I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 1353 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener

Chapter 1353 Fanwai - Xuanliangfeng and Xiaofener ([-])

Toner smiled and opened the small box—it turned out to be a few small crystal clear fruits, full of fragrance and full of temptation, and there was a small handkerchief in the corner.

Knowing that it was a gift from brother Liangfeng, she didn't have any doubts, took the small fruit with her little hand, and ate it one by one.

"Wow! So sweet! Beautiful and delicious!"

The mouth is sweet, and the heart is also sweet.

"Brother Waiting Feng is here. I want to ask what kind of fairy fruit this is. It tastes so good after being preserved for so many years! Hehe, ask him for more."

She ate the small fruits one by one, carefully picked up the small handkerchief, put it in her palm, and opened it gently.

This handkerchief is made of precious gold and silk. It is small and square, and there is a line of handsome and phoenix-like handwriting written on it.

She blinked her big eyes, bent her head to see——

"Little Fen'er, brother Liangfeng didn't break his appointment, and came to play with you as soon as he left the Wild Continent. However, Auntie said that you have retreated, and brother is really happy for you. I wish you an early alchemy."

After this line of small characters, there is another line left behind, which may be written separately, and the ink depths of the two lines are obviously different

"Little Fen'er, Brother Liangfeng has carefully considered the proposal that night, and he can only give you a regretful answer. I hope you will practice hard, and when you grow up in the future, you will be my brother's good friend."

At the very end is his flamboyant signature.

Toner's head was blank, and she kept that posture for a long time, motionless, and forgot to even blink her eyes, just staring at the familiar and beautiful handwriting in a daze, silently.


I remember it was a beautiful night, she was sitting on the somersault cloud watching the moon, Aunt Yushi flew over and asked her why she was not sleeping so late.

She whispered her troubles in her heart.

The aunt told her that if you love someone, you have to fight for him, you have to work hard to win his heart, and you can overwhelm him when necessary.

The aunt also told her that she should work hard and become an adult as soon as possible, so that she can be with her beloved brother Liangfeng.

She was very happy after listening to it, and made up her mind to practice hard and try to form a pill as soon as possible.

The next night, she was very sick and drowsy, but she still insisted that Brother Liangfeng accompany her to see the moon.

He refused at first, saying she was running a high fever.

She could only use her trump card, acting coquettishly and shamelessly, until he was so entangled that he had no choice but to fly into the air with her in his arms.

At that time, she nestled in his broad and warm embrace, and prayed to the moon in the sky: "In order to be able to talk to brother Liangfeng, I finally worked hard to make a small human figure. I finally saw him!"

With a crisp voice, she said to him: "I have put you in my heart since I was very young. Brother Liangfeng, after I form the alchemy, I will be your little wife, okay? "

At that time, he was stunned, Jun's face flushed, and he turned his face away in embarrassment.

"Little Fen'er, you're still young, where did you learn such nonsense! Don't talk nonsense!"

She stood up, hugged his face with her chubby little hands, and explained: "I am only small, but I am already big. I knew you when you were in the dragon's egg. My mother said, originally I'm bigger than you, it's just that I need to be in a dragon's egg."

"Actually, when I was in the dragon egg, I heard your voice. I really like your voice, and I also like the feeling of you holding me. Later, when I flew out of the dragon egg, I recognized you right away. ..."

"Brother Liangfeng, although I am a little dragon, my heart is not small, it is bigger than yours. Since I was a child, I like to nest in your arms, fly with your sword, draw talismans with you, and ride with you The fire unicorn goes everywhere."

"As long as I don't see you for a day, my heart is very uncomfortable and stuffy. But the moment I see you, I can be happy immediately. I think I liked you a long time ago, maybe When I was in the dragon egg, I liked it."

He was stunned, staring at her with cold eyes, and didn't say anything for a long time.

She swallowed, and pressed a kiss on his handsome and flawless face, then hugged his neck, hid in his shoulder, too nervous to move.

At that time, Brother Liangfeng stiffened up, and he just let her hug him, not knowing how to react at all.

Later, she leaned on his shoulder and whispered: "I... I'll give you time to think about it. When you think it over, tell me, okay? If you can't give the answer today, then give it tomorrow. If you can't tomorrow, then Let me know when you're done and come to play with me, okay?"

Xuan Liangfeng didn't know how to respond at all, he hugged her small body and kept silent.

Maybe it was because of the high fever, or maybe it was because she was exhausted from being punished for weeding, but she fell asleep somehow...

Unexpectedly, the next day, before she could listen to Brother Liangfeng's answer, he flew to the wild continent.

Later, my father said that my grandfather was not in good health, and the family was going to move from Xuanlin Peak to Deep Sea, and they had to leave immediately.

She cried out in anxiety, and begged Aunt Yushi to send a letter to brother Liangfeng, telling him her whereabouts, and to let him come to her as soon as he left the wilderness, and she was waiting for his reply.

She clearly remembered that she left the Cangbei Manor while crying.

During those years in the deep sea, she practiced diligently every day, never slack off, never stopped when she was sick, and persisted even in rough wind and waves.

In her mind, there was only one thought - she wanted to form a pill as soon as possible, and then go to brother Liangfeng and be his little wife.

She had loved this man deeply since she was a little pink dragon.

For so many years, he was the only motivation to support her to live, to support her progress and progress.

But what did she see today...

It turns out that brother Liangfeng only wants her to be his good friend, not his concubine...

It turned out that he had already decided so many years ago.

No wonder she has already cultivated the alchemy of the human form, but Brother Liangfeng still refuses to get close to her.

Suddenly remembered the embarrassing back of him pushing away his big hand earlier, and leaving in a hurry...

She suddenly felt a great pain in her heart!

She clutched her chest, breathing desperately, but her heart was still in severe pain, like gnawing, which made her unable to hold on any longer, and fell limply to the ground.

The tea tree is still very green, she seems to smell the tea faintly, remembering the bitter taste, and suddenly feels bitter in the center of her mouth...

Suddenly, she felt something ticking on her hand.

When he lowered his head, he saw blood on the back of his hand!

She froze for a moment, and touched her mouth, which was covered in blood!

When did she vomit blood...

She stood up in a daze, hugged the exquisite little box, hugged it tightly in her arms, and walked away step by step...

Under the tea tree, there were spots of blood, which made people feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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