I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1304 Uncle 3, I want to ride a flying beast to play

Chapter 1304 Third uncle, I want to ride a flying beast to play
Just as Ren Xiaoyao was about to speak——

Elder Min flew in from the outside and shouted: "Sage! It's not good! Something happened to the demon world!"

The next moment, everyone stood up abruptly, all pale, and rushed forward, surrounding Elder Min.

"what's up?"

"Why did something happen to the demon world?!"

"Say it!"

Elder Min's face was ashen, and he swallowed his saliva to explain: "The devil who protects the princess and Mr. Fei sent a quick letter, saying that for some reason, all the flying beasts and spirit beasts in the demon world became restless overnight, screaming non-stop, and flying wildly. Running around, many monsters were injured."

Ren Xiaoyao grabbed his beard and hurriedly shouted: "Is the princess and son okay? Are they okay?"

Elder Min hurriedly replied: "It should be fine, I heard that the junior demon god protected them and hid them in the demon temple..."

With a sound of "咻——", Ren Xiaoyao's alluring figure has disappeared.

Ming obediently said to Immeasurable Immortal: "I don't know if my darling will be okay? She is still pregnant with a child! This king also hurried over there!"

"Hoo--" There was another sound, and the blue figure also disappeared.

Immeasurable Immortal was dumbfounded and hadn't reacted yet.

Xuan Hengyuan ran out, pulled a burden and flew back.

"Master Zeng! Hurry up! Let's go to the demon world quickly!"

Immeasurable Immortal quickly transformed into a somersaulting cloud, one tall and one short flew up, and the somersaulting cloud flew away at a high speed.

Elder Min hugged his beard, and he was about to fly - soared to a stop.

"No... The demon world is in a mess right now, and many demon heads still need to be transferred. Now that the Holy King is not here, I still have to stay here and watch, at least help him manage some things."

He put his hands together and muttered silently.

"Little Wangfei and Mr. Fei must have nothing to do... absolutely nothing to do..."

demon world, demon temple
In the front hall and in the sky above, demon attendants with weapons were guarding one by one, their eyes were wide open, and they kept looking around vigilantly.

The junior and a group of attendants flew towards the wind, and he dodged into the barrier of the front hall.

As soon as he flew down, a woman with a big belly immediately stepped forward.

Junior was taken aback, quickly supported her shoulders and stomach, and said nervously and softly, "Don't walk too fast, be careful, child."

Xuan San'er checked his whole body anxiously, and asked, "Are you hurt? Are you okay?"

Junior shook his head and explained: "I'm fine, I'm not hurt at all."

At this time, Xuan Yao'er led a cute chubby boy, walked over quickly, and asked nervously: "Sister-in-law, how is it going outside? Don't get hurt! Now the demon world needs you, and the third sister also needs you." !"

Da San nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, my aunt is fine. There is still some chaos outside, and some spirit beasts have been controlled and locked up, so that people can monitor them all the time. However, there are still some flying beasts that cannot be found. , need some more time."

Xuan Yao'er breathed a sigh of relief, frowned and murmured: "It's good that it's okay, how could such a thing happen!"

Chubby squinted his eyes and smiled, his little face was extremely cute.

"Third uncle! I saw a lot of flying beasts flying around yesterday. It looks so lively! Can you give me one, I want to ride on its head, and let it fly with me!"

Xuan Yaoer blamed him and stared at him, and explained in a low voice: "Those flying beasts are very disobedient and won't carry children. When you grow up, you can learn to fly by yourself, drive somersaulting clouds, and go wherever you want."

The flying beasts and spirit beasts in the demon world have problems all the year round, how dare she let her son take risks!If there weren't so many people guarding outside yesterday, and the barrier was strong, the consequences would be unimaginable!
She took the child with her, and her two younger sisters had big bellies. If flying beasts flew in, how could they resist it!

Thinking about it now, she still has lingering fears.

Fat Duner pursed his mouth in disappointment, and muttered, "But... that will take a long time! I still want flying beasts!"

Junior squatted down, smiled and rubbed the top of his hair, and said softly, "Fatty, be good. Once the flying beast is stable and obedient, Third Uncle will take you to ride the flying beast together, okay?"

Chubby's beautiful eyes lit up, and he replied crisply, "Okay! I will be obedient! Third Uncle, you have to keep your word, otherwise your nose will become crooked."

"Haha!" Junior couldn't help laughing, picked him up, lifted him up and threw him a few times.

Fat Duner giggled, and simply rode on his neck, shouting, "Third Uncle! Let's fly now!"

Junior hit him on his chubby short leg, and scolded: "What? How dare you treat Uncle Third as a flying beast?! Be careful that I will bite your little fat leg!"

Fat Duner laughed, hugged his head, and kept shouting: "Fly! Fly!"

The junior saw him happy, tiptoed and flew up in the hall.

Seeing that they were playing like crazy, Xuan Yao'er quickly supported Third Sister and let her sit down.

Seeing her husband and nephew playing together, Xuan San'er couldn't help but smile all over her face, looking forward to the future when the child is born, he will also hug and play like this.

"Big sister, Chubby is so lively and cute! She really looks like a big brother-in-law."

Xuan Yao'er grinned, unable to hide the radiance of happiness, and replied: "The child is obviously very similar to him, but he always refuses to admit it. He opened his eyes and said nonsense that he was like me—because he said that he was not fat at all when he was a child! Hehe... ..."

Xuan San'er narrowed his eyes with a smile, and explained: "Second sister said that Xiao Mo'er is very similar to the second brother-in-law, even the tone of speech is similar. By the way, how about second sister? Is she better?"

Xuan Yao'er replied: "She was lying in it, and she vomited again earlier, and fell asleep faintly. I saw that she didn't wake up, so I couldn't bear to call her to let her sleep for a while."

Xuan San'er smiled wryly and said in a low voice: "I just had it at that time, and I vomited non-stop every day, especially when I woke up in the morning. What should I do... Ha ha! Now that I think about it, I'm still so scared!"

She is a greedy little cat who suddenly stopped eating and kept throwing up—no wonder the junior was so worried!

At this time, a nervous report came from the sky: "Your Excellency the Demon God, Princess, several people are flying towards the Demon God Palace at high speed!"

Junior was taken aback, stopped, and handed Fat Duner back to Xuan Yaoer, just about to fly——

"Cute! Chubby!"

There was a flash of white light, and the colorful robes flew by, and he came to Xuan Yaoer's side in an instant, wrapped his arms around them, and hugged their mother and child into his arms.

"Father! Father is here! Yoho!"

Fat Duner rushed forward, hooked his neck with two fat hands, and his small body kept shaking with joy.

Ren Xiaoyao hugged his son's little butt with his big hands, and smiled happily.

Xuan Yao'er smiled softly, snuggled into his arms, and said, "We're fine. Junior took good care of our mother and son."

Before the third year could step forward, a gust of wind hit him, making him dodge quickly, only to see a smudge of blue drifting closer, Ming obediently jumped down.

He looked left and right, and asked nervously, "Where's mine? Where's mine?"

(End of this chapter)

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