I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1288 Lovesickness kills!

Chapter 1288 Lovesickness kills!
Mo Cang persuaded: "Then you should leave him a letter! You don't know when he will come back, so you can't just wait like this!"

Xuan Keer thought for a while, ran into the room, ran out after a while, called the hidden attendants, and handed a letter to the leader.

"Please give this to Brother Feng, I have something to do and I want to go to Beihai with Brother Cang and the others."

The attendant wondered: "But the master told us to stay close to protect the girl... Miss Ke'er, why don't you let us follow!"

The master told them not to reveal his identity, and told them to protect Miss Ke'er and not make any mistakes.

They have been by the master's side for so many years, and they have never seen the master care so much about a woman.

This is the first woman to get close to the master.They have seen His Majesty's care and love for this girl these days.

Now that the master is not in the other courtyard, they absolutely dare not make any mistakes in their guarding work, otherwise the master will pursue it in the future - unimaginable!
Before Xuan Keer could reply, Mo Cang quickly shook his head and said, "No! We still have important things to do, it's very urgent and confidential, you can't follow!"

He turned his head and explained to Xuan Ke'er in a low voice: "Sister Ke'er, those people are able to go to the bottom of the sea to steal sea ginseng, the origin must be not simple. They are very cautious, and from time to time there are people who talk to each other and slowly head north. We can't Follow too many people, otherwise it will be easy to be exposed when you follow."

Xuan Ke'er nodded slowly, and smiled apologetically at the guard
"Sorry, I can't take you with me."

"Girl, master asked us to protect your safety, you can't make it difficult for us!"

Xuan Ke'er pointed to the letter and explained: "Give this letter to Brother Feng, and he will understand. I will definitely not blame you. I promised Brother Feng that I will wait for him here, and I will come back as soon as possible. Everyone, thank you very much." Thank you so much for your protection! Farewell!"

Mo Cang tipped his toes, took her up into the air, and disappeared into the air in an instant.

The attendants looked at each other, knowing that they would definitely not be able to catch up, so they hurriedly discussed: "Quick! Send a letter to His Majesty! Send this letter together!"


Shangjing City, inside the Imperial Palace.

Wearing a dragon robe and a jade crown, Baili Aofeng is handsome and extravagant, sitting on the dragon chair, slightly lost in thought.

Lord Wufeng sat below, read a notebook in his hand, thought about it silently, looked up at Baili Aofeng, and asked: "Your Majesty, according to the notebook, things don't seem to be very optimistic. Your Majesty, you What do you think we should do next? Send someone down to check and deal with it?"

Baili Aofeng didn't move, and didn't answer a word for a long time.

Master Wufeng was slightly stunned, looked up, raised his voice and asked again, but there was still no response.

"Strange! What happened to Your Majesty today?"

Lord Wufeng has a mortal physique. He is almost 30 years old now. He looks calm and mature. With a small beard on his chin, he looks even more charming and handsome.

He stood up, stepped forward, and stood in front of the dragon chair with his arms folded, with an ambiguous and mocking smile on his lips.

"Your Majesty, may I ask how long will you stay here?"

"Ah!" Baili Aofeng came back to his senses, caught a glimpse of his friend's mocking expression, smiled awkwardly, and asked, "What did you just say? I... didn't hear clearly."

Lord Wufeng rolled his eyes and snorted softly: "It's not that your majesty didn't hear clearly, you didn't hear it at all!"

After staying for so long, I still want to cover up the past.It's so easy to be fooled after being friends for many years!
Baili Aofengjun couldn't hide his embarrassment, and explained: "I'm a little distracted...thinking about something."

He looked left and right, took a copy of the memorial in front of him, opened it, but found that he couldn't read a single word.

Wufeng Houye's eyes flashed, he glanced at his movements funny, and asked: "Your Majesty is not thinking about things, but about Xiao Ke'er, right?"

The questioning tone was 100% sure.

His Majesty waited and waited, finally survived the ten-year agreement, and entrusted himself with the big and small affairs of the court, and hurried to Xuanlin Peak.

He originally thought that after he went to Xuanlin Peak to pick up Xiao Ke'er, he would immediately take her back to Shangjing.

But he never expected that he would go there for a month!

Fortunately, during this period of time, both inside and outside the court were considered stable. He also explained in the court hall that he would retreat and leave for a period of time. The length of time was uncertain, so no one in the court doubted it.

However, there were a lot of things that made him, the Marquis, very tired, but the Lord was holding the little beauty in his arms to talk about love!
Lord Wufeng smiled ambiguously, and murmured in front of him: "I guessed it right, didn't you? Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns. It's been two days since you flew all the way here. Two days is six autumns—— Tsk tsk! Lovesickness is not a disease, and if you get sick, you will die! No wonder you are so desperate, Your Majesty! It turns out that you have lovesickness!"

Baili Aofengjun blushed, glared at him funny, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Wufeng's guess was right, he was indeed thinking about Xiao Ke'er.

Obviously only two short days, but he already misses it so much...

Do not!
In fact, from the moment he left Cangnan Bieyuan, he began to miss her.

"What are you talking about! Lovesickness kills people - this is really new, it's the first time I've heard it! It must have been fabricated by Lord Wufeng himself, nonsense!"

Lord Wufeng snorted softly with the tip of his nose, and said: "If you lose your soul, even if you lose your soul, what are you talking about! Your Majesty, you are miserable! You are already terminally ill—it is hopeless!"

Baili Aofeng couldn't laugh or cry when he said that.

Looks like he's really sick.

He really thought about Xiao Ke'er so much, unconsciously, without a trace, very naturally, he just thought of it again.

I miss her frank smile, her cute and charming demeanor, the delicious meals she cooks, and everything related to her.

Suddenly he couldn't help but think of the kiss he sent on the back of her hand from his heart before the farewell...

That feeling was really good... He missed it endlessly.

"Your Majesty, can I return to my senses? Rong Weichen reminds you, you have been wandering for a long time again."

"Ah?! What did you just say?" Baili Aofeng raised his head in a daze, smiled apologetically, and said, "Say it again."

Marquis Wufeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and snorted, "Your Majesty, you are really ill, hurry up and seek medical treatment!"

Baili Aofeng stared at him with a smile, and cursed: "You're just making fun of me! How can there be medicine for lovesickness? Take it away from me!"

Lord Wufeng said "Yo!", and said, "This humble minister really knows it!"

"What? When did Marquis Wufeng know medical skills?!"

"Hey! No matter what I say, I have come here. I have been cured after a long illness! Your Majesty, although your illness is serious, you can still be cured. The antidote is——Xiao Ke'er! Hurry up and send someone to take the antidote." Bar!"

Baili Aofeng was taken aback when he heard the words: This time the matter exceeded his budget, and he and Xiao Ke'er may not see each other for many days.

Do you want to send someone to fetch her?

(End of this chapter)

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