I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1292 Let's set off too!

Chapter 1292 Let's set off too!
Qingyun faction, Xuan Linfeng

A tall and handsome young man flew lightly with his sword, circled above Xuanlin Peak, constantly changing directions, as fast as the wind.

A small somersault cloud flew out, the little fairy carefully observed the boy's flight, and nodded in satisfaction.

With a somersaulting cloud under his feet, he walked around and shouted: "Xiao Hengyuan! Chase Master Zeng quickly! Hurry up!"

Xuan Hengyuan said "Hey!", and quickly flew up on the wind, flying towards the little somersault cloud——

The little somersault cloud fled quickly, one in front and one in the back, flying and chasing, very comfortable.

Xuan Hengyuan laughed heartily, with a hearty and light voice.With a loving smile on his face, the little fairy flew easily, avoiding the young man's pursuit.

The little somersault cloud finally stopped and docked on the hut.

Xuan Hengyuan also stopped out of breath, panting and said: "Master Zeng! You are so fast!"

Xiao Xianweng smiled and replied: "This kind of speed is not at the level of forming an alchemy, how can it be considered fast. Just practice hard, and when you can catch up with me, then you can be regarded as really fast!"

"Wow!" Xuan Hengyuan pretended to be dizzy, and said, "I'm already starting to faint now! If it's faster, my head will probably burst into stars!"

Xiao Xianweng laughed, and explained: "Don't be afraid, when you form the alchemy, your body's adaptability and control ability will naturally match. The matter of cultivating immortals is also a matter of course, so there is no need to worry about these unnecessary things. thing."

He flew forward and put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"In the past month, you have made rapid progress. Master Zeng is really proud of you! The people of our Xuanlin lineage are all absolutely first-class in cultivating good physique! With a good foundation and physique, coupled with your diligence, I believe that in the future In the distant future, you will be able to form alchemy."

Xuan Hengyuan wiped off his sweat and nodded happily: "Thank you Master Zeng! I will work hard!"

He walked into the thatched hut, brought out two glasses of clear water, and handed a cup to the little fairy.

"Master Zeng, please drink water."


Immeasurable Immortal took it with a smile and drank it slowly.The sixth child is very well-behaved since he was a child, and he is calm and sensible when he grows up. He is really similar to his brother.

"Master Zeng, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Haha! I suddenly felt that although you look very much like your mother, you are very similar to your brother in temperament and handling of things."

"Really? I heard that my brother is very similar to Daddy, and even has the same temperament. According to this, my temperament is also like Daddy, right?"

Immortal Wuliang shook his head and explained: "Your father's temperament is too cold, like a piece of ice, except for your mother who is considerate and gentle, he is indifferent to everyone, even if I am his master, Just as indifferent!"

"Your brother is better than your father. Although he is cold, he is gentle and elegant, not as cold as your father. In this regard, you are more like your brother."

Xuan Hengyuan frowned and thought for a while, then murmured: "Is that so! How much did Daddy treat us? I remember Daddy was very gentle to us when we were young!"

Immortal Wuliang smiled and explained: "Although you are his children, you are only slightly better than me. It is impossible to compare with your mother! Haha!"

Xuan Hengyuan smiled heartily, drank the whole glass of water, and said, "We didn't want to surpass mother! Daddy loves mother, so naturally it is the best."

"Haha!" Wuliang Immortal said: "Well said! In fact, even if you want to surpass, it is impossible!"

Xuan Hengyuan also smiled, looking at the vast sea outside the barrier, he couldn't help but think of Fifth Sister.

"Master Zeng, fifth brother-in-law, has he sent letters these days? Fifth sister, is she still used to it in the mortal world?"

From the day he became sensible, he rarely separated from Fifth Sister.

When the Qingyun sect cultivated immortals, although they slept in different rooms, they studied together during the day.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since Fifth Sister escaped from marriage and went to the mortal world, and he always misses her from time to time.

Immeasurable Immortal replied: "No these few days. I said it a few days ago. Your sister likes life in the mortal world very much and adapts well. Don't worry, with your brother-in-law here, he is capable, powerful and rich. She took good care of it."

Xuan Hengyuan grinned lightly and said, "That's good! Master Zeng, I'm going to cook."

"Okay, let's go!"

He stood up and walked into the hut.

After half an hour, he came out, but he couldn't find Xiao Xianweng.

"Great master! Great master!"

At this time, a voice came from inside the hut: "I'm packing my things in the room!"

As soon as Xuan Hengyuan walked in, the little fairy hurriedly took his hand, and said in a hurry: "Lao Liu, you also hurry to clean up, we will set off to the Demon Realm immediately after we are full!"

"The Devil Realm? Are you going to visit the elder sister and elder brother-in-law?" Xuan Hengyuan asked happily.

Immortal Wuliang raised his head and explained with a sad face: "No! Something happened in the Demon Realm! Your father and mother are not here, and they don't know if they can handle it well. I'm really worried, so I think I should go and have a look."

Xuan Hengyuan asked in surprise: "What happened? What happened? How did you know, Master Zeng?"

Immeasurable Immortal smiled wryly, and explained: "An accident happened in the Demon Realm. Ren Xiaoyao was probably afraid that my old man would be worried, so he didn't send the letter. I only found out about it when I received a letter from an old friend in the Immortal Realm just now—the Immortal Realm may suffer again!"

Xuan Hengyuan was taken aback for a moment, turned around and walked away quickly.After a while he came back with a small bundle on his back.

"Master Zeng, let's go."

Immeasurable Immortal asked suspiciously: "You are so fast? Have you eaten yet?"

He hasn't established the foundation yet, and still needs to eat and drink for three meals.It doesn't matter if the old man eats or not, the young man is growing up, but he must not be hungry.

In addition, the Demon Realm is far away from Xuanlin Peak, and with his somersaulting speed, it will take at least two days and two nights.

Xuan Hengyuan replied quickly: "I've already packed it, let's eat it as we go. I also made some cooked food yesterday, and I also brought it with me. I can eat it when I'm hungry on the way, and I don't need to waste time cooking."

"Okay! Let's go then!" Immortal Wuliang couldn't help nodding in satisfaction when he saw that he was doing things calmly and with a certain amount of advance and retreat.

The little fairy created a big somersault cloud, and the two of them flew up, flying up very fast.

Xuan Hengyuan took out the food and handed it to the old man.

"Master Zeng, you said just now that the Immortal Realm might suffer again. What's going on? What happened in the Demon Realm also affected the Immortal Realm?"

The little fairy gave a wry smile, and sighed: "A few years ago in the fairy world, because of the Cangbei forest fire, there were constant tornadoes every day. All the immortals were in distress, and all the places they lived in were destroyed. Even I, a little old man, can only Move to your house."

"The rear of the forbidden area of ​​the demon world is a plateau and icebergs, and further up is the ethereal land of the fairy world. I heard from old friends in the fairy world that a lot of the black smoke from the demon world has spread to the fairy world. Suffered."

Xuan Hengyuan couldn't help sighing while eating the cooked food: "The disasters in this fairy world are really one after another!"

(End of this chapter)

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