I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 301 Both Master and Disciple Fall Down!

Chapter 301 Both Master and Disciple Fall Down!
Until the end, Xuan Wuchen reluctantly moved his lips away, hugged her limp delicate body in his arms, and smiled picturesquely: "Sweet things, we want to share together. Half of you, half of me."

Yushi came to his senses—it turned out that he bit off half and fed himself the other half.

Sweet in her mouth, sweet in her heart, her face was flushed, lying in a large and comfortable embrace, she couldn't help coquettishly: "Master, when did you... learn so badly!"

However, she really likes this kind of "badness"!
Uh--a sneaky addition, I like it better than the treasured candied fruit in my mouth!
Seeing her rare shy appearance, Xuan Wuchen was in a happy mood, unwilling to let her go.

Slowly leaning over, resting her head on her forehead, eye to eye, nose to nose, the breath of the two lingered, ambiguous and hot.

"Do you know how bad you are when you're drunk? Your badness at that time was thousands of times worse than what you are now as a teacher. As a teacher, you were almost tormented by you..."

The words were soft, but what was thrown was a huge thunder!

Yushi blinked, and then blinked a few more times!

It turned out that when she was drunk, she really did something to Master!
With a blushing face, she smiled and said, "Master, why did I treat you so badly? Tell me quickly!"

Xuan Wuchen's handsome face flushed slightly, his eyes flickered, but he didn't answer.

Yushi kept yelling in her heart that there was something going on!
"Master, could it be... I really... have sex with you after drinking?"

Nima!It can not be! !That... that... that's too exciting!
Xuan Wuchen hurriedly dodged, blushing, and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense!"

This little thing, how dare such a small mouth talk nonsense!Even though he was used to her "shocking" words, this sentence was too...too...too that!
If he hadn't always been calm and composed, and had his usual immunity to her, he might have coughed again!
Yushi blinked his big eyes, grabbed his robe with his small hands, and asked curiously: "Master, is there or not?"

Xuan Wuchen turned his head and gave her a hard look.

"Little Stone!"

Seeing that he was getting angry, Ke Ren'er in his arms shrank his neck, whimpered and tugged at his collar to play.

"Master... just don't ask me."

After Xuan Wuchen heard this, his face softened, seeing the timidity in her eyes, his heart softened.He didn't want to take care of the messy collar and let her play with it.

But Ren'er pursed her lips and muttered: "I didn't succeed this time, I will work harder next time... Anyway, I will succeed sooner or later..." She never slackened in throwing down Master's thoughts.

Not yesterday, not today, isn’t there a tomorrow?
Xuan Wuchen's handsome face, which had finally calmed down, turned red again when she said this.All kinds of incidents of that night suddenly flashed through his mind, and his whole body stiffened abruptly.

But Ren'er was lying softly on him, and he felt it immediately.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Xuan Wuchen looked away, and said: "...it's nothing."

After a pause, he changed the topic and said, "Your master is acting weird these days, and always likes to go to the world. If he says something strange, don't take it seriously."

Yushi nodded obediently.

The sky darkened, and the two people inside the barrier immediately noticed it, and walked out hand in hand.

Mingguaiguai had just settled down Momoo Niu and Kawaii, and when she saw them coming out, she secretly stared at Xuan Wuchen in surprise, looked and looked, looked and looked again.

Yushi leaned over, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Ghost honey, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Ming obediently rolled his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Xuan Shangxian, didn't you drink your bowl of poison?"

"What kind of poison! The ghost's mouth can't spit out ivory! It's a decoction that moistens the throat and lungs."

"Who said ghost mouth can spit out ivory—it couldn't be. Are you sure that the soup can moisten the throat and lungs, instead of hurting the liver and lungs? Xuan Shangxian really drank it?"

Yushi nodded heavily.

Ming obediently was dumbfounded, and then immediately wept.

"If I had known earlier, this king would not have helped you... If Xuanshangxian really had something to do, this king would have committed a serious crime..."

The little fist approached, and someone snorted coldly: "You damn ghost! You really can't spit out ivory! If you talk nonsense, I will beat you like a dog!"

Ming obediently turned his head and muttered: "Drink your bowl of black burnt poison, even if nothing happens, something will happen!"

One person and one ghost, with big eyes and small eyes, secretly cursing and competing secretly.

Suddenly, Xuan Wuchen's tall and straight body moved slightly, covered his heart, and leaned forward——

One person and one ghost are terrified!

Yushi turned pale with fright and shouted in horror, "Master! Master!"

Ming obediently teleported over, hurriedly supported Xuan Wuchen, and asked anxiously: "Xuan Shangxian, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Yushi was running wildly, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in her chest, and her dantian was also in pain desperately. The severe pain hit her, and she almost fainted from the pain!


She covered her heart and rolled on the ground!

"Xuanshi! Xuanshi!" Ming obediently turned pale with fright.I want to run over, but I still hold one in my hand, with an anxious face-oh my god!what happened!
Scared to death!

Xuan Wuchen stabilized his figure, turned his head and caught a glimpse of the little apprentice rolling on the ground, Leng Jun's face turned pale instantly!

"Little Shier..."

He frowned, staggered and rushed over, hugging the lovely person on the ground with his big hands.Suddenly, there was another sharp pain in his dantian, his eyes were closed, and cold sweat dripped on his forehead.

Mingguaiguai also rushed over in a hurry, and asked anxiously: "Xuan Shangxian, Xuan Shi, what's wrong with you? Why are you like this all of a sudden?!"

Xuan Wuchen didn't care about himself, and couldn't care about answering, he hurriedly got the pulse of Ke Rener in his arms.

As soon as he got on, his narrowed eyes were filled with surprise, and he murmured: "Xiao Shi'er's symptoms... are exactly the same as the current Shangxian... It's just that her skill is a little lower, she couldn't stand it all of a sudden, and passed out."

Ming obediently panicked and asked: "Xuan Shangxian, you?! Did something happen to you Xuanlin Peak? Your skills are the same and come from the same line. Was it caused by people from Xuanlin's lineage?"

Xuan Wuchen was sweating coldly, and replied in a low voice: "It is very likely."

Ming obediently stretched out his hand to hug the jade, but Xuan Wuchen blocked it with his big hand——

"Shangxian, you are suffering so much now, I will leave the Xuanshi to Xiaowang."

Xuan Wuchen shook his head slowly, his attitude unquestionable.

"Little Shi'er is still being taken care of by the Immortal Ben himself... otherwise don't worry. Mr. Ming, I trouble you to find traces of Immeasurable Immortal. I don't know if he has the same symptoms, please bring him back."

Mingguaiguai was not very relieved, and said anxiously: "Xuan Shangxian, you and Xuanshi are suffering so much now, and are in danger, how can Xiao Wang abandon you and ignore you!"

Xuan Wuchen frowned, his face was pale, he shook his head firmly, and said coldly, "Go."

Ming guaiguai was at a loss, but there was nothing he could do, he could only yell to take care, and left in a hurry.

The handsome man looked up at the increasingly dark sky, while adjusting the chaotic aura in his dantian, he adjusted for the person in his arms.

After a while, a white light flashed on the top of the mountain, and Ming obediently went down to the ground, flicking his loose sleeves.

Immortal Immeasurable was unconscious, and beside him - there was a person lying down!

(End of this chapter)

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