I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1282 I Think I Don't Like Him

Chapter 1282 I Think I Don't Like Him
Baili Aofeng put on a curious look and asked, "Is your future husband treating you badly? Why did you run away from marriage?"

In fact, he was also really curious.She must have forgotten everything about her childhood.

I remember that when everyone was going to send her to cultivate immortality, he hurried over from Cangbei Manor.When she reached out to hold her in her arms, she no longer recognized herself, it was just a year since she had seen each other.

Xiao Yushi told everyone that the child was too young, so don't mention the marriage contract in front of her.At first, everyone would make a fuss and talk about it, but after Xiao Yushi gave orders, everyone stopped talking about it.

According to the agreement these years, he didn't dare to visit her casually and disturb her study life.

Even if the eldest brother, second brother, third brother and the couple went, they would all hide in the corner, and leave after a few more glances.Afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, he seldom stayed in Qingyun School.

So he's sure that she didn't know about his marriage contract before.

Xuan Ke'er pursed her lips, and muttered: "I...don't know him, how would I know!"

The corner of Baili Aofeng's mouth twitched slightly, and asked: "Since you don't know if it's okay, why did you run away from marriage? He is going to marry you?"

He just wanted to go to Xuanlin Peak to pick her up, to spend more time with her, and to develop a relationship with her.He didn't plan to marry her now, although he really wanted to, but he didn't dare to rush forward at all.

"Oh..." Xuan Ke'er replied, "I don't think I like him."


Baili Aofeng's heart was instantly injured by [-] points!She hasn't seen her yet, so she feels that she won't like herself...

"You haven't met him yet, and you haven't had any contact with him yet. How can you be so sure that you don't like him?"

Xuan Ke'er rolled her eyes and said with a wry smile: "I think about it and I know it's impossible to like it! My great master said that he is...he is a mortal in the mortal world, much older than my mother—— He is a bad old man! How could I like it!"

She is only 15 years old now, how could she like an old bad old man at such a young age!

It is said that the emperors in the mortal world have three thousand beauties in the harem, and they can admit young women into the palace every few years.

Don't think about it, that old man must like old cows to eat tender grass!However, this tender grass of hers is not something he can gnaw at will!
So, in order not to be gnawed, she escaped marriage smoothly!
The corners of Baili Aofeng's eyes twitched, and there were countless black lines on his forehead.

He, Baili Aofeng, is indeed a mortal, and he is the one with the highest status in the mortal world, but he has cultivated immortality, and he successfully formed the alchemy many years ago, and his body remains in his 28-year-old appearance.

He is indeed many years older than her mother, but how can he be a bad old man? !
Although his appearance is not as good as Xuanshangxian, he is still confident that he is a handsome man.Over the years, this pair of skins has attracted the favor of many beauties.

But when he came to her, he turned into a bad old man...

Seeing his pale face, Xuan Ke'er didn't ask any more questions for a long time, and felt relieved.

"Stop asking nonsense! Let's go play below!"

Baili Aofeng glanced at her thoughtfully, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, anyway, we are invisible, you can watch and play as you like."

Baili Aofeng took her to the ground lightly, stood in the corner, held her tender little hand, and said: "There are many people on the street, let's not get separated, you have to follow me."

Xuan Ke'er's pretty face blushed slightly, and she nodded.

Unlike his younger brother's hand, his hand was so big and warm, tightly wrapping his little hand, it was extremely warm.

Walking on the street, avoiding pedestrians, looking at the dazzling array of goods, Xuan Ke'er screamed in excitement.

"What is that? What is it for? What is it called? Can it be eaten? It looks delicious! That... and that..."

She kept asking questions along the way, and Baili Aofeng's eyes were gentle, and he answered her questions one by one.

"What's that? It looks delicious..." She pointed to a piece of shortbread and asked, swallowing.

Baili Aofeng petted a low smile and said: "You stand here, I will show up and buy you a piece."

Xuan Ke'er giggled and asked, "I'll go by myself, can I? I haven't bought anything yet! It looks fun!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the handsome man in front of her seemed to sigh slightly, and glanced at herself tenderly, reached into her bosom, took out a small bag, poured out a piece of silver, and handed it to her.

"You don't have this on you, so go buy it!"

She smiled happily and said, "Thank you! Then I'll go!"

Baili Aofeng waved his cuffs, sweeping away her invisibility.Seeing her excited face, jumping up and down to the shop, he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

Although she was born noble, she grew up like stars and moons since she was a child, and later went to the Qingyun School to cultivate immortals, which is also very enviable.

But she also lost a lot of fun. Shopping, which is the most common and simple thing in the eyes of ordinary people, is actually such a happy thing in her eyes.

Seeing her rushing out like a little butterfly, he suddenly felt——he wanted to take her to experience these things, take her to see strange and beautiful things, and not let her miss these most ordinary beauties.

After making up his mind, he followed behind her.

The shopkeeper stared at Xuan Ke'er with a smile, saw that she looked like a fairy, and quickly smiled flatteringly: "Miss, how much do you want to buy? What flavor do you want?"

Xuan Keer happily asked: "What flavor do you have? I want to try it!"

The shopkeeper gave a warm introduction and asked, "How much do you want to buy? One is three copper plates."

Xuan Keer was taken aback, and asked: "How much is three copper coins? I don't know what copper coins are. Is this enough?"

The shopkeeper stared in surprise, nodded and said, "Enough is enough!"

He took out the paper bag, filled three big bags, and handed it to Xuan Ke'er.

Xuan Keer laughed, turned around and saw Baili Aofeng standing behind him, and couldn't help shouting: "Wow! Shopping is so fun!"

The voice was so loud that the pedestrians around turned their heads and stared at her in amazement.

"Wow! Which lady is this? She looks so pretty!"

"It looks like a fairy! Could it be that a fairy came down to earth? It's so beautiful!"

"Which family does Miss belong to? Have you got married this year?"

"Hey! You are going to match the lady!"

"Of course! Such a beautiful lady, the marriage can be done whatever you say!"


Baili Aofeng saw the crowd keep coming up, chattering in a hurry, especially some men, their eyes narrowed, and they couldn't stop approaching Xuan Ke'er.

He snorted coldly, waved his big hand, swept away the crowd, led her to run through the wind, turned into the street, and quickly disappeared.

It was the first time for Xuan Ke'er to see such a battle, she was too surprised to react, holding a few paper bags in one hand, and tightly tugging on Baili Aofeng's cuff with the other.

"These mortals are strange... I don't even know them."

(End of this chapter)

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