I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1318 Parting Years, 1 See Tears Collapse

Chapter 1318 After ten years of separation, tears collapse at first sight

At this time, several somersaulting clouds approached at an extremely fast speed, barely supporting the fallen bodies of everyone.

"Ah! Master, they are all dizzy!"

After the little apprentice shouted, seeing the son and daughter over there holding their bodies steady, leaning on Xuanguang's support, and flying down slowly, he was finally relieved.

Xuan Wuchen replied: "It's okay, the witchcraft is resolutely withdrawn, and it takes time to regain consciousness. Their exercises are good, and they can wake up in an hour or two."

The big hand took the apprentice's small hand, and flew towards the fifth and sixth child at high speed.

The fifth child and the sixth child originally thought that they would fall to their deaths, but unexpectedly, the familiar Xuan Guang rolled over, gave them time to buffer, and saved themselves.

The two staggered and fell on the grass, hurriedly got up again, staring blankly at the father and mother who flew over at a high speed, their eyes were blurred with tears.

Xuan Keer's eyes were red, and he choked up and shouted: "Daddy...Mother..."

When Yushi was called out by her daughter, tears dripped from her eyes, and she walked quickly, pulling her and Lao Liu into her arms.

I remember that when they left, they were only five years old, and they still needed to be hugged by everyone.After walking away for ten years and seeing each other again, they were already as tall as him, especially the sixth child, who was almost as tall as his father.

Xuan Hengyuan was also very excited, his eyes were red, he leaned tightly on his mother's arm, his handsome face was tense, and he choked up: "Mother..."

Xuan Wuchen looked at his wife and children hugged together, and was deeply moved.

These years in Tianwaitian, the little apprentice would secretly shed tears occasionally when he thought of them.

She said that the older ones have their own families and affairs, and they are already grown up, so there is no need to worry.

It's just that I didn't expect to be away for so many years, and I missed the growth period of the fifth and sixth... It would be great if we could see each other once in a while!

How many times she shouted "Fifth! Sixth!" in her dreams, and he could only hold her in his arms at a loss, and pat her on the back to comfort her.

The production of big explosives is very dangerous, and they cannot be taken away at will, and they are afraid of accidents when they go away, so the master and apprentice can only stay in the sky all the time.

Although insisting that children receive public education, it does not mean that they are willing to be separated from their children for so long.Being away for so many years at once, being a mother and a father is equally uncomfortable and sad.

He walked forward, opened his hands, and hugged the three of them together.

"Don't cry. My father and mother are back, and our family is reunited."

The fifth child raised his tearful eyes, looked at the appearance of his father and mother, wiped his tears and said with a smile: "I have forgotten what you look like... The eldest brother-in-law said that the elder brother is like a father, and the younger brother is like a mother, as long as you look at them The two of you just saw your father and mother."

Yushi couldn't help laughing, patted the sixth child's face lightly, and said with a smile: "You are so similar to your mother, but your face is tougher and your skin is not as white as your mother's, otherwise even your father may be mistaken!"

Xuan Hengyuan sniffed, smiled, and reached out to wipe away the tears from his mother's face.

"Fortunately, it's not exactly like...hehe!"

Xuan Wuchen glared fondly at the little apprentice, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Look at you, what nonsense are you talking about!"

I haven't seen her for ten years, but the sixth child still looks a lot like her.However, Lao Liu's body is tall and straight, his eyebrows are straight, his handsome face is also stiff, and his temperament is more masculine, there are still many differences.Gender alone determines that the sixth child will not be like her too much in the future.

Yushi held his daughter with his left hand and his son with his right hand, chirping excitedly and asking questions, how could he care about his master.

Xuan Ke'er looked worriedly at Baili Aofeng on the somersault cloud, and asked: "Father, mother, brother Feng, are they all right? How long will it take to wake up?"

Xuan Wuchen replied: "It's okay, I will help them clear the phantom in a while, and they will wake up faster."

When Xuan Keer heard this, he quickly grabbed his father's arm and ran towards the crowd.

Yushi and Lao Liu took care of Xuanliangfeng and Wuliang Immortal, while they were busy, they chatted about the trivial matters of life in Qingyun School.

"Daddy! Brother Feng's face is a bit ugly! You save him quickly!"

"Among the crowd, his skills are relatively low, that's why this happened. It doesn't matter. For the father, cast spells for him first."

"Ah?! Dad, according to what you said, if my brother and I were not protected by everyone in the barrier just now, wouldn't we be seriously injured?"

Xuan Wuchen nodded and replied: "You and Lao Liu's skills are considered very low, and you can't bear any witchcraft at all. If there is no barrier to protect you, you may all be seriously injured—or even lose your life."

Xuan Ke'er and Xuan Hengyuan were dumbfounded, and after looking at each other in horror, they were afraid again and again.

Seeing that everyone was restrained just now, they didn't think too much about it, and rushed out all at once, wanting to fight that witch!
If father and mother hadn't arrived in time, they would probably be dead by now.

I just brushed past the god of death...

Really thrilling!
Xuan Wuchen helped Baili Aofeng up, injected a wave of spiritual power into his dantian, and carefully helped him remove the residual witchcraft from his body.

Seeing that the Great Patriarch's complexion was not good, Yushi found out that the old man's pulse was a little weak, and witchcraft waited for an opportunity to invade his heart.

"Fifth, sixth! Help your father and mother protect the law! Hurry up!"

She narrowed her eyes, helped the little fairy up, and quickly channeled his heart and replenished his spiritual power.

The fifth child and the sixth child held sharp swords and stood beside their father and mother, cautious and serious.

After a while, the sixth child stared in surprise and galloped off into the distance!

The fifth child was very nervous. He wanted to fly over, but he didn't dare to walk away.

Both father and mother are saving people now, and they need someone to protect the law. The younger brother left without one person, and she couldn't leave.

The sixth child yelled "Ah!", as if he had been beaten to the ground.

The fifth child was so anxious that he didn't know what to do for a while. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he shouted: "Brother! Hold on! Daddy will come and save you right away!"

As soon as the sound came out, a white light flashed across the air and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, Lao Liu covered his shoulders and walked back in a little embarrassment.

The fifth child was very worried, and quickly stepped forward and asked, "Brother! Are you okay? What did you do? Ah? You were hurt by someone?"

The sixth hissed twice, and replied: "A person was hiding in the corner, and secretly took that soft moon saint away... I chased after him, and the person slapped me, if you hadn't yelled , he ran away immediately, and I must be seriously injured."

The fifth child helped him to sit down distressedly, and guessed: "That person——is most likely Nangong Jinyuan!"

The sixth child replied: "It should be, he took the Holy Maiden Rouyue away."

"Oops! Isn't this letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

"Sister, don't worry. After everyone wakes up, we will discuss with our parents and see what to do."

"Well, that's the only way to do it."

With the help of Xuan Wuchen and Yushi, everyone woke up one after another.We haven't seen each other for many years, everyone is very excited, hugging and talking.

Lao Liu hurriedly told everyone what happened just now——

(End of this chapter)

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