I am the best spirit stone

Chapter 310 Their relationship is still the same!

Chapter 310 Their relationship is still the same!
Autumn is crisp, blue sky and white clouds.

In the clear blue sky, a long team flew.

Little somersaulting Yunfei was at the forefront, Xiao Xianweng squinted his eyes and couldn't help looking into the distance.

There were giggling and exquisite laughter from behind, brimming with joy.Hearing the laughter of the good disciple and grandson, he couldn't help laughing lovingly.

Immeasurable Immortal let out a soothing breath, his heart was warm.

Originally, he thought that if his good disciple and grandson were taken away by disciple Wuchen, the two of them would definitely blame him and even resent him.While regretting and thinking about Master Wufeng, he was also thinking about the two juniors, his heart was in a mess.

Unexpectedly, the obedient grandson came back with disciple Wuchen—and he was still smiling and happy as usual!
He was surprised in his heart, but dared not speak.Looking at their intimate appearance, he was still in a state of confusion, but he was also secretly glad that his words didn't hurt them...

This is, the good disciple and grandson happily shouted: "Great Great Patriarch!"

Seeing the bright smile on her delicate little face, he couldn't help laughing too, with tears in his old eyes, he nodded in response, "Good...".

A pair of small hands reached out and grabbed his sleeves.

"Great Great Master, no matter what, you are my Great Great Master, great Great Great Master!"

Immeasurable Immortal immediately burst into tears, stretched out his hands and squeezed those little hands tightly.

With tears in his eyes, he saw disciple Wuchen nodding slightly to him, and his heart, which was hanging in the air, finally felt at ease.

Later, the obedient disciple told him about Master Wufeng.After he finished listening, he was speechless for a long time, and finally he hesitated and said "... yes".

Hearing the cheerful laughter coming from behind, Immortal Immeasurable didn't turn his head, because he knew that at this time, the corners of his Wuchen's disciples must also be smiling with joy.

The immeasurable immortal whispered in his heart: "Ah... just like what the junior said, they were already kissing... why should I bother..."

At this time, a big broom flew up.

Junior asked in a slow and dull voice: "Master, are you calling me?"

Immeasurable Immortal glanced at him and replied, "No."

Junior scratched his little head, turned his head and asked curiously: "Master, where are we going?"

"The demon world."

"Ah? Go to the demon world to fight demons?"


"Then what are you going to do? Catching demons?"


"Could it be killing a demon?"

"No! Junior, can't you be smart for a while?! The whole demon world is full of demons, how many can you beat, how many can you catch, how many can you kill! You really can't be any more stupid, you can't, really I can't! Huh..."

"Oh... Master, don't cry yet. You haven't answered me yet, why are we going to the demon world?"

Immeasurable Immortal wiped his tears and replied with a hum: "Of course I want to win the treasure!"

"Oh." Junior replied blankly.Then, with a long sigh, he muttered: "It seems that I only have to sweep the floor again."

Xiao Xianweng rolled his eyes and snorted, "Apart from this, can you know anything else?"

The junior tried hard to think about it, and after thinking about it, he pursed his lips and said, "I can't."

Xiao Xianweng nodded——suddenly remembered something, he hesitated to speak.Looking at the dazed little face of junior, after thinking carefully for a long while, he finally decided not to speak.

"Some things, it's better not to say it. Such a junior, dull, but also happy. To conceal him, it might be a good thing for him..."

Behind the little somersaulting cloud and the big broom, the big black cow is soaring, with several big wild flowers in its mouth, eating happily.Kawaii lay lazily on it, mouth opening and closing to eat jelly, comfortable and leisurely.

The handsome and flawless man stood on the somersault cloud with his hands behind his back, his snow-white robe fluttering, and he was peerless.Beside him, there was a stunningly beautiful girl with a delicate little face full of smiles.

"Master, we have now found three pieces of ancient materials, and they are still different—the condensed water beads from the fairy world you mentioned, and the wooden pillars from the demon world."

Xuan Wuchen nodded lightly, and replied: "That's right, I have discussed it with your master ancestor, first go to the demon world to find Mu Tianzhu."

The little head on the arm raised: "Okay! Master, I haven't been to the demon world yet! I don't know what the demon world looks like? Will it be as beautiful as the demon world?"

The handsome man petted and chuckled lightly, and said: "You will know when you go."

Yushi was dissatisfied and pouted, and muttered: "Master, don't bring such an appetizing..."

Xuan Wuchen stretched out his hand, hugged her into his arms, and said softly: "It's a bit indescribable. However, I guess you will like it there."

"Really?" Big eyes blinked.

Xuan Wuchen nodded firmly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Yushi giggled, and whispered: "As long as it's not as gloomy as the underworld and doesn't grow any hair, I can barely accept it. I'm an easy-to-satisfy person..."

At this time, a gloomy and ethereal voice interjected: "As in the underworld, this king is quite satisfied. According to your best friend, this king is definitely the most satisfying ghost."


Yushi huh, huh, hid in the arms of the master.The voice was muffled: "Only you, the king of ghosts, can be satisfied with such a ghost place!"

There is not even a ray of sunlight, and the ground is barren!She also cooks a feast of spiders and centipedes all day long, and her whole heart is always fuzzy!

The next moment, the sound of gnashing of teeth came.

The pretty man in the handsome man's arms slid and slid, hid and hid, shouting: "Master, let's retreat!"

The corners of Xuan Wuchen's mouth turned up slightly, a big hand wrapped around her back, the mysterious light flashed, and flew to the front.

Mingguaiguai's originally cold and handsome face was stunned, stunned, and finally smiled helplessly.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Shangxian, who has always been cold and calm, would be naughty and playful with his best friend!If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that a person would be changed to this point because of another person...

In fact, as early as when he knew Xuanshi, he discovered that their master-student relationship was completely different from all the master-students in the world.At that time, he wondered, how could someone dote on his apprentice like this, and that person is the most famous icy-cold, pure, arrogant, mysterious and dustless immortal in the Six Realms!

But now that I think about it, I only blame my poor eyesight at that time, so I couldn't see their other relationship.

In fact, they are still like that...

Seeing the flickering lights and shadows in front of him, Ming obediently sent a voice transmission: "Xuan Shangxian, Xiao Wang has sent a letter to the demon god Morocco, saying that we will soon go to the demon world."

Xuan Wuchen in the front echoed while playing with his apprentice, "Okay. It's always safer to say hello."

Ming obediently nodded in agreement: "Yeah."

At this time, there was a shout from the immeasurable immortal in front: "The demon world is ahead!"

Everyone flew forward one by one, only to see light clouds and mist in front of them, strange mountains and strange trees, random lights and shadows, and all kinds of animals flying in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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