help dig.

The little apprentice laughed happily, and shouted: "Master! It's a good thing you remember this place, and bring me here to reminisce about the memory, otherwise we definitely wouldn't have found this!"

Immortal Xuanshang gave her a spoiled look, and replied: "The first time between you and me is naturally worth remembering."

Wow Kaka!
The little apprentice smiled shyly, took out the tools in the storage bag, lowered his head and got busy...

Demon Realm, Condensation Palace
Moluo and Princess Jingxin sat on one side of the front hall, while Dasan and Xuan Saner sat opposite them holding hands.

Junior's handsome face was cold, his head was slightly lowered, and he remained silent.

He didn't speak, and Xuan San'er didn't want to speak, the atmosphere in the hall was very oppressive and awkward.

Laughter came from the front yard from time to time, and Ren Xiaoyao and Mingguaiguai could vaguely be heard chatting happily...

When the voice came, it seemed that the hall was too quiet and embarrassed.

Princess Jingxin poked Moluo, Moluo reacted, pulled a smile, and asked: "I heard from my good brother earlier that San'er is married to San Fairy, isn't it?"

The junior gave a faint "hmm" and answered, "Yes."

Immediately afterwards, there was another oppressive silence.

Princess Jingxin stood up with a smile, approached the two of them, and said softly: "My mother is really happy for you that you can have a lover and get married in the end."

After finishing the words, she stretched out her hand to hold Da San's hand, and wanted to hold Xuan San'er's hand——

Xuan San'er glanced away and avoided it.

Luo Ji flashed across Princess Jingxin's eyes, she retracted her hand in embarrassment, and said apologetically, "Third Fairy, are you still blaming me...?"

Xuan San'er said something, and said bluntly: "Yes."

Princess Jingxin burst into tears when she heard the words, and choked with sobs: "My child, I know I'm sorry for you... If it weren't for the two of us for a moment of selfishness, your wedding would not be like this, and there would be no civil strife in the demon world. It's all our fault, sorry!"

Xuan San'er lowered his head and said nothing.

If it wasn't for her selfishness, then Hu Yun'er would not have taken the opportunity to make trouble, boldly attacking herself, and almost killed herself.

If it wasn't for her and Moro, she wouldn't have been unconscious, or even suffered misfortune.Now that they are gone, they still want to hide it, replace themselves with that Hu Yun'er, and ask the junior to marry her.

In the past few days, she almost lost her life and lost her husband!
As long as she thinks of this, her heart trembles with fear. She is only a teenager, and her life is almost over before it really begins...

Da San felt that the people beside him seemed to be trembling, so he quickly shook off Princess Jingxin's hand, and hugged his lovely wife beside him.

"What's wrong? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Concubine Jingxin felt distressed and approached her, and wanted to hold her again—the junior stopped her with her hand, and said in a soft voice: "Mother, don't come closer, the junior is afraid of her."

"She used to trust you two as much as I did. But you two lied to her and even hurt her, almost killing her indirectly!"

"My child was just deceived by you and distrusted by you, so she was very sad. But she... was almost killed by your selfish intentions, how can you make her not afraid!"

Tears dripped down Princess Jingxin's eyes, and she apologized: "Third Fairy, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Xuan San'er snuggled into Da San's arms without looking up.

Moluo leaned forward, supported each other with Princess Jingxin, and sighed: "San'er, Sanxian, I know that we are too wrong, and it makes you too sad."

(End of this chapter)

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