I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1324 Brother Luo, please save me!

Chapter 1324 Brother Luo, please save me!
Xiao Xianweng and Lao Liu looked at each other, and hurriedly dodged over - before they got close, a blood-red giant shadow approached at top speed!

In the next moment, the eyes of the two of them went dark, and they lost their intuition one by one.

The dense forest returned to silence, and there was no sound.

Yushi and Xuan Wuchen galloped ahead, and soon reached the lake area.

Immortal Xuanshang said in a low voice: "The big waterfall is just ahead."

Everyone just fell in love with that woman yesterday, thinking that she might use witchcraft to harm people again, so they became cautious one by one.

After flying forward for a certain distance, a sharp female voice sounded: "Brother Luo! I just want to see you! I have something to say to you alone! Why do you bring so many people with you?"

Everyone stopped one by one and docked firmly in mid-air.

Xuan Wuchen replied in a cold voice: "I have nothing to say to you, but the Immortal is here to kill you and the Qingyun Beast. It's easy to handle."

The surroundings were like dead silence, and suddenly became extremely cold!

Suddenly, a purple woman flashed out from under the big waterfall in front of her, her sash was fluttering, her eyes were blood red, and she glared fiercely at them all.

Then, she knelt down slowly and bowed to Xuan Wuchen.

"Brother Luo, I know I was wrong about the Cangbei Forest incident. I beg you to forgive me, forgive my guilt... I have already been punished. At the beginning, my dantian was almost exhausted and died. No matter how I make up for it later, my dantian I can't always store my spiritual power. Brother Luo, I'm dying... woo woo woo."

She began to cry, mourning one after another.

"Brother Luo, I just wanted to be with you back then, and I didn't have any intention of harming you. We are the only two left in the Wild Continent. You have always been my God, the most important person in my heart, How could I be willing to hurt you?"

"Wuwu...Brother Luo, Rouyue, please! Please forgive me for being confused for a while, and please forgive me for the sake of our past relationship! Please help me! Please help me!"

Xuan Wuchen led the little apprentice, his handsome face was cold and silent, and after listening quietly, he said coldly: "For the sake of our acquaintance, the Shangxian gave you a chance to go to Cangbei Forest personally to persuade you to turn around. But I never expected that you would secretly cast witchcraft on Ben Shangxian."

"Since you said that we are from the wild continent, then I will ask you as the king of the wild. You stole my blood by tricks, secretly cast a blood curse of resurrection on yourself, and sought resurrection for yourself. What crime should you deserve? ?”

"Let me ask you one more thing. You committed the crime below. You murdered my wife, causing her to almost lose an arm. You cast spells on me and tried to mess up my memory. What crime should you do?"

The Holy Maiden of Rouyue was stunned for a moment, and then pleaded with tears in her eyes: "Brother Luo... these are all my faults, I really know I was wrong... Please forgive me... please save me... Woohoo! "

Xuan Wuchen ignored her, and continued: "These are capital crimes in the wild continent. As a saint, you don't use witchcraft to save and help others, but to kill and harm people. The things in the demon world, the wars in the four seas, Cangbei You have participated in everything. Holy Maiden of the Moon, ask yourself, how many people have you killed?"

Rou Yue's face was pale, she didn't dare to look at Xuan Wuchen with her charming eyes, her face slowly lowered.

"I... I know I was wrong... I won't dare in the future."

Xuan Wuchen said coldly: "There is no future, today I will take your life with my own hands."

"No!" The Holy Maiden of Rouyue raised her head and begged with tears streaming down her face: "Brother Luo! Please don't do this! Please forgive me! I think there were so many people in the wild and ancient times, but now there are only you and me left .”

"We were so good when we were young. We read and read together, learned exercises together, and made progress together. Later, I became a saint, and you inherited the throne. I will do my best to help you. We have known each other for so many years. What a rare relationship."

"Brother Luo! Please don't kill me! Please save me! I was really wrong, and I will regret it. Wild witchcraft is so rare. If I die, the ancient gods of the wild will be very sad. What a loss it is to be completely lost in this world..."

Xuan Wuchen snorted coldly with the tip of his nose, and interrupted her: "Witchcraft has been lost for hundreds of thousands of years, and the sun rises and sets, and the wild land is still closed and prosperous, so there has never been any loss! When you were elected as a saint, your predecessor How did the saint tell you that people who inherit witchcraft should not only be pure in body and mind, but also pure in heart all their lives, and they must not be born evil, or they will die badly and be smashed to pieces."

"But not only did you not use witchcraft to save and help others, but you used witchcraft to kill so many people. If the wild ancient god knew about it, he would rather there be no witchcraft in this world. As the king of the wild, I also think the same way."

He glanced at her lightly, and said: "You don't need to say anything, and you don't need to beg me for anything, just finish it yourself, or I will do it myself."

The Holy Maiden of Rouyue stared blankly at him, shocked, angry, wronged, hated, resentful... Suddenly she glared fiercely at the pretty woman he was holding.

"It's all you! It's all you damn woman! If it wasn't for your seductive and seductive brother Luo, he would change his mind about me! Brother Luo, how could he be so ruthless to me! I hate you to death—ah!"

A ray of mysterious light hit her heart, and after she screamed, she spat out a mouthful of blood, gasped and stared at Xuan Wuchen.

Xuan Wuchen scolded coldly: "You are a saint, you should stick to your duty. I have been with you for so many years, and I have never had any strange emotions. You are so disregarding the duty of a saint, what kind of affection are you talking about!"

Suddenly, the Holy Maiden of Rouyue laughed, tears kept falling from her eyes, sad but with deep hatred.

"It was my extravagant hope. I always thought that you would save me for the sake of the past... The spirit card of the Wu clan is in your hands. I beg you so much, but you are still ruthless..."

"Why are you always so ruthless! Back then I was a saint, and I couldn't fall in love, but now that I'm resurrected, I don't have to be a saint anymore! But why can't you accept me! Why! Why! Tell me why ! Ah! Ah!"

"I want you to tell me! Why! Otherwise I will destroy everything! I want everything to be buried for me! Say it! Say it!"

She yelled hysterically, her hair fluttered, her eyes were red, and she shook her head desperately. The surrounding wind blew up and the trees swayed desperately.

Xuan Wuchen's white robe fluttered, and he hugged the little apprentice beside him with his big hands, protecting him gently.

Yushi murmured: "Master, tell her, let her die in peace."

For some reason, seeing her hysterical appearance, I suddenly had an ominous premonition in my heart.

destroy everything? !what does she mean?She has been injured like this by her master, she is about to die, what bad idea can she have...

Xuan Wuchen embraced his apprentice, looked at her coldly, and finally spoke——

(End of this chapter)

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