I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1340 Fanwai - Li Aofeng and Xiao Keer

Chapter 1340 Fanwai - Baili Aofeng and Xiao Keer ([-])

Her face was slightly pale, and she asked: "Is it only eight months? So fast! Can you not give birth so quickly?!"

Baili Aofeng smiled, and covered her small hands with his big hands, sticking them together on her still flat belly.

"As the saying goes, pregnancy in October, the child is two months old now, and will be born in eight months. It's still eight months! I can't wait to see our baby! I think it's too slow Already!"

Xuan Ke'er pursed her mouth in grievance, her little head drooped.

Baili Aofeng saw it and asked, "What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell again? Uncle Shi said that the pregnancy reaction will appear in one or two months. It varies from person to person. Many people vomit and cannot eat. thing."

Rubbing her hair, he explained softly: "However, generally in four or five months, these adverse reactions will disappear, the appetite will increase, and the stomach will become bigger and bigger. Don't worry, it will slowly Get better. During this time, I will take good care of you and stay with you."

The little head shook, and hummed: "When I was born, can you help me hurt?"

Baili Aofeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and replied: "This...how can I help you!"

Xuan Ke'er muttered: "I'm afraid of pain! I've been afraid of pain since I was a child! I heard from my elder sister that when she gave birth to Xiaopang Dun'er, it took three days and three nights of pain before she gave birth. Huh... I haven't thought of it yet. I'm afraid!"

Baili Aofeng rolled his eyes secretly - aunt!Can't you teach something nice?

After three days and three nights of pain, how can I tell Xiao Keer such a horrible thing!
voila!There are still so many months before giving birth, and she is already worried and afraid of pain!
Gently hugged her into her arms, and coaxed her funny: "Don't be afraid, I will accompany you well, eat more and take more walks, you will definitely give birth soon."

After thinking about it, I felt that I should give some good examples to encourage her.

"I heard from my second brother that when your second sister was pregnant with Xiao Mo'er, she would not stop all day long, either planting flowers and fairy grass, or running to play with Kawaii and Moomoo, which made him worry every day. Make people cook tocolytics all day long."

"Unexpectedly, your second elder sister is very healthy, and the baby in her stomach is also very stable. She has never taken a single anti-natal drug. Until the time of delivery, the second elder brother turned pale with fright, but your second elder sister comforted him and said that it was fine, and she would be fine." quickly."

Xuan Ke'er raised her eyebrows suspiciously, and asked, "Really? The second sister really doesn't hurt?"

Having talked about this, Baili Aofeng felt that he still had to tear it down.

"Second brother said that she was very easy, and gave birth to Xiao Mo'er in a short time, so fast that he was shocked! Second brother also said that the second child will probably be faster."

After hearing this, Xuan Ke'er breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's good... I hope I can be like the second sister. By the way, I have to learn from the second sister and grow more flowers and plants! Also, I want to Move around more, go out and play more."

"Okay! I'll listen to you and everything." Baili Aofeng finally felt relieved when she saw that she had regained her spirit.

At this moment, as long as she is happy and in good spirits, he will agree to anything.

Xuan Ke'er sniffed and said with a smile, "I suddenly feel like eating!"

After finishing speaking, she picked up the porridge, picked up the chopsticks, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Baili Aofeng coaxed from the side: "Don't eat too fast, slow down."

At this time, a message flew over.

Baili Aofeng ejected a burst of spiritual power, and Xin flew into his palm.

"This is from the third brother."

"Look at what the third brother-in-law said!"

Baili Aofeng nodded with a smile, opened the message, and after scanning it, he looked at his little wife with fear.

Xuan Ke'er ate with relish, biting the sour plum and babbling.

He secretly made a decision, and explained with a smile: "The third brother said that the third aunt gave birth to a little boy who looked exactly like him. He was very happy! Send us a letter and invite us to go to the Demon Realm to participate in the Hundred Years in three months. Day banquet."

"Really?!" Xuan Ke'er narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said, "I have another little nephew! Awesome! By the way, did father and mother go to the demon world? The third sister said she was afraid, so let mother We must accompany her to give birth."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help reaching out and touching her lower abdomen, with a look of fear on her little face.

Baili Aofeng laughed, took her little hand, and explained: "With your mother, who is an expert in production, everything will be fine."

Xuan Ke'er swallowed her saliva, seeing him quickly put the letter into her sleeve, and asked: "Then the third sister is the same as the second sister, giving birth to a little nephew soon?"

Baili Aofeng replied: "Of course..."

Of course not, I heard from my third brother that I had labor pains for two days and one night, and I didn't give birth until the second night, which made him sweat profusely from anxiety, and almost collapsed...

Xuan Ke'er breathed out, and said with a smile: "That's good! I heard my mother told my third sister not to eat too much and to exercise more, but the third sister said that her belly is too big and she is very tired when she moves."

Baili Aofeng smiled sarcastically, took away the bowl in her hand, and said: "You have eaten a bowl too, so don't eat any more, eat less and eat more, and I will have someone cook it for you later."

"Hmm... alright!" Xuan Ke'er put down the bowl and smiled at him, "Let's go for a walk and eat later."

Baili Aofeng quickly nodded and answered.

Because she had to raise a baby, it was not appropriate to go out and play, so Baili Aofeng took her back to Shangjing the next day.

For the next two months, Xuan Ke'er vomited almost every day, and her appetite was not very good.Until the fifth month, I stopped vomiting and ate and drank a lot every day.

Baili Aofeng didn't dare to let her eat too much, so he took her for a walk every day, planted flowers, and practiced flying with a sword.

Xuan Ke'er looks good, and she has been exercising a lot.

Xuan Guai'er gave birth to a fat boy, and the message sent by Baili Aofeng was hidden by Baili Aofeng, who only told her the good news.

Originally going to the Demon Realm to attend the Hundred Days Banquet, but considering that she had a big belly and it was inconvenient to go out, Baili Aofeng only sent someone to send a congratulatory gift and apologized to explain the situation.

When everyone heard that Xuan Ke'er was pregnant, they all congratulated them one by one.

Later, Ming obediently invited them to attend his son's [-]-day banquet, but Baili Aofeng also apologized and refused, and asked people to prepare a lot of congratulatory gifts, saying that his wife's belly is too big to travel far.

After Yushi and Xuan Shangxian went to the underworld to attend the Baili Banquet, they stayed in the underworld for more than a month before flying to Shangjing.

At that time, Xuan Ke'er's stomach was already very big, and she would give birth in another month.

Seeing mother and father, she was very happy, and took Yushi to visit the palace.

Yushi sees that she is in good spirits, although she has a big belly, but she moves freely, and praises her for exercising a lot, and accompany her to do simple exercises every day.

In the few days before the birth, Baili Aofeng stayed with her except in the morning, until one night, she suddenly cried out in pain-waking up the whole palace.

"You lied to me! You said that as long as you exercise, it won't hurt! Ah——It hurts!"

 Dear friends, it's time for our little fans to make their debut tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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